Newbie - CKD dieter

New MFP user here. Not new to nutrition or exercise. Did that as a job in college. I am out of practice and my knowledge is somewhat dated. I injured my kidneys (trauma) so I have reduced kidney function. Over the last 3-4 years it has started to slowly get worse and at the same time I developed hypertension. My doctors have me on BP medication, a diet, and exercise regimen.

My goals are:
Lose 20lbs of fat (I currently weigh 171)
Maintain Water intake of 85-100 oz per day
Maintain or reduce my A1C (currently 5.2)
Reduce insulin resistance
Maintain muscle mass or increase it
Reduce protein in diet (target is 120g/day)
Reduce sodium in diet (target is 1500-2000mg/day)
Increase fiber in diet
Increase cardiovascular health
Lower blood pressure by 10-20 points (systolic and diastolic)

Once I have those goals more or less cleared I want to start gaining some strength. I've had a lot of trauma injuries that inhibit that so it will be a slow progress. Due to the injuries, swimming is about all I can currently do due to the low impact.

If anyone has CKD friendly suggestions, I would love to hear them. Other advice welcome as well.