Need Accountability Partner

I’m pursuing my best and most fit self! It’s not about being skinny… I want to be strong and healthy. I’ve let depression and emotional eating get the best of me the past year and am about 50 pounds overweight and tired. Can someone please be a partner through this journey?


  • Aeloriiya
    Aeloriiya Posts: 1 Member
    edited October 2023
    Hey there,

    I read your message, and I totally get where you're coming from. I can relate to dealing with emotional eating and wanting to get healthier. It's not an easy journey, but we can support each other through it!
    I recently had a doctor's visit, and when I saw my current weight, it really hit me. I'm currently 30 pounds overweight, weighing 159.2 pounds. My goal weight is 120 pounds. I've decided to take charge of my own health and make some positive changes. It's been tough, especially with school and my mother taunting me about my weight. She had just recently told me that "this is not the fattest you will be and you will still get more fatter." But you know what? I'm determined to prove her wrong and prove to myself that I can do again if I could do it once.
    I'm still getting used to using MyFitnessPal again after taking a break for about a year, so I am still learning to understand and use the new features.
    I'd love to be your fitness partner and help motivate each other. We can support one another on this journey and work towards our goals together. If you're interested, I'm here to help and support you anyway I can.
    By the way, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for rambling.

    Have an awesome day!
  • DayDreams1996
    DayDreams1996 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I’m looking for the same. I also went 50 pounds over and I also have depression but my situation is a little bit different. I took an anti anxiety medication and I walked over 5 miles a day and it didn’t work. Now I’m off the meds but not the same. I will add you,‘I check messages daily. I go by Dreamer, it’s nice to meet you! I love talking with people from all ages and I would love to be a helpful partner :)
  • Liuliu_Lemonn
    Liuliu_Lemonn Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Anna!
    Making change isn’t easy but I’m glad you are here and ready to want to make a difference in your life!! I’d love to help to be a accountable buddy! Let me know how I can help! Mind set first!