100 + to lose, why can't I take the first step?



  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Just start with logging. Dont worry about staying under calories, just log to see where you are at for a week. Then the next week, take another small step in the right direction. You will get there

    I agree with this. Just start logging all your food here in MFP. Then you'll have a baseline to refer to.

    Remember you don't have to go all or nothing. If you have a lot of weight to lose, small changes can make a big difference. You don't have to start eating salad for every meal or do anything drastic. Throw out your idea of a traditional diet.

    Pick one small thing you know you CAN change. It could just be taking what you normally eat and cutting it down by 1/4 or a focus on eating a healthy breakfast. A good one is to start to cut down on liquid calories because they generally don't have a huge effect on satiety.

    The idea is to pick one small thing that you are about 90% confident you can change. Get a calendar and mark off every day you follow through. Small slow achievable steps

    Remember if you stuff up one meal/one day, the key is to get straight back on track ASAP.

    ^^^^ This - a 100%

    Sit down and make a list of all the things you think you need to change in your life to make it a healthier lifestyle. food, exercise, lifestyle e.g. sleeping, less computer / TV (Lots of good suggestions to go on your list in this thread so far)

    Pick ONE little thing that you are 90% confident you can change - only one - and do that for 2 weeks - and then add the next ... and the next....

    I am doing a programme at the moment and this is what we have been tasked with so far:

    Habit One - First two weeks - drink a Probiotic and Fish Oil every day
    Habit Two - Next two weeks - Habit one + Eat Slowly
    Habit Three - Next two weeks - Habit one + two + eat to 80% full
    Habit four - This week - Habit one + habit two + habit 3 + Eat protein with every meal

    Oh - and start MOVING - even if it is taking the family for a 15 minute walk around the block - getting into a habit of moving every day is a really good thing - again - start realistic - and then ad another 5 minutes every few weeks.

    You CAN do this - understand your WHY - having a strong enough WHY did it for me in the end after 25 years of procrastination :-)

    So start with the thinking - write these things down (this is really important, seeing it black on white makes it more real) - and then make a plan to do them
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    That's one of the worst feelings in the world...wanting to lose the weight so badly but just not being able to get started. You must have those days where you wake up ready to go, though? Even if the feeling fades by lunchtime, you can work with it. Tell yourself that once you start, there is no quitting. You have solid reasons for wanting to get healthy, so those are going to be your go-to sources of drive to keep going. The motivation will come and go, so there's no point in relying on that to get you through this. When there's no other option, there's no other option -- motivated or not. You know?

    Wake up in the morning, weigh yourself, and start logging. Don't expect perfection from yourself. Don't restrict yourself too much. And don't push yourself to the point where you'd rather give up. If you have a bad day, strive to have a few extra-good days (But plan some "bad" days once in a while. They keep you sane.) Once you spend some time on MFP, you'll realize it's a lot more doable than you believe it to be.

    I agree with mini goals. Break it up into 10-pound goals on your profile, and give yourself a ✓ whenever you reach one.

    ETA: You're going to have to get the family on board with this, but the junk's going to have to go from the house. Having your biggest temptation a few feet away can be way too overwhelming, especially in the beginning. I'm not sure what those foods are for you, but for me, I wouldn't dream of having a bag of cookies in the kitchen cupboard. They'd be gone that night, without a doubt.

    Good luck. :)
  • andreagenther
    andreagenther Posts: 67 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I'm sure you can do this.

    I too have struggled with emotional eating, all of my life. One thing that has helped me has to change the way I think about food. I have to think about it as fuel for my body. I only have one body. I am not the only one to rely on my body not getting sick or injured. My family needs me. Besides, I too am SICK of being fat.

    I have to not only change my habits but change my coping mechanisms since I can't/shouldn't eat my self happy. It is not easy to find new ways that get me over depression, anger, loss, frustration, etc., etc, but that is the only way to make this a life change not just the latest yo-yo diet. This is not a diet. This is about learning healthy and productive ways to deal with life.

    Sometimes I try to treat myself as I would treat my kids or other family members, it's my little trick. That includes good food, plenty of sleep, and giving myself a break for being human. It is not easy to always do the right thing for myself but it gets easier as I practice. When I take care of myself well, I feel great and I can take better care of my family and husband.

