Calorie deficit and mental stress

Can we talk about this more?

Doctors seem to really disregard it. I dieted for 4 months non stop for medical reasons and my mental health tanked. Sex drive flat as hell too. I mean, that can’t be good long term? I’m guessing it’s hormones. Don’t get me wrong I’m glad I did it but I really felt pressure every time he weighed me…..I’m absolutely relieved now that I can stop! I feel free!

Any way. I’ve learned that I need to go slow and take maintenance breaks, especially in the second half of my cycle. The disastrous effect on my mental health is not worth it. I’d still have lost the weight just at a slower pace. Any doctors reading this please take heed, we know you’re trying to help but please be patient, your judgement, no matter how nice you are, can be really intimidating.

Anyone losing weight ,you can do this! Just remember it’s not a linear path. Be gentle with yourself x


  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 572 Member
    For me moderation is key and eating treats occasionally. Not saying no to the homemade dessert when everyone else is eating it. Going out to dinner and not always ordering a salad.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    My immediate thoughts are with too big a deficit or not enough nutrients (macro or micro) dieting can cause serious stress on the body. I think no matter what it will cause a small amount of stress as you are eating less that you need to maintain your weigh, but in more extreme deficits that would be compounded. Things like sufficient fat consumption to not only allow for the absorption of fat soluble vitamins but also to provide the fat needs for the body to produce needed hormones is often overlooked in simply focusing on cutting the most calories. That can cause havoc in the body over time.
  • rachelpetra89
    rachelpetra89 Posts: 23 Member
    Maybe I was low in fat? I was careful to measure it. I was mostly trying to get protein in. Something ill bear in mind now as I still am very protein focused. Anyway, done now! Thanks for all advice 🙏
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Maybe I was low in fat? I was careful to measure it. I was mostly trying to get protein in. Something ill bear in mind now as I still am very protein focused. Anyway, done now! Thanks for all advice 🙏

    I know my experience is I can get so focused on one thing, say getting my protein in, that I can forget that other nutrients are important as well.
  • rachelpetra89
    rachelpetra89 Posts: 23 Member
    Yes I get very hyper focused haha. I need enough protein as I lift but not to the detriment of other nutrients as you say. Anyway, I’m looking forward to eating more “normally” now😊