Back on it again !

I've been on here before...just like many times, get to a good rhythm just to fall back into the same routine by leaving here and then starting a new account when i realise i actually would prefer to use this ๐Ÿ™ƒ.

At the moment it's just building motivation to actually workout (mostly home workouts) after a long day of work... and it being winter my brain is telling me it's too cold to do anything ๐Ÿ˜‚.

Any tips would be great! Feel free to add too! Maybe I'll not kid myself this time round!


  • Turtle9952
    Turtle9952 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello and welcome back. I myself have been on the app since 2011. However, just like many on here, my dedication to the app will ebb and flow.

    Like you, I have a pretty demanding work schedule. As a triathlete, this schedule can make it tough to workout at times. However, I have found that building a habit and not making excuses helps.

    Find that time early in the morning, during lunch, or in the evening that you know is open and fill it with a small workout. Do a small workout each day until it becomes habit. As those workouts become easier, build on it.

    Setting goals also helps. Each time a goal is accomplished it will make you hungry to accomplish another. For me my goal this year was to complete a half-ironman. Once that was complete I was hungry for another, and another. The habits I built and not accepting excuses allowed me to knock out three this year. That and those races are expensive and not wasting money is a great motivator.