❄️🎄December Daily Logging and Weigh-in Challenge🪵🔥



  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,792 Member
    Hello, I’m Jill. 🥰I’m 53, 5’7” and I live in Michigan.

    My goals for December🎄 :
    ⚖️Weigh- in daily
    📝Log daily
    🙆‍♀️Stretch daily/ Move daily
    Get back down to under 200 pounds

    Starting weight January 1st: 224.5
    January weight lost: 7.7 pounds
    February weight lost: 5 pounds
    March weight lost: 6 pounds
    April weight lost: 6.5 pounds
    May weight lost: 2.6 pounds
    June weight lost: 1.6 pounds
    July weight lost: 1.3 pounds
    August weight lost: up 1 pound
    September weight loss: 1.8 pounds
    October weight loss: up 3.1 pounds
    November weight loss: up .6 pounds

    1: 203.4– Time to get all gears going. I’ve been really good getting on the scale everyday, but I have a hard time with consistent logging.
    I’ve noticed that it’s easier on the computer than the phone, so my goal for December is to log every day.

    2: 203.5– logged for breakfast… it’s the very beginning of getting back into logging, so I’ll take that as a win. Baby steps.

    3: 201.6 not sure what happened… but I’ll take it. I weigh myself 4x then take the average… so we’ll see what happens tomorrow.

    4: 203.6–there is the bounce back. It’s all good though. Taking carrots to work as my crunchy snack today, along with soup and salad. My goal is to log everything today. Happy Monday!

    5: 201.3 I logged everything and it felt great!
    Let go for 2 in a row.

    6: 202.3 Day 2 of logging is complete! Let’s do 3!

    7: 202.5 Day 3 complete. It wasn't pretty but it was logged! Day 1 of exercise. Up to the Beat fitness by Gina B on YouTube is my go to exercise.

    8: 202.6 Day 4 of logging and day 2 of exercise. Starting healthy routines for 2024 now. Now to get my snacking under control!😉

    9: 202.8 Day 5 of logging and my snack monster 👿 is in overdrive… fighting the logging…but I know this is what I need to do to get and stay below 200 pounds. It takes me a good month to get everything in sync… logging, staying at or below calories, and exercise. December won’t be pretty, but I’m happy to be creating healthy routines.

    10: 202.5 Day 6 of logging.

    11: 203.6 Day 7 of logging. Lots of salty foods yesterday. Time to whip up a big salad for lunch… and take some clementines.
    Finished up Christmas decorating with the family last night.

    12: 203.6 Day 8 of logging and trying to let go of guilt with snacking. Setting up healthy habits for 2024.

    13: 203.8 Day 9 of logging and as you can see, my brain is fighting it. I need to start listening harder to my stomach instead of my brain when it comes to food. Working on getting it back into check. All part of the process.

    I will be posting the 🌺🌼2024–52 Week Challenge🌼🌺 New Year/Healthier You challenge closer to January along with our continued monthly challenges. I’m so happy you’re all on board for 2024!

    14: 205 😔 My husband tested positive for Covid yesterday. His las Covid booster was around Halloween this year so we’re hoping it’s mild. The kids and I all tested negative.

    15: 203.1 hanging in there!
    16: 202.3 Coming to the realization that…”I eat to live and not live to eat”. I deserve to heat things that will help me get healthier and not the junk that bogs me down.

    17: 201.6 🎄
    18: 201.8 Holding steady with weight. It's amazing what you can do when you log! Slowly getting back into it.
    19: 201.7
    20: 202.7… too many Christmas cookies. Got my fill yesterday. Only 5 days until Christmas. Finishing up wrapping today then making soup.
    21: 203.7 … good soup and white chicken chili was made. I’ve realized that I can’t stop at just one cookie or just one potato chip. I like to think I can, but I can’t… and self- realization is part of this whole journey. Back to work today.

    22: 203.4… I’m back to my December 1st weight. I’d like to finish the year under that.

    Jill ❤️
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    edited December 2023
    I'm sure for many of you this will be the most challenging week of the year as far as weight loss goes. I look forward to celebrating the holidays with friends and family. I intend to focus on friends and family, not food this week. I will not give myself a pass because of the season. I'll post here every day this week my friends!

    September weight loss: 4.0
    October weight gain: 3.6 :blush:
    November weight loss: 1.6

    December Start Weight: 188.0
    December Goal Weight: 185.0
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 160.0

    Dec 1 - Dec 7: 188.4-188.0 (-0.4)
    Dec 8 - Dec 14: 188.4 -186.4 (-2.0)
    Dec 15 -Dec 21: 185.8-179.8 (-4.0)
    Dec 22: 180.2
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    This challenge is invaluable. I did my first challenge in August. The last couple of months have been hard, however, I won’t give up. People on here are very motivating.
    My goal this month is pretty simple, to weigh myself everyday and to count calories. If I get some exercise, it will be a bonus.

