Tracking steps using the App

Hey guys,

Maybe I'm being slow here but can someone point out how I can track my steps on this thing? I'm using an Android and I've connected my Samsung Health app with MFP but I'm seeing no update on steps taken nor a way to add manually.

Again must be an oversight on my part, but any help would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers and have a good day.


  • loulee997
    loulee997 Posts: 273 Member
    edited November 2023
    I don't sych so I can't help there. But until you figure it out, you can load the steps in as walking.

    8000 steps is 3.5 miles.
    5,000 steps is 2 miles.
    • Walking slow and easy, you walk 1 mile in 20 minutes.
    • Moderate walking-- 1 mile in 15 minutes.
    • Fast walking--11 minutes to walk 1 mile.

    So 8,000 steps walked slowly would be 70 minutes.
    5,000 would be 40 minutes walked slowly.


    You could track 8,000 steps as Walking-Slow for 70 minutes. It'll then give you a calorie conversion.

    Does this work around help until you get the sync worked out?
    • Go to Exercise
    • To Cardivascular
    • Search Walking
    • Select Type of Walking
    • I chose leisurely paced.
    • Put in minutes.
  • nolongergordo
    nolongergordo Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks Lou,

    I fiddled about with it yesterday evening and think I came to the same result.
    I also noticed that I put this question in the wrong section lol.

    Thanks for the help :smile: