
Has anyone tried the walk-to-run app Joggo? I just downloaded it today and did the first walk. It says if I keep it up I can lose 33 pounds in 3 months. Seems like a lot to me. I have lost 73 pounds with Wegovy and I’m just now starting to exercise.


  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,730 Member
    edited September 2023
    I would be very skeptical of those numbers. Weight loss mostly takes place in the kitchen. It depends entirely on how many calories you consume versus how many calories you burn. Walking and running does burn calories, but you need to do a lot of miles to burn very many calories. How many calories depends on how much you weigh as well, so someone who weighs more would burn more calories, but burning 2.5 pounds a week would take a lot of running, for anyone.

    I run 30 miles a week and walk another 20. I burn on average about 500+ calories a day with exercise, so if I were eating at maintenance level I could lose a pound a week. Instead, I eat more to fuel my exercise so don't lose anything, which is actually my goal ATM. Many people find themselves gaining weight when they increase their exercise because cardio can make you very hungry.

    That said, exercise is very good for your overall health, both physical and mental. Keep it up. Just don't expect weight loss miracles.