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knlandon89 Posts: 1 Member
I think it would be awesome to have the nutrients list also include "added sugar". Or some way to distinguish added sugar vs sugar that is naturally found in the whole foods i am eating. That way i could keep track of how much added sugar i am consuming like what gets put in a yogurt or a milk alternative vs when i just eat an apple.
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  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 909 MFP Staff
    We will definitely look into the possibility of distinguishing between sugars for a future update!

    For now, one workaround is to create a new meal category such as "fruits and vegetables" to log items containing natural sugars. When the food diary is viewed on our full website, or via our iPad app, nutrients are sub-totaled on a per-meal basis, making it possible to see your total natural sugar intake by logging the relevant items in a single meal.