    Starting weight in March 2023: 230 lbs.
    Goal weight: 120 lbs.
    Height: 5’2”
    Total loss: 47 lbs.
    End of Sept. weight: 187.8 lbs.
    End of October weight: 188
    End of Nov. weight: 186

    Monthly Weight Loss:
    March-10 lbs. (2023)
    April- 8 lbs.
    May- 5 lbs.
    June- 4.4 lbs. (trip to Europe)
    July- 5.6
    August-7 lbs. joined a ‘challenge’
    September- 2.6 lbs. ( sick)
    October- (gained) .2 lbs.
    November- loss 1.2 lbs.

    Dec. 1- 185.6 lbs. I was happily surprised that I lost weight in November, even a small loss. I basically kind of took a break from most exercise activities, stopped logging in my food diary, stopped weighing myself, and ate unhealthy, fast food fairly often. It was a stressful time for me with family. I didn’t really make myself a priority which I know is important to do sometimes. I must learn to deal better with stress. I can feel my body missing the exercise, and hope to change that.
    Dec. 2- 185.6 lbs. went for an early swim
    Dec. 3- 185.6 swim
    Dec. 4- 185 dance class- I’m desperate to lose and break this two month plateau. It’s a tough time of year to try and lose weight, but I’m very focused. I’m sick of seeing the same numbers on the scale.
    Dec. 5- DNW
    Dec. 6- 183.8 lbs. osteoporosis fitness class. We use a video. Haven’t been for a long time.
    Dec. 7- 183.6 lbs. early swim
    Dec. 8- DNW fitness class, elliptical
    Dec. 9- 183.6 lbs.
    Dec. 10- 184.4 lbs. overate last night, logged it, early swim today
    Dec. 11- 183.2 lbs. dance class- I need to find a way to eat in a more balanced way. My hunger really varies, and I’d like to know why. I’m fighting a constant battle with my calorie goals. My father used to say that it’s good for your body to feel a little hunger sometimes. Was he correct? Must one feel hunger in order to lose weight?
    Dec. 12- 182.4 lbs. yesterday I upped my calories, and it seemed to work. My hunger was satiated. Singing in Christmas concert tonight-fun🎶😄
    Dec. 13- 182.8 wine and party last night. Logged everything . Fitness class and gym today
    Dec. 14- 181.8 movie night with friends last night, ate late, but logged everything, swim today
    Dec. 15- 181.8 For the last 5 days I’ve been eating at a slightly higher calorie limit. I feel more satisfied, and able to stay around my limit. I hope I’ve found my sweet spot. Maybe it’s because I’ve added wine to my diet🥳🍷.
    Dec. 16-19 DNW
    Dec. 20- 182.7 lbs.
    Dec. 21- 181.4 lbs. I doubt this is a true weight. We’ll see tomorrow.
    Dec. 22- 181.4 lbs. I took the lowest scale reading, fitness class, set up tables for Christmas dinner
    Dec. 23-
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 485 Member
    Hi, I'm a 50+ yo married female, 5'6", and tired of looking and feeling like I do. I’m making changes to get out of the Obese category, to look good in my clothing, and to have confidence in public again.

    Heaviest Weight: 221 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165
    December Goals: Bike 5+ miles/day Mon-Fri | 1,500 steps/day | Aim for 7 hours sleep/day

    Dec 1: 205.6 Bike | Steps
    Dec 2: 205.1 Bike | Steps
    Dec 3: 205.9 Bike | Sleep
    Dec 4: 207.1 Bike | Steps | Sleep
    Dec 5: 207.0 Bike | Sleep
    Dec 6: 207.8 Bike | Steps | Sleep
    Dec 7: 206.7 Bike | Steps
    Dec 8: 206.4 Bike | Steps | Sleep
    Dec 9: 207.0 Steps | Sleep
    Dec 10: 208.3 Bike | Steps | Sleep
    Dec 11: 207.8 Sleep
    Dec 12: 208.1 Steps | Sleep
    Dec 13: DNW
    Dec 14: 209.3 Steps | Sleep
    Dec 15: 208.7 Bike | Steps
    Dec 16: DNW
    Dec 19: 208.0 Steps
    Dec 21: 207.8 Steps | Sleep
    Dec 22: 207.7

    @HealthStrengthConfidence Welcome to the group, and congrats on jumping in.
  • andreajlnhe
    andreajlnhe Posts: 218 Member
    Hello, I'm a busy mom and this is my 4th month with this group. I am slowly working my way to my goal weight.

