Looking for friends with big weight loss for support



  • sweetmalo
    Hello ladies!! I want to lose 55lbs by next may! Im a bridesmaid in may, have a family reunion in Cali in june, and im goin to Jamaica in august.. by then i just want to be maintaining my sexy!! We can do this yall! #GirlPower

    Congrats to all you chicas getting married!!!!
  • jesshepard
    i'll add you :) my goal is about 120Lbs, after having my daughter its been extremely difficult to lose the weight and get where i was pre-pregnancy but i think with support of people who have just as much or about it would be easier. so if anyone with the same goals wishes to add me also, that'd be great.
  • bunnybutler29
    You can add me. I'm looking to lose around a 100 pounds. I don't really have a goal date, just more like getting fit for the rest of my life. Hopefully I could get it done in a year. If it takes a little longer (hope not) then I will just keep working at it. I try to log daily and have an open diary.