Day Off from Exercise

I exercise a lot! Since I don't have a vehicle, I bicycle everywhere (and its a 30 minute bike ride to work). My dog is better behaved if walked for 90 minutes a day. I control my arthritis by swimming 60-90 minutes several times a week. I love all of this, it is not a chore for me. However I have heard that there are benefits in taking a day off. What do other MFP members think? How often? Once a week, once every ten days, once a month? I can't go to zero even on off days - the dog still has to go for a short walk, and I still have to bike to work (and back).


  • EddieG43
    There is no correct answer to this. Listen to your body! If it needs rest, it will tell you. If you love to move, then keep is the best part of being humans appreciate movement when it is given to us ;-) Keep pushing forward!!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    I never take a day off,ever.
    I will have a day that I do not do as much,,,
    like most days, cycle or run for 2 hours, and on your slow day
    go for one hour.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    take a day off if you feel like it. it's not a big deal.

    personally, i think humans are meant for daily movement - to whatever extreme your body feels good. i don't like taking a "rest" day myself. it makes me feel like a lazy bones.
  • Sarahlascelles
    Sarahlascelles Posts: 41 Member
    I never have a complete day off, even if I don't swim or do a 'workout' I will walk the dog - like you I find canine conduct is related to exercise levels :-)
  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    In your case you have a routine which probably does not vary much. In that case your body has probably already adapted to that level and those specific items. At this point it is probably no different than getting out of bed and walking out of your bedroom. It just is..
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    Likewise, although yesterday i took off from exercise and will do again today - but doesnt mean i'm on the sofa eating biscuits :)
    Just not out exercising on bike or running or swimming.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    I took a day off yesterday. thanks to my chub rubbed thighs, I had to waddle outta the gym.
  • junlex123
    junlex123 Posts: 81 Member
    Taking a day off for recovery applies more to if you're doing something that really strains your body. If doing what you're doing now isn't particularly difficult for you then it's absolutely fine to keep doing it every day. It's more when you're pushing your body to perform near its limits that you need a decent amount of recovery time.
  • Dragonflag07
    Dragonflag07 Posts: 64 Member
    Daily moderate exercise is totally fine and it's totally fine to take a day off. I'm not quite sure if I got the sense that you were scared to take a day off or whether exercise is almost a compulsion. Sounds like you do plenty so enjoy a day off if it suits. If you do exercise that shocks the body, HIIT or weightlifting etc you need a rest to let the muscles grow and repair but like one of the other posters said, if your body is completely used to the activity rest is needed less and is optional.
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    In your case you have a routine which probably does not vary much. In that case your body has probably already adapted to that level and those specific items. At this point it is probably no different than getting out of bed and walking out of your bedroom. It just is..


    What you do is routine, I don't think you find it too hard, or have to push yourself, so unless you feel you have overdone it a bit, you don't need a day off.