    My goal for December is to not get derailed by Christmas! This will be a challenge, because I love to eat ALL the Christmas cookies from December 25-early January. My goal will be to log from December 27-31, in addition to checking in daily.

    Start weight September 1: 141.0 lbs

    December start weight: 128.2 lbs
    December goal: 126.6 lbs Considering Christmas, I want to be conservative with my goal, but I want to still have an overall loss for the month.

    December 1: 128.2 I logged 🎄
    December 2: 129.2
    December 3: 128.8
    December 4: 129.4 I logged 🎄 Had extremely busy days on the 1st & 2nd; went out to dinner at a restaurant; and have had some hormonal issues with my cycle starting. Hopefully this is the worst of the gain. Now I can get back to my calorie goal & logging.
    December 5: 129.4 I logged 🎄
    December 6: 128.6
    December 7: 128.8 I logged 🎄
    December 8: 128.4 I logged 🎄 Lately I have found it very tough to make my calorie goal. Gotta just keep trying every day.
    December 9: 127.4 I logged 🎄 Yesssss! Yesterday it wasn't hard to reach my calorie goal. I had a big breakfast and then lots of protein in the afternoon. Maybe that had something to do with it. Or, maybe I'm getting used to my calorie goal again.
    December 10: 127.6
    December 11: 126.8 Woo-hoo; very happy with today's weight. I have not felt very good the last couple days; decided to take the day off from logging yesterday, but I was careful not to overindulge.
    December 12: 127.8 I logged 🎄 Didn't feel so good yesterday either! Logging went by the wayside. I really think it's hormonal. I think I'm feeling better today; my goal is to log successfully today.
    December 13: 127.8 I logged 🎄
    December 14: 127.8 I logged 🎄 This morning I thought surely the scale was "stuck." But it's acting normal these days, so 127.8 it is. Also; our new cat is causing me to get more exercise. He keeps trying to climb our Christmas tree and attack the ornaments, and I am spending quite a bit of energy chasing him around.
    December 15: 127.0
    December 16: 126.6 I logged 🎄 I am pleasantly surprised with today's weight. Yesterday we made gingerbread cookies and I'm pretty sure I ate too many, and I stopped logging for the day. We will see if this did any significant damage. Hopefully not. It has been many years since we've made gingerbread; it is so much fun. My goal for today is to log successfully and include a couple gingerbread cookies if desired, without going crazy.
    December 17: 126.8
    December 18: 127.2 I logged 🎄 Not surprised to see the scale go up. Yesterday was a big day; I was not able to log, AND I got super super hungry and probably ate too much. It's ok. My goal for today through the 24th is to log and meet my calorie goal every day. Hubby has noticed the weight loss; he said that "it's like hugging a 20-year old you."
    December 19: 126.6
    December 20: 126.8
    December 21: 126.2 I logged 🎄 I did not log on the 19th or 20th. I was in a frenzy of Christmas shopping! I think I'm done shopping, so I think I can log today. I'm glad the number on the scale is looking good.
    December 22: 126.4
    December 23:
    December 24:
    December 25:
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,232 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 63 years old and from Michigan USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    This Challenge Starting Weight (from Nov 30): 181.4
    Goal: 177.4 (Four lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx

    **********************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME********************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    12/01-181.4-(Trend Weight 181.9)-

    12/02-181.4-(Trend Weight 181.9)-

    12/03-182.0-(Trend Weight 181.9)-

    12/04-181.0-(Trend Weight 180.8)-

    12/05-180.6-(Trend Weight 181.7)-

    12/06-179.4-(Trend Weight 181.4)-

    12/07-179.2-(Trend Weight 181.2)-

    12/08-179.0-(Trend Weight 181.0)-

    12/09-179.6-(Trend Weight 180.9)-

    12/10-179.6-(Trend Weight 180.7)-

    12/11-178.8-(Trend Weight 180.6

    12/12-178.2-(Trend Weight 180.3)-

    12/13-178.8-(Trend Weight 180.2)-

    12/14-177.2-(Trend Weight 179.9)-

    12/15-177.8-(Trend Weight 179.7)-

    12/16-178.0-(Trend Weight 179.5)-

    12/17-178.6-(Trend Weight 179.6)-

    12/18-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    12/19-179.2-(Trend Weight 179.7)-

    12/20-179.2-(Trend Weight 179.7)-

    12/21-178.8-(Trend Weight 179.6)- I had such a good day yesterday that I thought the scale would be down a bit more than what it is. Then I remembered my indulgences this past week and I know it can take a couple of days to catch up, so this weight is probably fair. I need to start baking soon but I know I’m not strong enough to stay away from sugar. I cheat that right now by not having it in the house and minimizing access to it. Otherwise, I’ve learned nothing. Well….maybe I’ve learned things, I know the disadvantages of sugar, especially as a T2D. But none of that seems to matter when I suddenly have it in front of me. I suppose it could be worse than cookies and fudge. It could be donuts, my #1 weakness. The only thing better than a donut is a kringle and I don’t have access to those in my little rural town. I have to travel for that.

    12/22-178.8-(Trend Weight 179.5)- It was a horrible eating day yesterday. Most of my meals were okay (I was on the higher calorie/carb day of zig-zag) so all was well until snack time. Off the charts, my friends! I stepped on both of my scales today to make sure that I did stay exactly the same as yesterday because it is almost impossible! I’m fearful it will show up tomorrow or the next day. I jumped on the exercise bike to offset the calories a bit last night after the handyman left, but we all know that you cannot outrun the fork. Even if the scale stays even, I’m not getting anywhere like this, oh, what it is doing to my blood glucose levels! Get a grip Donna! Today I will zig-zag to an extra low calorie and low carb day to offset a bit. I’ll fit some more exercise in when my handyman leaves tonight if I can, but my daughter and DGS will be arriving this evening to stay the weekend again. She’s the foodie!

    12/23-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/24-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/25-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/26-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/27-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/28-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

  • sands4
    sands4 Posts: 179 Member
    December start weight: 164.6
    December goal weight:
    Ultimate goal weight:

    Dec 1 164.6
    Dec 2 163.4
    Dec 3 164 I’m finding if I have starchy carbs for dinner my weight goes up even when I plan and stay in my 1200 calories, changing now
    Dec 4 164
    Dec 5 163,8
    Dec 6 163.6
    Dec 7 163
    Dec 8 162.6
    Dec 9 162.6 I’ll be away from my scale until dec 13 163
    Dec 13 163 I’m very happy with today’s weigh in. Being away from my kitchen and the scale for 4 days.
    Dec 14 162.6
    Dec 15 162.8
    Dec 16 162.4
    Dec 17 160.6
    Dec 18 160.2
    Dec 19 160.4
    Dec 20 160.4
    Dec 21 away from my scale
    Dec 22 still away
  • jspecies11
    jspecies11 Posts: 1,051 Member
    Hi all. I’m joining late but looking for to some self imposed discipline this month. I retire at the end of the month and want to be in the best health possible. Process: log food with mindful eating, limit alcohol to weekend minimum, strength train 5x/week, increase water intake. 70 yo female 5’5”
    12/4 129.2#
    12/5 129.4#
    12/6 129.8#
    12/7 129.6#
    12/8 129.8#
    12/9 DNW under the weather
    12/10 129.2#
    12/11 129.2#
    12/12 128.8#
    12/13 128.4#
    12/14 129.0#
    12/15. 128.8#
    12/16 128.6#
    12/17 128.8#
    12/18 128.4#
    12/19 129.0#
    12/20 128.4#
    12/21 128.8#
    12/22 129.0#
  • lislisa123
    lislisa123 Posts: 658 Member
    I always start these challenges and have the hardest time finishing them. I'm trying to get back into it and succeed this time.

    December Start Weight: 344.4
    December Goal Weight: 340
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 225 or less

    December 1: 344.4
    December 8: 343.8
    December 15: 334.8

    December 22: 346.8 ( I had surgery a week ago and was stressed/depressed which probably contributed to some added weight gain around this time. )

    December 31:
  • StirredIntention
    StirredIntention Posts: 227 Member
    Hey friends! My name is B - I live with my husband and two kids and work in communitymental health. I've never not struggled with my weight, so I'm focusing on long term habits so I can live a longer and more active life with my family.

    Monthly Habits:
    Log all my food 🥙
    Work out 3x/week 🏃‍♀️
    8 glasses of water💧
    Self Care Activity 🧶

    Sept weightloss: 6.7 lbs
    Oct weightloss: 3.1 lbs
    Nov weightloss: 2.3 lbs

    ❄️🎄Dec Monthly goal: lose 2 pounds

    1: 🥙💧🧶
    2: 🥙💧🧶🏃‍♀️ Spent the day with the family at our town tree lighting, now finishing off a chocolate martini and getting ready for bed ❄️
    3: 🥙💧
    4: 🥙
    5: 🥙 🧶"This has been a long week" she said at noon on a Tuesday.
    6: 🥙🧶
    7: 🥙
    8: 🥙🧶🏃‍♀️ took a walk through town to look at Christmas lights 🎄
    9: 🥙🧶🏃‍♀️
    10: 🥙🧶💧
    11: 🥙
    12: 🥙
    13: 🥙🧶
    14: 🥙🧶
    15: 🥙🧶 Today I hit 90 days of tracking! Feeling really proud of my consistency 🎉
    16: 🥙🧶
    17: 🥙🧶
    18: 🥙 I went to Aldi for the first time today and my life is changed - please everyone tell me your fav Aldi finds. What rock have I been living under all these years?!
    19: 🥙🧶
    20: 🥙 the holiday chaos is striking - I'm baking for the offices I work at, which is taking more time than I thought, and now I'm trying to estimate how much cookie dough I've stress eaten 🙄 in focusing on keeping up with my tracking even if it's not what I would have initially planned for.
    21: 🥙
    22: 🥙🧶
  • andreajlnhe
    andreajlnhe Posts: 218 Member
    Hello, I'm a busy mom and this is my 4th month with this group. I am slowly working my way to my goal weight.

    My goal for December is to not get derailed by Christmas! This will be a challenge, because I love to eat ALL the Christmas cookies from December 25-early January. My goal will be to log from December 27-31, in addition to checking in daily.

    Start weight September 1: 141.0 lbs

    December start weight: 128.2 lbs
    December goal: 126.6 lbs Considering Christmas, I want to be conservative with my goal, but I want to still have an overall loss for the month.

    December 1: 128.2 I logged 🎄
    December 2: 129.2
    December 3: 128.8
    December 4: 129.4 I logged 🎄 Had extremely busy days on the 1st & 2nd; went out to dinner at a restaurant; and have had some hormonal issues with my cycle starting. Hopefully this is the worst of the gain. Now I can get back to my calorie goal & logging.
    December 5: 129.4 I logged 🎄
    December 6: 128.6
    December 7: 128.8 I logged 🎄
    December 8: 128.4 I logged 🎄 Lately I have found it very tough to make my calorie goal. Gotta just keep trying every day.
    December 9: 127.4 I logged 🎄 Yesssss! Yesterday it wasn't hard to reach my calorie goal. I had a big breakfast and then lots of protein in the afternoon. Maybe that had something to do with it. Or, maybe I'm getting used to my calorie goal again.
    December 10: 127.6
    December 11: 126.8 Woo-hoo; very happy with today's weight. I have not felt very good the last couple days; decided to take the day off from logging yesterday, but I was careful not to overindulge.
    December 12: 127.8 I logged 🎄 Didn't feel so good yesterday either! Logging went by the wayside. I really think it's hormonal. I think I'm feeling better today; my goal is to log successfully today.
    December 13: 127.8 I logged 🎄
    December 14: 127.8 I logged 🎄 This morning I thought surely the scale was "stuck." But it's acting normal these days, so 127.8 it is. Also; our new cat is causing me to get more exercise. He keeps trying to climb our Christmas tree and attack the ornaments, and I am spending quite a bit of energy chasing him around.
    December 15: 127.0
    December 16: 126.6 I logged 🎄 I am pleasantly surprised with today's weight. Yesterday we made gingerbread cookies and I'm pretty sure I ate too many, and I stopped logging for the day. We will see if this did any significant damage. Hopefully not. It has been many years since we've made gingerbread; it is so much fun. My goal for today is to log successfully and include a couple gingerbread cookies if desired, without going crazy.
    December 17: 126.8
    December 18: 127.2 I logged 🎄 Not surprised to see the scale go up. Yesterday was a big day; I was not able to log, AND I got super super hungry and probably ate too much. It's ok. My goal for today through the 24th is to log and meet my calorie goal every day. Hubby has noticed the weight loss; he said that "it's like hugging a 20-year old you."
    December 19: 126.6
    December 20: 126.8
    December 21: 126.2 I logged 🎄 I did not log on the 19th or 20th. I was in a frenzy of Christmas shopping! I think I'm done shopping, so I think I can log today. I'm glad the number on the scale is looking good.
    December 22: 126.4
    December 23: 126.2
    December 24:
    December 25:
  • sands4
    sands4 Posts: 179 Member
    December start weight: 164.6
    December goal weight:
    Ultimate goal weight:

    Dec 1 164.6
    Dec 2 163.4
    Dec 3 164 I’m finding if I have starchy carbs for dinner my weight goes up even when I plan and stay in my 1200 calories, changing now
    Dec 4 164
    Dec 5 163,8
    Dec 6 163.6
    Dec 7 163
    Dec 8 162.6
    Dec 9 162.6 I’ll be away from my scale until dec 13 163
    Dec 13 163 I’m very happy with today’s weigh in. Being away from my kitchen and the scale for 4 days.
    Dec 14 162.6
    Dec 15 162.8
    Dec 16 162.4
    Dec 17 160.6
    Dec 18 160.2
    Dec 19 160.4
    Dec 20 160.4
    Dec 21 away from my scale
    Dec 22 still away
    Dec 23 163.4
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    I ate dinner late and too much. I can do better! This has been a really good weight loss month for me so far. It would be a shame to blow it in the last week of the month.

