TEA WARS: white, black, red, green



  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    I love Oolong Tea
    If I have green tea, it is a green matcha

  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    All teas have different health benefits, so it just depends what you are looking for in your tea. I love all kinds and have a whole cupboard dedicated to teas.
  • agressre
    agressre Posts: 24 Member
    Teas come from the same plant so they have the same health benefits. The amount of processing can effect the nutrients and antioxidant level but not by that much. So white teas should have more antioxadents then green and green more then black but that is about it.

    I don't drink tea for the nutrients, there really are not that many in them. I drink tea because I enjoy the taste and it has 0 calories, I don't use milk or sugar in my tea. It helps with hydration and it makes me happy. It is a lot better then soda.

    No tea is really going to help you with weight loss on its own. If you use it as a substitute for juice or soda or some other caloric beverage it will help only because you are cutting out those calories. I see teas advertised as weight loss teas and I chuckle. You will lose weight if you replace your soda with a cup of tea but not because of some magical property in the tea.

    Drink what you like. I have been on a Pu Erh kick for the last year. I love Oolongs. I have three or four Japanese green teas. I rarely drink black tea, but I do get in the mood for a good cup of Keemun from time to time.
  • caspergirl7
    caspergirl7 Posts: 590 Member
    I like white tea : )
  • DMicheleC
    DMicheleC Posts: 171 Member
    I only drink rooibos tea or herbal/fruit teas. Super healthy, no caffeine, also you don't have to add milk to these so technically no calories. Just so much better for you. I stopped drinking black tea about a year ago, and couldn't believe how ill it made me for about three days after I stopped drinking it, that has put me off for life. If it can make you ill for three days that's not a good thing.
  • agressre
    agressre Posts: 24 Member
    How much were you drinking and what kind? I drink about 64 ounces of tea a day (black, green, Oolong, or Pu Erh) and had no problem giving it up when I found out I was pregnant. Granted, I am ADHD so stimulants effect me differently then most folks.

    I didn't like giving it up. I love my tea, but I had no physical response to it.

    That said, Rooibos teas are yummy. They have a good strong flavor that I like. Most herbal teas are far too weak to satisfy my tastes.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    There are more studies on the healthy benefits of green tea than on white tea but those on white show the same health benefits. Red is probably healthy but I haven't looked into it and black is healthy too. I usually go for white then green. Love English (Seattle) Breakfast Tea.
  • agressre
    agressre Posts: 24 Member
    White, green, and black teas all come from the same plant so will carry most of the same health benefits. Red comes from the Rooibos plant, it is technically not a tea, and has more antioxadents and no caffeine so could be thought of as better for you.
  • Shellz31
    Shellz31 Posts: 214 Member
    How can one possibly choose a favorite? I say drink them all! :drinker:

    Stash Teas makes a green/white mix that I LOVE. I'm not a huge fan of green tea, but mix it with white tea and it's delicious. Great with some ginger and lemon added.

    Rooibos (red) tea was my first love. Discovered it in college and it started me drinking hot tea. I buy a blend called African Autumn that I love so much I never go a day without it. :love:

    Black tea is my cup of morning joe. I prefer Earl Grey because it's so flavorful. And it kind of smells like fruit loops when you are brewing it :bigsmile:
  • SuzyBeah
    I stopped drinking coffee since Februrary and replaced it with tea & herbal tea. I love David's Tea. They have a great variety and some nice flavors. I never add milk or sugar. If the tea is too bitter, I had some stevia which is sugar free & calorie free!
  • Blondiegrl11
    Blondiegrl11 Posts: 458 Member
    Someone else mentioned it but I love oolong tea, but I'm trying to drink more green tea. I'm starting to get used to it. I was a coke drinker so I need flavor and tea helps
  • agressre
    agressre Posts: 24 Member
    Why are you trying to drink more green tea? Oolong and Green Tea come from the same plant, the difference is in how they are processed. They have most of the same health benefits.

    Also, there are Oolongs that are more on the green side. Look for ones that say to sttep in water at 195, you will find them more Green like.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    My favorite kind of tea is whatever hot tea happens to be in front of me. As long as it's not got any mint in it. Homey don't play that.

  • sunariel1
    sunariel1 Posts: 34 Member
    Personally I love them all, I have become a frequent visitor to the local teavanna, and have a fair variety of loose teas at home. I enjoy mixing herbals with blacks and mattes to change it up a bit too. Its something that I will sip on through the middle of the day, and sometimes in the mornings if I'm running too late to make a pot of coffee.
  • Lindseyelizabeth87
    I get really light headed from Green Tea. I read that while it's great at removing metals etc from your body, it removes iron stores as well. Have avoided it for awhile.

    I'm a big fan of mint tea, and red roiboos!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
  • fitgal122
    I love goodearth's original spice tea. All fresh tea is good for you :) (Bottled/sweetened/ processed tea is not. So no snapple, arizona, peace tea, etc)
  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    I can not even begin to choke down green tea! YUCK! Like sucking on a weed!
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Roibos. Seems like there are not many of us.
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    healthiest I would say Old Golden Puer'h .... older the better.
    This is the king of tea.... very expensive when you get very old one.... The only tea that's like wine and become better with age.

    You can find 10 y.o Puer'h for not too much..... it's fine.

    Taste a bit like a earth kinda taste but you can add stuff...
    I drink it like that straight but you need to get use to it....a bit like green tea.

    It's a major total detox tea...helps reduce weight and very good to help bloating and upset stomach