PMS cravings

I have a massive sugar cravings when I am having my pms and normally be derailed from my diet. How do i manage these crazy cravings?


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,783 Member
    Are you in maintenance or losing?

    Some women who are losing go to maintenance calories during that time so they can give in (within reason) to cravings.

    If maintaining, the same thing can be accomplished by banking a tiny number of calories spread over multiple days the rest of the month,

    In a general sense, I found that increasing my fruit intake reduced my cravings for less nutrient-dense, higher calorie sweets like candy or baked goods. I don't know whether that would help in the PMS scenario, though (and it doesn't work for everyone universally either - though I'm not the only one who's found it helpful).
  • wm3796
    wm3796 Posts: 88 Member
    It depends on your mindset. Some people if they have a small sweet bite, it triggers them to have more and more. Some people are satisfied with a small piece of whatever sweet they are craving. Some do great with a lower calorie substitution for the sweet. For me it really depends on my mood. I use flavored zero calorie sparkling water, 2 small Hershey miniatures, or a Chobani flip yogurt. These ideas have helped me.
  • kbrown1527
    kbrown1527 Posts: 65 Member
    Personally if I give in to cravings it will trigger bingeing on sweets.

    I do have a few go-to snacks that satisfy me:

    Chocolate chia pudding (made with unsweetened vanilla almond milk, chia seeds, cocoa powder, a drizzle of honey, top with bananas or berries) so good!

    1 graham crackers with peanut butter, and a piece of fruit

    Make-ahead Smoothie packs with protein (my fave is pineapple, mango, strawberry, spinach, kefir and vanilla protein powder)
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,726 Member
    I get cravings linked to my period (often a craving for salty snacks/foods - sushi, pizza, potato chips). It's only one or two days a month: I usually indulge within reason (dinner and/or snack) while keeping the other meals as usual.
    I figure it's my body sending me a message :smiley: Our period increases our calorie burn too (replacing the lost blood,...) so I'm not too bothered if I indulge moderately.
  • momlongerwalk
    momlongerwalk Posts: 28 Member
    Homemade yogurt cocoa honey fudgesicles. Even if you feel inclined to eat 3, it's not a killer. The cold slightly crunchy, honey different flavor of sweet, and cocoa for the win.
  • Hobartlemagne
    Hobartlemagne Posts: 503 Member
    Just a personal theory/method of mine: I do ok eating carbs to satisfy sugar cravings. The body has a similar interpretation to them depending on how simple the carbs are.
  • jeri30
    jeri30 Posts: 70 Member
    Are you craving something specific or just sugar in general? If it's chocolate, you might be low in magnesium. When I upped my magnesium intake, the chocolate craving subsided. You might want to google what you're craving and vitamin deficiency.