Why isn’t this working?

I’ve been using this app for a few months and definitely noticed that i’m not gaining, nor losing weight and I just feel stuck. Wondering how I can change my goals to adjust my macro requirements.


  • Opalescent_Topaz
    Opalescent_Topaz Posts: 130 Member
    Be prepared for folks to ask you to open your diary. Really, though, your macros probably don't make that big of a difference as far as long term weight loss goes. It typically comes down to some tricky logging stuff (thus people wanting to see your diary).
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,420 Member
    Opening the diary has the reason to let us have a look whether we see some obvious logging errors.

    But if you're not comfortable then you can help us by providing a bit more info: What are your current stats and starting stats? What's your calorie goal? For how long are you logging? Are you logging every day or are there days where you wing it? Do you use a foodscale or other means of measuring? What kind of exercise do you do and do you eat back calories or not? How do you estimate these calories?
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,137 Member
    These are typically the reasons for a lack of progress (lack of calorie deficit) if it's been a few months:
    - underestimating calorie intake due to:
    * inaccurate measurements (for example using cups instead of a scale)
    * unmeasured ('eyeballed') foods (for example restaurant meals)
    * inaccurate food database entries: wrong entries, generic entries like '1 bowl of tomato soup' instead of entering the recipe/individual ingredients, confusing raw and cooked food entries (e.g. 100gr cooked rice has fewer calories than 100gr uncooked rice)
    - overestimating calorie burn (exercise calories and/or general activity level)
    - not fitting the statistical averages on which MFP (and other tools like fitness trackers) base their estimates for calorie needs: the averages works (more or less) for a lot of people, but there are outliers in both directions - people who require significantly less or significantly more calories than average

    If you give us more info (Yirara's questions), we can perhaps help to pinpoint where your specific issue is.
  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 1,667 Member
    You’re eating at your weekly maintenance calories. You need to take in fewer calories.

    - your activity level is set too high
    - eating back too many exercise calories
    - Choosing foods on the lists with incorrect calorie amounts
    - Not logging all things you’re eating and drinking every day of the week
    - Not weighing food, causing incorrect logging of calories

    Check all of these to see where your issue is. It can be multiple.