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Apple Watch - Rings

We need more complications on apple watch like the app MyNetDiary. There can be complications for Macros - 3 rings for highlighting Carbs, Fats and Proteins.

There can be more complications for steps, water.

Further complications can include Calorie Intake vs Deficit or Calorie Credit vs Debit score as per the daily goals.

These complications provide the information at a glance and clicking it can open the app for quickly logging simpler things like Water, preset meals etc.

Please try to make the app more Apple Watch friendly.
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  • wqdkzry692
    wqdkzry692 Posts: 2 Member

    Please check how the mynetdiary beautifully integrates with apple watch.
  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 909 MFP Staff
    We do not have a complication at this time but thank you for taking a minute to share your suggestion with us. Our team will definitely consider adding this in a future update!