Missing waist measurement data.

I’ve been using MyFitnessPal since 2012, and just discovered when I went to enter my weekly weight and waist measurements that all of my waist measurement entries were missing. I logged in online, and thankfully they are still there and I was able to have them email me all of my entries for the past 11 years. However, they are no longer on the app on either of my devices. Any ideas on how to restore the data?

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  • renefliss74
    renefliss74 Posts: 1 Member
    hips , waist , bp systolic , bp dyastolic is all gone...but in my apple laptop i still have everything....
  • amandabampton
    amandabampton Posts: 1 Member
    edited December 2023
    I’ve noticed that my past weight records keep getting changed - just random days and by huge amounts, I weighed 28,45 & 32 stone in the past 90 days! Anyone else seen this? I’m using latest version of the app
  • arrae
    arrae Posts: 5 Member
    edited December 2023
    All of my progress data since 2015 is gone. And my log is totally messed up. I've tried emailing many times with no resolution. This is so frustrating.
  • jenniferbwilson
    jenniferbwilson Posts: 3 Member
    edited December 2023
    I am missing data before November 2017 on the web version of MFP and everything before December 2021 on the app. I have installed and reinstalled the app multiple times. Tech support won't even respond. It would be helpful if they would tell us that there are known issues rather than just saying that the problems from November 30 have been fixed. I am furious. If this isn't fixed, I will probably switch to LoseIt after 11 years with MFP.
  • jenniferbwilson
    jenniferbwilson Posts: 3 Member
    I saw where you said that they sent you 11 years of entries. How did you get to a person at tech support? I am only receiving automated responses.
  • sisilito
    sisilito Posts: 1 Member
    I have the same problem. Just logged in from browser not from the app and everything is still there.
  • Hagbeard
    Hagbeard Posts: 4 Member
    Same problem, data in the browser but not showing in the app.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,235 Member
    I just went to log measurements for the first time since August and discovered all my measurement info is gone. Over a decade's worth. Not happy. Only "backup data" I have is the two handwritten notes I found from May and August when I was actually doing the measuring. *sigh*