Binge Eating Disorder/Vegetarian



  • lafilledelarue
    lafilledelarue Posts: 66 Member
    I would like to recommend Overeaters Anonymous to you. You can find recovery from your eating disorder through this 12-Step program. You can still use this app to track your food so at least you can see the reality of your food consumption and patterns. I highly recommend attending a meeting.
  • kro097
    kro097 Posts: 10 Member
    To those who are asking about recovery- yes! Because of my eating disorders I have fluctuated from 110-165ish, and now I am at 145. I went from binging every day to now binging 0-3 times a week-which is a huge accomplishment for me! Keeping logs and completely abstaining from trigger foods (such as peanut butter) has really helped. What also helps is getting into shape because when I am getting into shape, I have a better emotional/mental state-thus eliminating bad moods that trigger binges!

    I don't have binge eating disorder...but i'm fascinated by it (psychology major) but I would LOVE to help support you on your journey.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    Being a vegetarian, doesn't suit everyone. A vegetarian, is someone who doesn't eat meat, or fish. This, will also include any products, that may contain animal products. Gelatin, can be sourced from either Beef, or Pork, and is more often than not found in sweets. It is fairly rare, not to find gelatin, in sweets.

    Vegetarian is a very general term - a person may be vegan, not eating meat or animal products (this may also extend to use of animal products in clothing, food processing, such as bone char in sugar, etc); ovo-vegetarian, where the diet includes eggs, lacto-vegetarian , which includes dairy/dairy products, ovo-lacto-vegetarian (self-explanatory), or pescetarian, in which they would eat fish but not other meats. Within all of these, as well, a person is free to make their own individual decisions as to certain items. There are also raw veganism, fruitarianism, Buddhist vegetarianism, Jain vegetarianism, and probably others. Based on a statement that they are vegetarian, to say that they will not eat gelatin is an overstatement at best.

    Additional, although gelatin is widely used in the making of candy, it is not true that it is rare to find sweets without it. Following is a list of gelatin-free candies (in fact, vegan-friendly candies) that I found in about a 15-second Google search and almost all of which I personally know to be readily available at pretty much any market in the US. It's not even a complete list of all such candies, and certainly does not include all which are gelatin-free but not vegan.

    Now, I try not to be argumentative, but given that you have been going out of your way to be negative about this entire site based on what you call inaccurate information and given that you have already declared yourself to be leaving, I feel perfectly justified in noting that you only made two points and they are both inaccurate.

    Airheads Taffy
    Big League Chew Gum
    Brach's Cinnamon Hard Candy
    Brach's Cinnamon Hard Candy
    Brach's Orange Slices
    Brach's Root Beer Barrels
    Brach's Star Brites
    Charms lollipops
    Chew-ets Peanut Chews (Original)
    Chocolove Dark Chocolate bar
    Chocolove Orange Peel (Dark Chocolate Bar)
    Cry Babies
    Dem Bones
    Dum Dums
    Everest Gum
    Fred Meyer Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
    Ghirardelli Twilight Delight Intense Dark
    Ghirardelli Double Chocolate Mix
    Goldenberg's Peanut Chews (Original)
    Hubba Bubba Bubblegum
    Hubba Bubba Gum
    Jolly Ranchers (lollipops and hard candy)
    Joyva Ring Jells Chocolate Covered Orange
    Joyva Ring Jells Chocolate Covered Raspberry
    Lance Peanut Bar
    Mary Janes (Regular and Peanut Butter Kisses)
    Now and Laters
    Red Vines
    Smarties (U.S. version only)
    Sour Patch Kids
    Super Bubble
    Swedish Fish
    Tropical Source mini chocolate bags
    VeganSweets marshmallows
    Velamints Mints
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    I would say that I must have some sort of eating disorder if I weight 348 pounds when I started...certainly wasn't healthy.

    Welcome, OP. I hope your goals of health and fitness are achieved - congratulations on getting started.
  • TheCriz76
    TheCriz76 Posts: 83 Member
    This really isn't the place for eating disorders. Sorry.

    I so don't agree with this! This is a good place for people with eating disorders. Last I checked over eating or being overweight can be considered an "eating disorder". Most of us are here for that reason, its a good place for us to see what our caloric intake is and its a good tool.

    To the OP..I wish you all the luck in your recovery :)
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    I don't understand why people are now discussing what being a vegetarian is and a list of candies that don't have gelatin? Thats not the point of this thread.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    I don't understand why people are now discussing what being a vegetarian is and a list of candies that don't have gelatin? Thats not the point of this thread.

    I'm sorry - that was me. I did also address the OP directly.

    However, the person I directed the first comment to has just been posting over and over and over again that MFP is going to kill its members based on inaccurate, dangerous macro goals, etc, and that she's leaving the site after only a few days because she knows more than everyone anywhere. However, she herself is posting inaccurate information in every post where she offers any at all. I took two opportunities (of many available) yesterday to point this out to her. I know it was off-topic and I apologize for that.
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    Thanks superkeats- I'm going to add you. And Taragirl- Vegetarians don't eat meat, and honestly, I have never heard of ANY binge eaters binging on meat..... so how does that not make sense....bingers usually binge on salty and sugary foods....

    Again.. didn't say anything about meat. All Vegetarians I know are really clean eaters. So that's why it didn't make any sense to me.. that's all. But thanks for the emails!

    Wait, what? I am a clean eater, because i am a vegetarian? Yay me..Yay me!!
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    Thanks superkeats- I'm going to add you. And Taragirl- Vegetarians don't eat meat, and honestly, I have never heard of ANY binge eaters binging on meat..... so how does that not make sense....bingers usually binge on salty and sugary foods....

    Again.. didn't say anything about meat. All Vegetarians I know are really clean eaters. So that's why it didn't make any sense to me.. that's all. But thanks for the emails!

    Wait, what? I am a clean eater, because i am a vegetarian? Yay me..Yay me!!

    We laughed about that, too. When my daughter first stopped eating meat several years ago, we referred to her as a starchatarian. lollol
  • Couldn't read all the comments because so much negativity. I know there are positive comments too. There are nice people here. You have every right to be here and ask for sympathetic support and those that feel differently should really keep their gobs out of it and not bother to comment. I have binged but I've never considered it a disorder. I guess I thought it was pretty much normal. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Hi septembersgold, I've been suffering with BED for a while now and its really helpful to know other people who are in the same boat. Disregard the negative comments. Its quite easy for people who don't understand the disorder to stigmatise, judge and, as you can see, be a little insensitive.
  • WOW guys, sorry for not reading... i stayed away after all the negative posts, but now I'm glad I came back to check on this thread! THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT! :) Please send me friend requests!!!
  • Sorry to see some of the negativity towards your post, particularly as it takes a lot of guts to own up to binge eating disorder. I think it is particularly silly to say that MFP is not a place for people with eating disorders. In my view, disordered eating is a spectrum that a lot of people who have ever struggled with weight loss would have sat on at some point on their journey. You are not alone and although it's not a easy, linear ride you can a hold of binge eating. A couple of really good books are Food a Good Girl's Drug by Sunny Sea Gold and Overcoming Binge Eating by Oliver Fairburn. Best of luck with your recovery x x
  • ky_pry
    ky_pry Posts: 13 Member
    Don't worry.... You are doing the right thing. The calorie counter has been extremely useful for me, as well as being able to keep track of my vitamin and protein intake.
    It'll be very beneficial for you. Just make sure you stick with it.
    redladywitch- Please go through the guidelines with me of the conditions of the types of people who are "allowed" to utilize a fitness site. People who want to be fit? People who want to feel good about themselves? People who want to look good? People who want to be healthy? People who want/need to keep track of their food intake/calories? Wow I fit all of those categories!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member


    I didn't delete any of the posts, as it is my opinion the posters where just trying to determine if the OP was promoting ED, which you know MFP doesn't allow.

    We ARE all about support and help.

    If anyone feels attacked please report the post so a moderator can have a look.

    Otherwise, please be kind and helpful.

    MFP Moderator
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    Hi! New here...I have Binge Eating Disorder and others as well. Looking for some friends on here with BED and other eating disorders as well. Or, if you are vegetarian! I would love to see other people's diaries! Please add me! :)

    Welcome! MFP is a good tool to record your eating habits and help get some insight into what patterns you've fallen into. Use the "Notes" section to record what was going on that day - especially if a binge occurs. Eventually you may see triggers in common and better be able to figure out how to derail that build up to a binge you may feel before it happens. (Just going by my own battle with BED over the years)
  • SailerSiren13
    SailerSiren13 Posts: 51 Member
    please feel free to add me i am not judgmental and will try to give as much support as i can. I am doing Paleo so not a vegetarian. I like to lean that way but can't with my workouts.