had a pizza craving today, baked eggplant instead!

rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
essentially, it was exactly like a pizza, but with eggplant instead of crust!

it didn't have the delicious crunch of a pizza, but it was delicious and totally satisfied my desire for pizza.

ANY THOUGHTS ON HOW TO GIVE IT MORE OF A PIZZA-LIKE CRUNCH? ...the eggplant kind of turned to mush (actually sort-of tasted like portobello mushrooms)

thanks! :)


sliced eggplant, slightly coated in oil and spices (salt, pepper, basil)
watered-down tomato paste
veggie meat crumbles
fresh chopped garlic
sliced red onion
sliced tomato

--> line baking dish with eggplant (as you would a crust)
--> add remaining toppings on top
--> bake (sorry can't give proper temperatures or times, i have a crappy old-skool gas oven)
--> enjoy!



  • jae6031
    jae6031 Posts: 3 Member
    I can't think of a way to make eggplant crunchy as a pizza crust, but you get points for creativity! I do a couple of things to make eggplant less mushy- maybe one will work for you. I sometimes slice an eggplant thinly and dip each slice in egg and then Panko crumbs before baking slices on cookie cooling racks set on top of a large cookie sheet. You could try using just egg white, egg substitute, or maybe buttermilk to get the crumbs to stick to the eggplant. I add spices to the Panko for some heat, too. If I'm going to bake an eggplant I'll slice it at least a day before and layer the slices between paper towels weighted down with a plate. I have to change the paper towels after a few hours since eggplants are so moist. The best thing I think you can do is cut (or buy) the eggplants when they're still small. They tend to be less mushy and seedy if they're the size of a cucumber instead of a butternut squash. Tonight I made a tart that kind of looks like a pizza. I used a store-bought frozen tart puff pastry (comes in a can you pop and unroll) with Dijon mustard, fake sausage crumble, and sliced eggplant (could use zucchini or other veggies). I softened the eggplant for 3-4 minutes in a fry pan with water, salt & pepper, and a splash of evoo before putting it on top of the pizza. I also added a diced fresh red chili pepper for heat- my garden is exploding with them right now. This sounds bizarre, but it turned out great and I would make it again. Happy cooking!
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    Ummm there wasn't any cheese for starters!

    pizza without cheese on egg plant...no deal!
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    The only thing I can think of is instead of baking the whole way through at the last bit broil..I've never tried it...so don't take my advice if you don't want...Only way I've ever cooked eggplant is frying...so good luck!!!
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    The only thing I can think of is instead of baking the whole way through at the last bit broil..I've never tried it...so don't take my advice if you don't want...Only way I've ever cooked eggplant is frying...so good luck!!!

    What is broiling? i see this everywhere and i have no clue what it means
  • Bluizflame
    Bluizflame Posts: 151 Member
    You can do the same w/ Squash, and Zucchini! Or make Cauliflower crust
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    thanks J! i will definitely take your advice on breading it first. i do that sometimes (as i would tofu, but we don't have tofu here), but i didn't think of baking it, i always fried it. also, your torta sounds amazing! :):) xx
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    @ _EndGame_ -- because i live in nicaragua where "actual" pizza is a long walk away and quite expensive and pretty unhealthy & i'm trying not to ruin my lifestyle changes on day 3 with a big greasy mess i'll regret later lol
  • sknapstein
    sknapstein Posts: 30 Member
    What is broiling? i see this everywhere and i have no clue what it means

    In the oven, but only the top burner element is lit. If you have a gas stove, there is usually a drawer under the oven. Broiling is cooking with the heat cooking from the top only. Not sure if that makes sense...
  • I would try setting it on a few wasa crisp and light 7 grain crackers after baking, to add crunch. In fact I have some eggplant (but no cheese) and you just inspired me. Thanks!
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    I don't really have any experience with egg plant, maybe you could broil it for a few minutes before putting the other ingredients on it and baking it? Also I have heard of people making zucchini into pizza crust, loads of recipes online.
  • I use a Low carb large tortilla (Burrito size)
    Walden Farms tomato and basil sause (0 calories 0 carbs 0 sugar)
    Pre-cooked Italian sausage (Grease squeezed out with a paper towel)
    Low fat mozzarella cheese
    I nuke the tortilla to get it just warm. About 10 seconds
    smear just enough tomato sauce to cover tortilla
    add pre-cooked sausage Grease squeezed out
    add cheese lightly
    sprinkle a little oregano on top
    put in toaster oven 425 degrees for about 5 minutes.
    cut with pizza wheel into 8 wedges.
    Note if you like your sause sweet (I do) sprinkle sauce with sweet n low before you add other items, Can also add mushrooms and other vegies