
A funny thing happened the other day and for the first time, ever, I stopped said "No you are not going to allow another person's bad behavior towards you to derail your path to health." AND I DIDN'T. My first thought when I was treated unkindly was to find something to put into my mouth. That same crazy need to hurt my progress. For the first time in my life I said, no I will not let another person's behavior affect me. It was a liberating feeling and I am grateful for the experience. I can do it, I will do it, just watch me do it!


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,080 Member
    That's such a wonderful insight and achievement: Congratulations! I sometimes think that getting those psychological switches to flip in our own heads is one of the most difficult but productive parts of improving our lives.

    Good show!
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,948 Member
    Amen to that !!

    Last month, I was briefly utterly immersed in Reddit for about a week before I deleted the app as a black hole of time wastage.

    The youngsters on there continually harp about LC (low contact) and NC (no contact) with toxic ( everybody and everything is toxic to youth on Reddit….) and I thought it was unnecessary drama, until I realized that was exactly what I’d done, quietly for the most part, and my life is 1,0000% better for it.