New User

Hello. My name is Robb. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I signed up for My Fitness Pal so that I could learn more about how to eat properly but to also help my wife in understanding how to cook for me. She has done a lot of research but is struggling with the right kinds of foods to use. Flours? Sugars? Maple Syrups? Fruit? Veggies? It's all become very overwhelming for her. So if anyone has suggestions........I'm all for it.


  • gains4lif3
    gains4lif3 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Robb, nice to meet you! I believe there are some groups here for Diabetics. My dad has had type II diabetes since I was born. Much of it will involve making meals that are low in sugar. There are a few recipes in the app labeled Low Sugar so these may be worth looking into. Too much sugar can cause insulin spikes, so watch out for that.

    Ideally, reach out to your doctor or a nutritionist specialized in diabetic diet plans. Your insurance may cover it and if not, it may be worth it to invest in your health long term :)

    Either way, welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me if you’d like a friend to help motivate you and keep on track for fitness goals!