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Ability to search my comments

I would really like to be able to see a my activity feed for comments in community. I want to be able to edit a comment on a thread so it doesn't get so long to update progress. Would like that to keep accountability. There is no good accountability method in this app with others.
2 votes

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  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,974 Member
    You can only edit comments up to 1 hour after posting. So adding new comments is the only option.

    There are ways to find your own discussions and replies:
    - go to your forum profile by clicking/tapping on your profile picture at the top and then clicking on it again in the dropdown that opens
    - on your forum profile ( in your case) you'll see an overview of your activity (below your profile picture)
    - 'discussions' will show you topics you started yourself
    - 'replies' will show you comments on other people's topics