
this forum doesn’t seem super active, but hi! my names liv and i’m new! just thought i’d introduce myself


  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    edited November 2023
    Hi @livskinny23 welcome to MFP.

    The forums are a little out of whack right now, after being hit by several spammer or bot attacks. Mods have had to take down several hundred posts that have brought back threads that haven’t had comments as long ago as 2012.

    It is what it is while these *kittens* try to mess with boards usually habitated by some pretty good folks.

    Hang in there.

    In the meantime, please let us know if there’s any way we can help you reach your goal!

    I’ve lost a considerable amount of weight, and attribute my success as much to the support I’ve gotten here as I do to counting and logging. The boards are a valuable asset- if you take the time the read and learn.
  • Turtle9952
    Turtle9952 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey, welcome and good luck on your fitness journey