increasing bf % help

I've screwed up my maintenance a bit

I got down to - and have maintained for 2 months - a steady weight of between 115 and 119lbs

Followed various advice - Eat clean (mostly) and eat protein and good fat in every meal. Eat 100cal below maintenance 6days a week then over 1 day a week (ie friends round for supper etc) do 3 or 4 classes as week (rebound , metafit and a tabita style session) plus ride horse everyday - and was feeling pretty proud of myself esp as I noticed additional inches coming of without weight loss

I did calculate my bf % with the online system recommended on here and various other websites and it came out as 22%

However at the rebound class last week they got out an electronic body fat machine and our calculated me at 14.8% (117lbs at time and I'm 5'5)- so Firstly a warning to all those using online systems - they are not accurate! I and the trainers were shocked! I don't look gaunt or skinny and feel like I have loads of energy but that is dangerously low for a woman.

Problem also is that I've just upped my training to include running 3 times a week as I'm doing the mens health survival of the Fittest assault course in Edinburgh on 20oct - I managed 3.5 miles without even thinking about it for my first run (I do/will always give myself 1 rest day a week so will drop a class)

So I know I need to eat more - esp with the new training regime - but due to having been obese I am now very calorie and Wight conscious and an funding the idea quite difficult (if I was feeling weak/struggling to do everything I would find it easier but I'm full of energy and feel great!)

So -can someone explain a bit about body fat - by increasing my percent to 18 to be healthy how much weight do you think I will have to get my head round putting on? And it will obviously add inches to won't it?

I'm really annoyed with myself about this as I was trying to do it all right :(

Any help appreciated


  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    If you have energy, feel great, look great, and are eating a decent amount, then having 14% body fat might be fine for you. I'm not an expert, but if you aren't experiencing any health problems due to a lower body fat, such as getting sick or losing your cycle, I wouldn't worry about it. Also, those electronic tests are notoriously inaccurate, so it may not be that low anyway. I'd go by how you feel!
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    Also, those electronic tests are notoriously inaccurate, so it may not be that low anyway. I'd go by how you feel!
    This, so very much.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    If you have energy, feel great, look great, and are eating a decent amount, then having 14% body fat might be fine for you. I'm not an expert, but if you aren't experiencing any health problems due to a lower body fat, such as getting sick or losing your cycle, I wouldn't worry about it. Also, those electronic tests are notoriously inaccurate, so it may not be that low anyway. I'd go by how you feel!

    I read a lot about body fat calculators, body fat pods, etc. etc. last year. They are quite inaccurate and go all over the place.

    If the trainers say you're okay and you look and feel okay, I'm going to assume you're okay. Your BMI is higher than both of my healthy, muscly young adult kids. Don't let the technology scare you.

    But it's nice to have a little flex to keep exercising but eat a bit more.
  • Rosie4732
    Rosie4732 Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks guys

    I actually put a similar thread in the fitness section and they said the same thing

    I feel full of energy and healthier than I have for years so I'm not going to worry and going to carry on as I am maintaining my healthy weight

    It was just a shock to get such a telling off from a pt!
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Those machines are absolute crap. One week I'm at 26% bf the following week I'm at 13%... I can see for fact that I'm around 16-18%.. I don't trust machines, better off using some kind of measuring tool such as calipers
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    For a woman to get to 14% BF you'd have to be lifting heavy on a regular basis and eating at a slight surplus to gain muscle and burn fat. Have you been doing that? Seriously, 14% BF is not an easy achievement for a woman.

    Those electronic scales are notoriously inaccurate. If you feel fine, don't worry about it.
  • Rosie4732
    Rosie4732 Posts: 42 Member
    The more I hear and research I'm 99% sure it measured me way too low!
    I'll get it done again tonight out of interest ;)
  • Angie1366
    Numbers are only a guide - it is how you feel, and that you are fit and healthy that matters. A machine is only as good as the person that produced it, and it only gives an "electronic" figure. My body fat has changed by 3-4% some days - so I do not take the numbers as real - just a guide.

    iam training more now I am maintaining my weight too.... But I keep losing weight, but I am trying to lose the BF% as an experiment. Trouble is I do not like weights so am trying a bit of interval training and heart rate monitor to burn fat.

    To be honest I am beginning to think it is all a load of TOSH! hahah
  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    Hey i thought I'd add my 2 cents on the subject. If you want to get a more accurate number, get a pair of calipers. For the price they will get you closer than just calculating it online and way cheaper than a DXA scan or a hydrostatic test. Easier too. Also, i just wanted to add, don't ever EVER EVER use your BMI as a gauge. It's a totally flawed and outdated system. Just thought I'd mention it.

    A few other helpful tips I'd give would be to lower your carbs and replace them with more lean protein in your overall daily calorie goals. I would also recommend reading up on carb cycling. Try that for a while. Also weight training is KEY to lowering your body fat as well because the more lean muscle you have the more fat it will burn all day. I would say nailing down your diet FAR exceeds adding more cardio and things like that. I'm no expert but i have tried a lot of things and this is what I have seen work and read a lot about. Hope this helps.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    For a woman to get to 14% BF you'd have to be lifting heavy on a regular basis and eating at a slight surplus to gain muscle and burn fat. Have you been doing that? Seriously, 14% BF is not an easy achievement for a woman.

    Those electronic scales are notoriously inaccurate. If you feel fine, don't worry about it.

    You don't lose body fat by eating at a surplus. You lose body fat by eating at a deficit. You may be thinking of the process of going on a bulk, eat at a surplus to gain muscle and some fat. And then go on a cut, eat at a deficit to lose fat while trying to retain as much muscle as possible. But, there are all kinds of ways healthy and unhealthy to get to 14% BF.

    However, it has been established that the method of measuring bodyfat in the gym is a sham, and that the Op is healthy, not underweight or underfat in a detrimental way, and does not have any health issues. She has also said she will run it by her doctor at her next visit.