How to manage this binge eating spree

I weighed 124kg around 3 weeks back when I decided to start loosing some weight. In past three weeks I lost 5-5.5 kg and in just 2 days of binge eating where I ofcourse exceeded my calorie budget I gained 2.5 kg... When I am extremely upset with any situation why I sort to binge eating. Please guide me through. i am tired of Yo-Yoing.


  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    edited September 2023
    If stress is causing you to binge--you need to manage that. There are methods such as meditation, yoga, etc. that you might want to look into. Crafts can keep your hands and mind busy too. As for your weight loss in 3 weeks, it was awfully steep. Much of that was probably water weight. You need to eat enough or you will binge as your body craves fuel.

    Give your stats--age, sex, height, current weight, exercise, etc and how many calories you are eating. There are people on here who will give you the correct amount of calories and suggest how much you should add on for exercise.
  • Retroguy2000
    Retroguy2000 Posts: 1,761 Member
    You didn't gain 2.5kg in 2 days.

    That's mostly water, and most of it will disappear in coming days.

    Unless you ate well over 12,000 calories both days?
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited September 2023
    If you lost 5.5 kg / 12 pounds of fat in three weeks, that's too fast, which can absolutely lead to a rebound binge. However, some of that initial loss could have been water weight. (And most of that regain is likely water or food still in your system.)

    Moving forward, shoot for losing two pounds per week.

    Go here: or More > Goals in app.
    1. Put in your stats.
    2. normal daily activities refers to your job.
    3. Ignore How many times a week do you plan on exercising? - that does not get included in the equation.
    4. Select Lose 2 pounds per week.

    The resulting calories is your daily calorie budget. It's normal to go a little over or under, but since weight loss is already included in these calories, you don't want to intentionally go hundreds of calories under.
  • Retroguy2000
    Retroguy2000 Posts: 1,761 Member
    edited September 2023
    Good catch kshama, yeah they also didn't lose 5.5kg in 3 weeks. First week will include a lot of water weight loss and should be mostly discounted.

    Anyway, one potential solution is remove distractions. Either don't buy certain foods, or store them out of sight if they have to be in the house for other people. Have healthier snack options in your eye line instead.

    Not that I always manage to abide by own advice to follow, but I also figure if you feel an eating urge coming on, better to load up on some reasonably healthy and satiating filling stuff that puts you a few hundred calories over, than diving into unhealthier options which can snowball into a few thousand. Another option is go do some light cardio, like a walk or bike ride.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    Maybe seek some professional help. Also binge eating is associated with highly palatable ultra processed foods which are pretty much designed for bingeing and their shareholders are counting on it actually and suspect you weren't bingeing on broccoli and lean fish.
  • spacetreemonkey
    spacetreemonkey Posts: 171 Member
    Similar start weight to me, now I'm 108kg. If I were you, I would look at what I was binging on, and find healthier alternatives that are just as tasty. Then I would have one less item to binge on during my binge spree. Then I would try to go one day without binging, for example, if you binge seven days a week, try binging six days instead, and gradually cut down.

    Here's some ideas:
    -Dates instead of caramel or chocolate (but only have two or three, they are high in sugar and calories but damn delicious)
    -Homemade popcorn in a machine with a small bit of popcorn and some salt or salt and vinegar seasoning instead of salt and vinegar chips
    -Chocolate milkshake at home instead of brought (just add trim milk and some chocolate powder and maybe a banana instead of having full fat milk and icecream).
    -Nuts, like almonds, cashews and pistachios for some crunch
    -Zero sugar soda or energy drinks instead of full sugar
    -Halo top icecream

    I don't even buy my old snacks anymore. I used to buy flavoured popcorn (coloured, butter or caramel), salt and vinegar chips, buhja mix and trident noodles. I have a rule, that if I'm at an event or someones house, I can have as many chips as I want, but I can't have them at home. Another rule is, if I go to a resturant, I can't order old chips for myself (fries), but I can order them for the table, and just have one or two, and if I really like them, I can order myself some that I don't have to share. The reason for this is, 95% of hot chips I order don't even taste that nice, so it's good to have a preview before committing.

    Goodluck, I hope this helps!
  • Lildarlinz
    Lildarlinz Posts: 276 Member
    Hiiii :)

    Try find the root cause for your binge eating

    Are you stressed? Or worried?
    Have u lowered your calories too much?

    Sometimes when we lose weight too much…and cut out things that we used to like…it’s easy to say sod it im gunna have say crisps or biscuits…
    Especially if you weigh yourself constantly and thinking you are putting more weight on rather than losing (which is technically water weight)

    Maybe talk to a friend or a professional :)
