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Sort Recipes by Calories - or macros


Id love to add the suggestion of sorting recipes by calories.

When Im planning by day if I need say, a 500 calorie dinner it would be lovely to filter or sort by calories instead of scrolling through pages and pages.
2 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 873 MFP Staff
    Great idea! I passed this along to our team to consider for a future update. Thanks!
  • debswmbo53
    debswmbo53 Posts: 1 Member
    I'd like to be able to sort recipes by name. Is that a possibility?
  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 873 MFP Staff
    debswmbo53 wrote: »
    I'd like to be able to sort recipes by name. Is that a possibility?

    On the website, and in our iOS and Android apps, various sorting options are available, once you're viewing the food lists prior to logging items to your Food diary.

    On the Web
    • The sort options are located to the top right of the food list tabs. Click "Default" to change the option to "By name."

    iPhone, iPad and Android apps
    • In our most recent version, while following the add food flow, click the bubble on the right (will most likely show Most Recent) to view your sorting options.