    As I wrote earlier, you can do this. No one CAN do this for you. Do the best you can and forgive yourself for being human.
  • mncodergal
    mncodergal Posts: 58 Member
    I, too, have had a very difficult time getting started.. again. I want to lose >100 lbs and just wasn't motivated to do anything. What really woke me up was when my right ankle puffed up like a puffer fish. I was stunned but then realized it was my body's way of telling me I need to wake up and start eating right/exercise before worse things happened. I was on hypertension meds (2) and luckily am not a diabetic but was getting very close to being one.
    I started out very slowly by adding more greens, and substituting beans or tofu for my eggs & bacon breakfasts. I felt fuller and didn't become bloated. I also started walking. Again. (used to be very athletic but food got in the way along with some emotional issues.)
    I was always in so much pain when I walked and was about to give up when my marathon-running daughter told me to look into men's crosstrainers. Hello! I now am pain free when I walk (and afterward) and actually look forward to getting outdoors.

    Long winded just to say.. start very slowly but you have to start! Anywhere. Anyhow.
    Walk around the parking lot or to the corner & back, add more fruits & veggies to your diet. No need to do it all in one day. I'm a work in progress and take my lumps and get right back up.

    You can do it!
  • lvl15techninja
    lvl15techninja Posts: 6 Member
    My suggestion is to not have a goal to lose 100+ pounds. Lose 2 lbs. Then lose 5 lbs. Then lose 10 lbs. Get yourself addicted to meeting your goals. Reward yourself (but not with food) for each time you reach your goal.
  • Xanya
    Xanya Posts: 5 Member
    I've been reading a motivational book (I would recommend it, but it's in French, sorry!) but I got a few things for you, it might help you motivate to start off. - Ok, let me tell you right now, I'm about to write a whole novel :tongue:

    We have to start by losing weight in your mind before you lose on your body. :smile: Personally, I have 80+ lbs to lose and I understand where you're coming from. - The thing with losing weight without playing yo-yo, is that you have to change your eating habits... and this, forever. But it isn't THAT hard.

    So, in average, for a man, the calorie intake to ''maintain'' your weight is 2350 calories per day, (If you work at an office and is about 30 yo to 50 yo, this should be your number...) Start off little, example, cut about 150 calories from every meal you take, and do an extra exercise per day (the time you want) to lose about 100-200 calories. When you're under your daily calorie intake, you're sure to lose weight :).

    1. Alright, so first off, like I said, you need to lose your weight in your head before your losing on your body.
    - What are your reasons that you ''gained'' weight? What are the reasons that keep you from losing weight? - You must come in terms with yourself that you, only you, are responsible for your weight gain. This... will mean that you, only you, can do something about it.
    This may sound weird, but write down every reason mentioned above on paper, and destroy these reasons... find the solution, the aggressively rip the paper apart and throw it in the garbage. This will help your mind get rid of these ''fake'' reasons and excuses.

    2. Find your "motivational boost". - Are you ''sick and tired'' of being overweight? What gets on your nerves about being overweight? - Do you experience any physical discomfort? - Use these as a kick off.... they will help you achieve your goal.
    Honestly, I couldn't even climb up the stairs for two floors straight without being out of breath... I couldn't look at myself on pictures and I was avoiding mirrors... and one day, I said ''enough is enough. I'm f******* sick of being fat! . That's when I started.
    The negative points will always boost more motivation than positive... in my honest opinion. So now you can start by writing down all your ''points''.

    3. Find your positive boosts now. - Like: My kids will be proud of me, if you have kids. Or, I'll have a better health.
    Write all these down too. Even better, make little postcards, and stick them on your walls at home.
    I stuck these words on my fridge, every time I am about to open the fridge for a snack, I see ''A dream is something you need to work hard for, not something that will happen out of nowhere'' :smile:

    4. Find yourself a model (that have lost weight and kept it off for years). Or..a partner that will have similar goals to you. This will help you motivate yourself when needed.

    5. Like someone said previously, log EVERYTHING you eat AND DRINK. I used to take 3 extra large coffees (triple cream triple sugar) from Tim Horton's, every day. They're 400 calories each.... So it's very important that you log everything and don't forget about the liquid calories.

    6. You might feel hungry in the first 2-4 weeks, but if you do, find yourself some foods that will stop your hunger, like celeri stalks. When I'm hungry, I take a Mott's Garden Cocktail and a celeri stalk. There's also this ''false'' hunger during the evening... don't be fooled by it.
    But, if you still always feel hungry, feel free to see a health professional that can see with you your calorie intake and what can help you.

