running (form) drills anyone?

ok, typically me, instead of going and just doing something, i borrowed 1000 books on it first. don't get me wrong, this is my second year running, and i am up to 30-40k a week these days, but mostly i still consider myself a newbie.
anyhow, thus far, i've always looked at form as being an idea you aim at whilst out for your usual run. so it took me 2 months to change from heel strike to forefoot landing - mainly through transitioning to minimalist shoes for my shorter runs.

then yesterday i was reading "natural running" by danny abshire, and he suggests form drills, to, well, drill proper form into your muscular memory. - kind of makes sense to me.

so, i was wondering how many of you guys out there did form drills, when and how often?

i have to admit the idea of doing high knees or butt kicks etc. out in public is a bit strange, but i am willing to give it a shot, just wondering if i'd be the only weirdo out there doing it :tongue:

now i better read the remaining chapters before you realize i don't (yet) know what i am talking about :blushing: