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Day/night clock

I work graveyard 12 hr shifts.From 7am to 7pm. So all my food entries and exercit goes on 2 different days. Is there a way we can edit or change our own times for each of are days?
1 votes

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  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 909 MFP Staff
    Thank you for the great suggestion involving adding the ability to specify the start and end times of your diary (ex. graveyard shifts). We will definitely consider it for a future update!
  • Dr_Axe
    Dr_Axe Posts: 29 Member
    edited October 2023
    I work nights too. I just renamed my breakfast to 10pm. My lunch to 4AM. And dinner to 9AM. And I just remember to select tomorrows date. Before entering the first meal/exercise each day.