    September weight loss: 4.0
    October weight gain: 3.6 :blush:
    November weight loss: 1.6

    December Start Weight: 188.0
    December Goal Weight: 185.0
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 160.0

    Dec 1 - Dec 7: 188.4-188.0 (-0.4)
    Dec 8 - Dec 14: 188.4 -186.4 (-2.0)
    Dec 15 -Dec 21: 185.8-179.8 (-4.0)
    Dec 22: 180.2
    Dec 23: 182.6
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,232 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 63 years old and from Michigan USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    This Challenge Starting Weight (from Nov 30): 181.4
    Goal: 177.4 (Four lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx

    **********************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME********************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    12/01-181.4-(Trend Weight 181.9)-

    12/02-181.4-(Trend Weight 181.9)-

    12/03-182.0-(Trend Weight 181.9)-

    12/04-181.0-(Trend Weight 180.8)-

    12/05-180.6-(Trend Weight 181.7)-

    12/06-179.4-(Trend Weight 181.4)-

    12/07-179.2-(Trend Weight 181.2)-

    12/08-179.0-(Trend Weight 181.0)-

    12/09-179.6-(Trend Weight 180.9)-

    12/10-179.6-(Trend Weight 180.7)-

    12/11-178.8-(Trend Weight 180.6

    12/12-178.2-(Trend Weight 180.3)-

    12/13-178.8-(Trend Weight 180.2)-

    12/14-177.2-(Trend Weight 179.9)-

    12/15-177.8-(Trend Weight 179.7)-

    12/16-178.0-(Trend Weight 179.5)-

    12/17-178.6-(Trend Weight 179.6)-

    12/18-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    12/19-179.2-(Trend Weight 179.7)-

    12/20-179.2-(Trend Weight 179.7)-

    12/21-178.8-(Trend Weight 179.6)-

    12/22-178.8-(Trend Weight 179.5)- It was a horrible eating day yesterday. Most of my meals were okay (I was on the higher calorie/carb day of zig-zag) so all was well until snack time. Off the charts, my friends! I stepped on both of my scales today to make sure that I did stay exactly the same as yesterday because it is almost impossible! I’m fearful it will show up tomorrow or the next day. I jumped on the exercise bike to offset the calories a bit last night after the handyman left, but we all know that you cannot outrun the fork. Even if the scale stays even, I’m not getting anywhere like this, oh, what it is doing to my blood glucose levels! Get a grip Donna! Today I will zig-zag to an extra low calorie and low carb day to offset a bit. I’ll fit some more exercise in when my handyman leaves tonight if I can, but my daughter and DGS will be arriving this evening to stay the weekend again. She’s the foodie!

    12/23-179.2-(Trend Weight 179.5)- There’s the uptick I couldn’t find but expected yesterday. I have some work to do! I think handyman will be finishing the tiling on the fireplace today. Now we have to wait for the new grilles to come in that we ordered to complete the look and functionality. Parts are on backorder but are expected by Jan 3rd. I just want it done already! I’m very tired today and really dragging my feet. Coffee isn’t helping this time.

    12/24-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/25-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/26-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/27-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/28-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    12/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
  • jspecies11
    jspecies11 Posts: 1,051 Member
    Hi all. I’m joining late but looking for to some self imposed discipline this month. I retire at the end of the month and want to be in the best health possible. Process: log food with mindful eating, limit alcohol to weekend minimum, strength train 5x/week, increase water intake. 70 yo female 5’5”
    12/4 129.2#
    12/5 129.4#
    12/6 129.8#
    12/7 129.6#
    12/8 129.8#
    12/9 DNW under the weather
    12/10 129.2#
    12/11 129.2#
    12/12 128.8#
    12/13 128.4#
    12/14 129.0#
    12/15. 128.8#
    12/16 128.6#
    12/17 128.8#
    12/18 128.4#
    12/19 129.0#
    12/20 128.4#
    12/21 128.8#
    12/22 129.0#
    12/23 129.0#
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,792 Member
    Hello, I’m Jill. 🥰I’m 53, 5’7” and I live in Michigan.

    My goals for December🎄 :
    ⚖️Weigh- in daily
    📝Log daily
    🙆‍♀️Stretch daily/ Move daily
    Get back down to under 200 pounds

    Starting weight January 1st: 224.5
    January weight lost: 7.7 pounds
    February weight lost: 5 pounds
    March weight lost: 6 pounds
    April weight lost: 6.5 pounds
    May weight lost: 2.6 pounds
    June weight lost: 1.6 pounds
    July weight lost: 1.3 pounds
    August weight lost: up 1 pound
    September weight loss: 1.8 pounds
    October weight loss: up 3.1 pounds
    November weight loss: up .6 pounds

    1: 203.4– Time to get all gears going. I’ve been really good getting on the scale everyday, but I have a hard time with consistent logging.
    I’ve noticed that it’s easier on the computer than the phone, so my goal for December is to log every day.

