
I’m Simon, I am 58, I have been struggling with my weight since my teens. I now have severe rheumatoid arthritis and very high blood pressure, I am taking loads of medication and am constantly in pain, my new electric wheelchair will be delivered next month. Out of desperation Last Saturday 21st. Oct I started a carnivore diet. I am eating only meat and eggs. This is the beginning of a new journey


  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I eat a keto diet, and it has done wonders for my blood pressure. All the best with the blood pressure and RA.
  • MacLowCarbing
    MacLowCarbing Posts: 350 Member
    Hello and welcome. I'm 54 & have arthritis too, in my hips & shouder, I suspect my lower back area but haven't gotten it confirmed yet I just recognize the aches lol; I used to be in a wheelchair (for lung reasons, due to auto-immune disease), thankfully I was able to get out on it but I still have mobility issues I'm working on through PT.

    I do high fat/low carb. I've found kicking grains & added sugars to be very beneficial for me, and upping the fat intake with animal fats & red meat just helped everything fall into place. I don't get as many flare-ups with sarcoidosis or arthritis anymore, when I do I tighten up for a few days on a carnivore or sardine fast.