Weight Tracking Experiment

So, my weight loss has been pretty steady and pretty solid, until the last few weeks or so. It has not really tapered as much as it has been bouncing around a bit erratically. I had been tricking myself a little by weighing for several days around my "weigh-in" day, and then just taking the lowest number. Well apparently that trick isn't working as well anymore. So, in an effort to hold myself more accountable and get more accurate numbers I am trying a weigh-in experiment.

I set up a spreadsheet to track my rolling average weight in the month of September. It will take a 3 day rolling average and I will mark my weekly average every Sunday. This method required daily weigh-ins, which drives some people crazy, but it a guilty pleasure of mine. The end of week one will also give me a new "starting weight" - whether I've gained or lost, I'm picking a new starting number and tracking my trend from there.

So does anybody else track their weight like this? Is anybody else interested? If so, I have a Google Docs Spreadsheet with the equations set up. (Though it was not at all hard to set up if you wanted to do it on your own)