Looking for support and accountability buddies! 5'2.5" CW 185 | GW: 140

Hi, Everyone - I am a single female looking for support and accountability buddies.

I'm taking Mounjaro and it has helped me go from the 220s to where I am at now -- between 181-185 on any given day but I've been stalled for several weeks now it seems. I'm also going through egg freezing so have been told I'm retaining a lot of water so to just focus on the fact that I'm trending downwards slowly but steadily since starting this journey 10 months ago.

Right now, I'm focused on nourishing my body with good nutrition but fewer carbs and calories and getting in some walking (I'm not allowed to do intense aerobic exercise or heavy weights while going through the stimulation phase of the egg freezing/retrieval cycle).

I've come a long way since my highest weight (328 lbs) and know I should be happy with my improved appearance and how much healthier I feel but I am still not happy with the way that I look so it's making motivation more difficult. I'm not sure if I will be content once I get to the 160s or if I will want to keep going til I reach 140. Right now I see a lot of fat rolls (particularly around the bra line) and very thick thighs and upper arms.

It was much easier for me to create caloric deficits when I was in the 300s and 200s than now. So if anyone has tips about that, I'd love to hear them! I feel like my lifestyle has completely changed from where I was at in the 300s but it's harder to develop even more healthy habits and caloric deficits at this weight. I'm starting to wonder if, at this point, it's really just about moving, moving, moving, and less about how much I'm eating (1200-1800 calories on any given day). Maintaining where I'm at has not been as hard for me.