strengthening legs with dodgy knees



  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    I packed on some leg muscle after just a week of cycling. I build leg muscle quickly though but biking made it happen much faster than walking ever did.

    ETA: I have Hyper-extension so I know all about aches and weird pains in the knees/hips.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    unfortunately i can't squat at all.

    How do you weight a hip bridge? I've only done them bodyweight. Do you use a plate or something?

    Thanks all, and apols for slow response, havent been at puter.

    You could probably use a plate but most of the time you put a barbell across your hips (just below your hip bone). A hip thruster is basically the same but your shoulders are elevated on a bench
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    thanks all. i have been formally checked previously. i have very hypermobile knees.

    i can occasionally squat when having a good knee week, but not generally, and even then results can be unpredictable if the knee goes out mid squat. (i've had to be rescued before. not pretty. :-) )

    i'll give the weighted thrust and bridge a go. embarrassing exercises for the only oestrogen carrier in the weight room. cool. :-)

    i do cycle and run. my main interest in strengthening my legs is to give better support to my joints, and help injury prevention for running.