Weight loss and healthy living for men over 50 preparing for KRS

Would appreciate sum advice and encouragement through my weight loss journey and lifestyle change.
I have osteoarthritis in my knees and preparing for KRS.
If there's anyone who is or has gone through a similar journey , give me some advice, encouragement and support.
This could help me achieve my goals for a quick recovery and successful outcome of the surgery.


  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,691 Member
    My husband had a TKR several years ago. One thing I read at the time is that it is really important to strengthen the legs before the surgery. Afterwards, be really diligent in doing your exercises, especially in the beginning. Different kinds of surgery have different recovery times. My husband was using a walker for a month. A friend of mine was using just a cane when she left the hospital. Both were able to resume normal (for them) activity fairly quickly. (My husband backpacked 300 miles six months after his TKR. My friend ran a HM about six months after her knee replacement and a marathon about a year after.) Both were in good shape and very active when they underwent the surgery.
  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 1,845 Member
    edited September 2023
    I had it last year. Prep is be as healthy as possible, get your weigh under control and maximize leg strength.

    Post op is all about PT. The first week is hell. In home PT to get the ROM back. There is a small window for this. You're prescribed pain meds. I found it best to take a healthy dose 1 hour before the PT session as you need to get through the ROM movements and you'll be more sucessful the more that pain can be controlled during the session.

    Ice is applied throughout the day. A month later and things start getting a lot easier. Now the knee is amazing. A 16 year old knee and a 71 year old body,lol.

    Bottom line is you have to be prepared to do the work as the surgery alone is only half the equation of a sucessful outcome.