    2: 203.5– logged for breakfast… it’s the very beginning of getting back into logging, so I’ll take that as a win. Baby steps.

    3: 201.6 not sure what happened… but I’ll take it. I weigh myself 4x then take the average… so we’ll see what happens tomorrow.

    4: 203.6–there is the bounce back. It’s all good though. Taking carrots to work as my crunchy snack today, along with soup and salad. My goal is to log everything today. Happy Monday!

    5: 201.3 I logged everything and it felt great!
    Let go for 2 in a row.

    6: 202.3 Day 2 of logging is complete! Let’s do 3!

    7: 202.5 Day 3 complete. It wasn't pretty but it was logged! Day 1 of exercise. Up to the Beat fitness by Gina B on YouTube is my go to exercise.

    8: 202.6 Day 4 of logging and day 2 of exercise. Starting healthy routines for 2024 now. Now to get my snacking under control!😉

    9: 202.8 Day 5 of logging and my snack monster 👿 is in overdrive… fighting the logging…but I know this is what I need to do to get and stay below 200 pounds. It takes me a good month to get everything in sync… logging, staying at or below calories, and exercise. December won’t be pretty, but I’m happy to be creating healthy routines.

    10: 202.5 Day 6 of logging.

    11: 203.6 Day 7 of logging. Lots of salty foods yesterday. Time to whip up a big salad for lunch… and take some clementines.
    Finished up Christmas decorating with the family last night.

    12: 203.6 Day 8 of logging and trying to let go of guilt with snacking. Setting up healthy habits for 2024.

    13: 203.8 Day 9 of logging and as you can see, my brain is fighting it. I need to start listening harder to my stomach instead of my brain when it comes to food. Working on getting it back into check. All part of the process.

    I will be posting the 🌺🌼2024–52 Week Challenge🌼🌺 New Year/Healthier You challenge closer to January along with our continued monthly challenges. I’m so happy you’re all on board for 2024!

    14: 205 😔 My husband tested positive for Covid yesterday. His las Covid booster was around Halloween this year so we’re hoping it’s mild. The kids and I all tested negative.

    15: 203.1 hanging in there!
    16: 202.3 Coming to the realization that…”I eat to live and not live to eat”. I deserve to heat things that will help me get healthier and not the junk that bogs me down.

    17: 201.6 🎄
    18: 201.8 Holding steady with weight. It's amazing what you can do when you log! Slowly getting back into it.
    19: 201.7
    20: 202.7… too many Christmas cookies. Got my fill yesterday. Only 5 days until Christmas. Finishing up wrapping today then making soup.
    21: 203.7 … good soup and white chicken chili was made. I’ve realized that I can’t stop at just one cookie or just one potato chip. I like to think I can, but I can’t… and self- realization is part of this whole journey. Back to work today.

    22: 203.4… I’m back to my December 1st weight. I’d like to finish the year under that.

    23: DNW
    Jill ❤️
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    This challenge is invaluable. I did my first challenge in August. The last couple of months have been hard, however, I won’t give up. People on here are very motivating.
    My goal this month is pretty simple, to weigh myself everyday and to count calories. If I get some exercise, it will be a bonus.

    Starting weight in March 2023: 230 lbs.
    Goal weight: 120 lbs.
    Height: 5’2”
    Total loss: 47 lbs.
    End of Sept. weight: 187.8 lbs.
    End of October weight: 188
    End of Nov. weight: 186

    Monthly Weight Loss:
    March-10 lbs. (2023)
    April- 8 lbs.
    May- 5 lbs.
    June- 4.4 lbs. (trip to Europe)
    July- 5.6
    August-7 lbs. joined a ‘challenge’
    September- 2.6 lbs. ( sick)
    October- (gained) .2 lbs.
    November- loss 1.2 lbs.