    And, keep in mind that ''You will NEVER regret the changes you make to your life. This, I can assure you."

    Okay, sorry for the long post! Hope these motivational quick tips can help you as well as they helped me. I have 3 lbs off only, but I feel changes already, and I feel so proud of myself, it's incredible. Believe me, you will feel the same.


    Oh and, if you need motivation boosts, feel free to friend me and contact me. I guess I can be good at kicking some butts some times hehe.
  • JourneyTo75
    JourneyTo75 Posts: 6 Member
    I think a visit to your doctor for a check up and blood tests to see where your health is at might be what might give you a jolt. Ask him what could happen if you keep going on as you are, it might be just what you need to reverse the weight gain and get your life back on track.

    Good luck and good health.
  • JourneyTo75
    JourneyTo75 Posts: 6 Member
    PS: I was 50 and nearly died from blood clots because of my unhealthy lifestyle. Do not let it get there, I was 24 hours away from dying.
  • chantell7
    chantell7 Posts: 167 Member
    Don't focus on how much you've got to lose just start by breaking it up in 5-10 kg blocks :)) you can you this ! But only you can make it happen :))) life is going to pass by anyway so you might as well use that time being the person you want to be !!
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    I agree with what the others are saying. Start small. Make one change at a time- otherwise you will be overwhelmed. Be sure to celebrate your victories- reward yourself for the accomplishments you make. Before you know it, you will be on your way to a healthier you! It helps me to think of it as getting healthier and not as a diet...
  • 26Nirak
    26Nirak Posts: 147 Member
    Just the poundage lost in these replies is a motivator!! Hats off to all of you Biggest Losers who replied! WOW!!!!

    Think about it this way: 1 year from now you will probably still be here (as in, on Earth). You can be on your way to healthier, fitter, feeling better about yourself by then, or you can still beat yourself up, be unhealthier and less able to do the things you want to do. Either way, the year will pass. But you make the choice how you will look and feel when it does.

    Good luck - and other things you will need. It's not an easy battle. But one worth fighting.

  • jcx13
    jcx13 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you everybody, the response was overwhelming to this post. I have to admit that I posted it last week and then logged off of the forums, scared. I'm back on today and had the courage to read each of your posts. The inspiration I've gotten here as well as another post is amazing. 2 weeks ago I felt very hopeless. This morning I felt somewhat hopeless, this afternoon I feel like I may have a chance at making this work. If other people could lose like this, why can't I?
    Thank you so so so much for this hope. It's an amazing gift!
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    Baby steps, baby steps, baby steps.
    You started your first step; you joined this.

    Second step, log everything you eat.
    BE HONEST. Don't skip anything. Eat what you normally would- just now keep track.

    Step three; go for 1 walk a day. Could be a half hour, could be five minutes. Doesn't matter.
    You don't have to start to lose a ton of weight immediately.
    But you DO have to start being completely self aware.
    Become aware, and you'll change bit by bit.
    I'm sure of it.

    This this this this this and a thousand times THIS!

    Trust me, when you see how many calories you're eating you will be motivated to cut back. Plus, you'll have the advantage of knowing exactly what your numbers are without having to ask "how much should i be eating???". It will only take a 15% reduction on your current number to start seeing good losses. If you're eating 3000 calories a day, that's only 450 to drop. Start walking for half an hour and that's some of your calories right there.

    You can't start because you're scared it will be hard to go without. But you don't have to give up what you love!
  • miatavixxen
    Some very wonderful advice here - here are a few of my tips:

    Find a "buddy" to help you stay accountable

    Better yet, find a "workout" buddy - whether you go to the gym or take a class together or you do personal fitness programs at home but do it knowing someone else is doing it too, helps

    Set a goal with a specific reason/motivation at the end. Reunion, vacation, whatever...

    Do not berate yourself for one stumble. You get back up, brush yourself off, breathe and go from there.

    If you DO, stumble, don't give up for the day and just go crazy. See it as an opportunity to be stronger than you thought you could be.

    Don't compare your results to other people. What one person does, affects their body differently than yours. Fact of life.

    Be stronger than your self doubt!

    You CAN DO THIS!
