Diabetic type1 age 71 male

Any tips to lose 60 pounds 212 down to 167


  • MacLowCarbing
    MacLowCarbing Posts: 350 Member
    Hello; T2 diabetic here (for now-- close to reversing it).

    Has your dr. set you up with a nutritionist or dietitian or anything yet? That's generally a good place to start.

    Diabetics tend to do well watching their carbs, whether it be controlled carb (eating moderate carbs in the same serving size at every meal), low carb (like 60 grams per day), or really really low carb (like 20 g per day), or some people even go to the extreme no-carb (carnivore dieters).

    Every body is different. Some people are okay doing carbs in moderation and some aren't. Certain forms of carbs can sometimes affect an individual worse than other forms of carbs. For example, I had to give up sugar and grains because they always spiked my blood sugar and kept me hungry, but I'm okay if I eat carbs in the form fruit and most veggies.

    You might wanna keep careful track of your carb servings for a while, esp. based on what they're doing to your blood sugar. You'll notice trends and you can tweak. Focus on getting a lot of your nourishment from protein & fat.

  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,089 Member
    Welcome Sputnik!
    My only suggestion is just get started.
    Set yourself up in MFP if you haven't already.
    Start logging. Look at the foods you're eating that are low calorie, high nutrient. Eat more of that. You won't have as much room for the bad stuff.
    Start moving. Preferably something you like. Walking is easy, free, and you already know how.
    Just Start.
    And come back for friendship and ideas.