Hi! I'm kinda new here

Hi all. I just downloaded the mfp app only to realise I apparently had an account back in 2011🤯 my weight back then made me laugh.... I'm 15kg heavier now, then back then 😭 I was a perfect weight but still felt the need to come here to lose some.
Anyhow.... here I am. 2023.
2 more kids since last time (4 in total) and now I'm 44. Alot has changed. I need motivation but don't have alot of $$$ so struggling.
I'm also finding my energy levels are ridiculously low. I swear I have cfs or something. I've had my blood checked about a year ago and my thyroid is fine etc.
I. Also feel my hormones may be starting to play up. As much s I'm in denial about menopause....I think it's time to face reality that it could be all starting.
I would love to hear from others here in a similar boat to me... age, energy etc. What your doing and live to know how yr feeling.
I'm in Australia (not sure where this is based...USA?)
Look forward to hearing from you all xx
P.s ....how do I change my user name? My 2011 one is SO dumb 🤦🏻‍♀️


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,382 Member

    To answer your last question: you can change your username here: https://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/change-username

    I don't think I'm quite in the same boat as you (40, no kids, no perimenopause, nearly at goal weight after losing 30+kg), but I wish you success none the less!

    As for motivation, this would be my advice:
    - find your true inner motivation, your 'why': for example being able to play with your kids, better quality of life etc.
    - as for the 'rah rah, I'm going to kick some a**' type of motivation: it's way overrated! Think of brushing your teeth or doing laundry - I doubt you're ever motivated to do that, but you do it anyway because it's a habit and it's necessary. So the best thing you can do is to gradually change your habits and think of managing your food intake (and possibly exercise/being more active) as something you just need to do. Don't make it a sufferfest - you don't get bonus points for suffering! Just gradually tweak your food intake (don't ban your favorite foods!) and gradually try to increase your activity level (don't choose activities you hate!)

    M motivation comes from not wanting to turn into my mother (obese, out of breath at the slightest effort, low quality of life and low self confidence) and from feeling so much better now, being so much lighter and more fit and active. I'm also motivated by chasing fitness goals (running faster/longer,...).
    But counting calories and being active is mostly just a habit now for me.