I am not deprived - I am liberated :)



  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Wait...2% ISN'T skim milk? American milks confuse me...

    I think that's how it goes?

    So...skim milk has NO fat? So it's basically white water?
  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
    Wait...2% ISN'T skim milk? American milks confuse me...

    I think that's how it goes?

    So...skim milk has NO fat? So it's basically white water?
    Yep, with that lovely blue hue around the edges of the cup/bowl. :wink:
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Hiya - by the way if you want to see some of my "deprivation meals" then check out my diary - i.e. August 17, 19, 22, 28, 29 & 30.

    someof them are blank because i filled it out at home and forgot the hit the button that would save it... woops..

    I was on vacation that weekend and coming back from Michigan with lots of good produce!

    Tell me after looking at it if you feel im gonna die,

    Not with 322 pounds on me.. im far from starvin marvin ;)
  • Flabulousss
    I agree with you 100%. I pretty don't eat much processed junk either, but because I feel better and believe the more I eat the more I crave it (a slippery slope to epic weight gain.) Occasionally I'll eat pizza but that's a danger food for me. People who advocate eating junk in moderation can go ahead and do that... As for us, I think we're better off and healthier. After a while I don't even find most junk food appetizing anymore, so staying away is no problem. It's like telling a vegetarian they should just eat meat moderately... Uh, some of us really don't want that. lol (I just went back and read that part of your post. Lol! Sorry we just thought the same thing.) I empathize with the "liberated" feeling for sure, having conquered junk food & overeating impulsivity myself.

    I think the most important thing is now we think about how food makes us feel, and we've actively decided we want to feel good. :)
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    You took what people said in the other thread and have totally spun it a different direction, to where it actually sounds like you're helping make their point.



    kind of IIFM but with a little more boundaries.

    So, what people were basically saying in the other thread?

    no, the other thread had some that were the OP going cold turkey as a success and some as a failure. the ones who thought were a failure were the ones who are more liberal in their food choices, including junk and snack food. I think they worried that not enjoying their favorite foods would lead to so much deprivation that the person would give up coz it would be too hard. so i saw that and felt like too many people well meaning but were a bit discouraging.

    then we started talking about peaches vs not eating peaches and then well it became a lot of debate :)
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    I would like to say something here, because i dont want to derail that other thread,, but,,, hear me out and then what say you? (not that im going to necessarily change, but to give/get some perspective.

    In the past, when i tried diets, i usually tried a low calorie diet, or such like that, Weight Watchers or something like that..

    well i did fine but it only lasted a month, or even 3 months, except when I was taking Phen-Fen which lasted a year and i lost 100 pounds easy.

    Well the thing that i always noticed was the thing that was the breaking point, that was the first step in going off taking back all my bad eating habits, was i started again enjoying the same foods that got me fat and addicted to food. yes i feel i did have food addictions, because i would eat when i was stressed, or for comfort or boredom or because i really really loved whatever i was eating and i enjoyed a lot of it, I could afford it, and I ate till i was full. On some days it could be Popeyes chicken dinner - 4 pieces, pizza, fudge (i ate a pound of fudge in 3 or 4 days). so i didn't care what it was doing to me. totally enjoyed fast food, HAD to have my daily donut - usually the fudge eclair and also a piece of coffee cake at night.

    well i probably got bored, or didn't want to go thru the pian of denying myself food.

    so that is one reason I dont want to mess with what im doing. I really cant do IIFM like some of you, oh yes we ALL do IIFM here, because all of us HAVE to fit our food into our macros, but I would not say currently i am following IIFM because I have limits and I do not allow myself some foods, because I dont want to fail like in the past. I have to put some distance between that and me, and keep a kind of - what i feel is - a healthy eating which does not allow certain food within those boundaries.

    I now have been doing this 3 months, and I feel now I could probably enjoy a little more treats than when i started, i was paranoid about putting something fattening in my mouth because i didn't want to screw up that precious motivation/focus in my mind and the determination i had to go all out and change my eating.

    so, i was thinking i wonder if i could test out to see if i could eat some Popeyes chicken this weekend. i know i could fit it into my MFP macros, but I am a bit concerned that i am starting to do that would possibly cause me to do like in the past - when i start to eat back the foods that are now forbidden by choice, i may trigger that and not want to stop, and then little by little the habits and desire for that food may come back again, and it will be harder for me to resist.

    yes believe it or not, some food, is kind of hard to resist. I feel i have more strength now than when i began, but i really dont want to take a chance.

    so this is why i cant really do IIFM like some of you, Im careful not to play with the focus in my mind that took too long to get here, and im doing well eating enough foods that are ok with me, and some actually delicious, I dont want to compromise, but i think i may be able to eat something, but not sure what kind of harm it may do. I am afraid to take that chance.

    oh i can probably do ok with what im currently doing, but i am wondering what could happen if i toy around with my current focus/moderation/determination/boundaries.

    no, im not deprived, but im not sure if i want to take the chance, or what it might do. I may have to see, take a chance,

    but i still refuse pop tarts -- mainly because i didn't eat them before, so i won't now haha