Do I need to tone up or lose weight?

I went from 174 pounds to 128 pounds 11 days ago. I didn't eat properly and worked out aggressively so got saggy body parts. Then there was a vacation where I overate everyday for 9 days. My weight today is 132 pounds. I am joining the gym tomorrow. Have a meeting with the personal trainer. Should I work on losing weight or toning up or both? My height is 5'3." I am a female of age 36.


  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    i dont have an answer for you. i just wanted to state that you are absolutely gorgeous, even with saggy body parts :)
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 282 Member
    Tone it! :-)
    Lose more only if you feel like you should.
    Eat clean, avoid nasty fats, do a little bit of cardio and LIFT WEIGHTS!
    Congrats on losing weight btw! :-)
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    There is no way to measure how much a person "tones up." The phrase tone up was invented by marketers to get people to buy nearly useless exercise and diet items.

    Your next step is to decide how lean you want to be. This can be determined by getting body fat testing. BMI is a really bad way to measure body composition. Get the best body fat test you can afford, and then stay consistent with future measurements.

    What you probably want to do is add some lean muscle mass while reducing your body fat percentage. I'm the same weight as you, but I'm 5'7" tall. My body fat percentage is 20.8%. That means I've got 105 pounds of lean body mass and 27 pounds of fat. I'm almost happy with this ratio, but would like to see if I can get down to 15-16% body fat if possible.

    Set you goal, and then take steps to reach that goal. Once you know your numbers you can make changes to hit those numbers. Simply "toning up" means less than nothing. Saying you want to be XX% body fat is an actionable goal.
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 282 Member
    There is no way to measure how much a person "tones up." The phrase tone up was invented by marketers to get people to buy nearly useless exercise and diet items.

    It's not ''invented'' it just means to
    ower bf%
    Wikipedia will explain :
  • phjorg1
    phjorg1 Posts: 642 Member
    There is no way to measure how much a person "tones up." The phrase tone up was invented by marketers to get people to buy nearly useless exercise and diet items.

    It's not ''invented'' it just means to
    ower bf%
    Wikipedia will explain :
    did you even read that article? You might want to check the citations at the bottom. It very much is an invented word. Or at least to say the fitness industry took the word because it sounded good, and invented a totally bull**** definition for it and how to achieve it.
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 282 Member
    Like I wrote, to me ( and to everyone acctually) it means to lower your body fat % so you become leaner
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Like I wrote, to me ( and to everyone acctually) it means to lower your body fat % so you become leaner

    No, actually most people take it to mean do some strength training to firm up muscle. Nothing to do with BF% although lifting will often help with that as well.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Me thinks me can't read. Disregard. WHY IS THERE NO ERASE BUTTON?