Not new but restarting


As stated in the title I’m not new to weight loss just posting online. My motivation is waning.


  • carterbrent
    carterbrent Posts: 91 Member
    I felt that way this week.i have been on this plan off and on the last few years and started at 243 and now weigh 217. Progress Is slow and I have a long way to go. I severely injured my lower spine 3 years ago and have done 2 rounds of physical therapy but it didn't help much. Sometimes it's hard to even walk 2 dogs around the block so I am relying on diet alone to lose wt most of the time.the only activity I get is shopping cooking and housework which is something I guess. I am on 1000 calories and lost 3 pounds my first week back so I know it works.i got into size 14 skinny jeans this week .I haven't been able to wear them since about 2015.i was up to a 16 women's after mom died in 2016. I went thru a really bad suicidal depression for about 5 months and they put me on a drug that made me gain 30 pounds in a month in addition to the Depakote which caused about a 80 pound gain over the 16 years I was on that drug. I am off that drug since July when it gave me pancreatitus and I almost died in the intensive care unit of the hospital. I have lost 10 pounds since august.without diet or exercize.