    Dec. 1- 185.6 lbs. I was happily surprised that I lost weight in November, even a small loss. I basically kind of took a break from most exercise activities, stopped logging in my food diary, stopped weighing myself, and ate unhealthy, fast food fairly often. It was a stressful time for me with family. I didn’t really make myself a priority which I know is important to do sometimes. I must learn to deal better with stress. I can feel my body missing the exercise, and hope to change that.
    Dec. 2- 185.6 lbs. went for an early swim
    Dec. 3- 185.6 swim
    Dec. 4- 185 dance class- I’m desperate to lose and break this two month plateau. It’s a tough time of year to try and lose weight, but I’m very focused. I’m sick of seeing the same numbers on the scale.
    Dec. 5- DNW
    Dec. 6- 183.8 lbs. osteoporosis fitness class. We use a video. Haven’t been for a long time.
    Dec. 7- 183.6 lbs. early swim
    Dec. 8- DNW fitness class, elliptical
    Dec. 9- 183.6 lbs.
    Dec. 10- 184.4 lbs. overate last night, logged it, early swim today
    Dec. 11- 183.2 lbs. dance class- I need to find a way to eat in a more balanced way. My hunger really varies, and I’d like to know why. I’m fighting a constant battle with my calorie goals. My father used to say that it’s good for your body to feel a little hunger sometimes. Was he correct? Must one feel hunger in order to lose weight?
    Dec. 12- 182.4 lbs. yesterday I upped my calories, and it seemed to work. My hunger was satiated. Singing in Christmas concert tonight-fun🎶😄
    Dec. 13- 182.8 wine and party last night. Logged everything . Fitness class and gym today
    Dec. 14- 181.8 movie night with friends last night, ate late, but logged everything, swim today
    Dec. 15- 181.8 For the last 5 days I’ve been eating at a slightly higher calorie limit. I feel more satisfied, and able to stay around my limit. I hope I’ve found my sweet spot. Maybe it’s because I’ve added wine to my diet🥳🍷.
    Dec. 16-19 DNW
    Dec. 20- 182.7 lbs.
    Dec. 21- 181.4 lbs. I doubt this is a true weight. We’ll see tomorrow.
    Dec. 22- 181.4 lbs. I took the lowest scale reading, fitness class, set up tables for Christmas dinner
    Dec. 23- 182 lbs. what? Today has been an emotional roller coaster. Two of my kids have Covid and their families can’t come for Christmas dinner and party. Luckily, I’m able to postpone it to a later date. Very happy right now because If they’re all well, they will all come later (16 of them).
    This seems to happen every year. Wanted to just eat today because of the stress. Good news is that I’m not giving in and spoiling this month’s efforts.
    Dec. 24-
    Dec. 25-
  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    I am a 46 year-old married mom of four, 2x cancer survivor with Hypothyroidism who is trying again to start exercising WITHOUT injuring myself, log daily, drink more water, and creating some new routines this month while starting my new job - yeah!

    Habit Goals for the Month to drop into the 170's:
    🪵 = Log
    🍽️ = Hit Calorie Goal
    🧘 = Stretch/PT
    🏃‍♀️= Cardio
    💧= Hit Water Goal

    12/01: 182.3 🪵🧘
    12/02: 181.7
    12/03: Stomach bug
    12/04: Stomach bug
    12/05: Stomach bug
    12/06: 179.5 - rehydrate day
    12/07: 181.5 🪵🍽️💧
    12/08: 179.8 🪵🍽️
    12/09: DNW 🪵
    12/10: 180.3
    12/11: 180.8 - Need to focus on w/e
    12/12: 179.8 - Not feeling well again.
    12/14: 178.8
    12/15: 180.1
    12/16: 180.3
    12/17 - DNW - Covid booster.
    12/18: 180.6
    12/19: 181.9 - Been eating to deal with my emotions and it's caught up with me.
    12/20: 181.4 - Trying to reel myself back in. Tomorrow is my ten year-old's oral surgery to extract a supernumerary tooth and attach a chain to slowly pull the adult tooth into position. It will be the first time of her having general anesthesia. I'm a bit of an anxious momma tonight.
    12/21: DNW
    12/22: DNW
    12/23: 184.3 - My daughter's surgery went well and her recovery so far as well. I'm totally off any kind of routine and have been eating and drinking whatever is easiest and most convenient. So while I am not surprised by this number, I am discouraged at the moment.
  • millej238
    millej238 Posts: 24 Member
    December start weight: 74.7 kg (164.7lb)
    December goal: 71.7kg (158lb)

    December 5: 74.7kg
    December 8: 73.9kg
    December 10: 73kg
    December 14: 74.1kg
    December 16: 73.5kg
    December 18: 73.3kg
    December 22: 73.5kg

    Loss this month = 1.2kg
    Remaining goal = 1.8 kg
    • Food logging continues to be consistent, and coming in on / under target calories (1847 calories). I've been over-estimating when in doubt, so I feel confident I am not eating in excess of my target
    • I've just started back in some HIIT / Strength training, and I'm particularly sore in my legs, butt, abs and arms from this - I am wondering whether I'm retaining some weight due to this
    • Tomorrow I think I'll give myself a day off logging food and just enjoy the day! Probably not what everyone else is doing but hey :smiley: