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Previous waist measurements

Hi there. Thank you to the team for an awesome app.

I think it would be beneficial to the community to add the ability to add previous waist measurements, similar to what we currently have for weight measurements. As it is, it's only possible to add waist measurements for that day.

Its always very motivating to be able to see progress laid out on the graph. Adding this would help greatly with measuring fat loss.

2 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,974 Member
    I agree that the UI is bizarre: when entering weigh-ins you can select others days, but not for measurements? Seems like an easy fix

    In the meantime, you can add measurements for previous days via the desktop website (or even in your mobile browser):

  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 909 MFP Staff
    Thank you for pointing this out! I agree, that would be a great addition. I have passed this along to the appropriate team to consider for a future update.