figure this whole thing out

kateglen15 Posts: 15 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
So I switched to MFP from Weight Watchers and it has taken me a long me to stop counting "points" I stopped losing on WW and started gaining. I was on MFP for a while not realizing the whole "net calorie" thing till today and was only netting around 800-1000. I have gained almost 10lbs I thought it was because I am training for a half marathon and was gaining muscle but not 10lbs worth. I workout everyday for atleast 40mins up 2 hrs

using fat 2 fit radio it says should be eating 2203 calories a day at a moderate level. that just seems like a lot

even when I only use MFP and burn over 1000 calories during my long run seems crazy.

Does this really work? I am nervous to eat so much

any advice (I did read road-maps) but stil concerned


  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Not tracking fruits and vegetables could be making an impact, as could not counting nibbles, sauces, seasonings, etc. MFP doesn't work like WW. You have to weigh and track everything, and I do mean everything. If you bite, you write. Try tracking everything for two weeks and see what you are actually intaking.
  • kateglen15
    kateglen15 Posts: 15 Member
    thanks I just have to get into a different mind set! this is much better than WW but a different way to think of it and confusing with BMR, TDEE and net calories
  • callmenikita
    callmenikita Posts: 118 Member
    MFP works! you become SO aware of what you are putting in your body. LOG LOG LOG, log everything... even down to the oils on your sauteed veggies.

    I have a weight doctor that i see, so my settings are customized to what my doctor says but even before i went to the doc i lost 6lbs by just tracking and exercising.
  • sarahmax0817
    You may have been actually starving yourself on such a low calorie count and high calorie expenditure. Your body can play tricks on you and hold on to fat/energy instead of burn it if you are not properly fueling your body. Keep using the site to track, track, track and make sure you are eating healthy calories too :) and kill it on your half marathon! That is an awesome goal! I am a personal trainer and can workout with the best of them, but running just is soooo hard for me. I am currently training to improve my 5K time for a race this October. I want to be able to run it in about 27 minutes.
  • kateglen15
    kateglen15 Posts: 15 Member
    thanks so much! I gonna try my best! to log-going away tomorrow-sunday! last trip of the summer!

    do you take days off from working out-I feel guilty if I do
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Oh and just to add my 2 cents, there is no way you'd be putting on muscle while in a calorie deficit that big and only running. Putting on muscle generally requires a calorie surpluss and resistance training and can be quite hard work. If you feel like you've put on muscle you're probably only starting to see muscles you already have from dropping fat off the top
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