Fat loss and muscle gain?

Hello. In 2019-2020 I lost 50 pounds. I than met my new husband got pregnant a few months later and had two pregnancies back to back. And gained 25 pounds back. I’m looking for the best workouts to build muscle and loose fat. I want to tighten arms and legs. Loose my belly and grow my butt!.. I’m also looking for good meal plans for this!! Thanks in advance. Also if anyone is local and has a planet fitness membership and would like to join me on my journey that would be awesome to! 🥰🥰🥰


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,884 Member
    Hello, and welcome!

    For your goals, strength training would probably be the best priority, alongside a small deficit for gradual weight loss, plus overall reasonable nutrition.

    There's a list of strength training programs here that many MFP-ers contributed to:


    The "Strong Curves" program seems to focus on the kinds of changes you're seeking, but there are other options in there.

    It's good to get some cardio, too, for general health; but any fun-to-you cardio is good.

    Meal plans . . . honestly, I think most of us have an intuition about which foods tend to be nutrient dense: Lean proteins, veggies, fruits, whole grains, and that sort of thing. Get the majority of your calories from foods like those, keep the highly-processed foods to a moderate level (because they tend to be less filling and nutrient dense). Log for a while, see how you're doing against the MFP default nutritional goals, and adjust from there. Getting too little protein would be a key risk, given your goals, but it's not the only useful thing.

    There's not some magic universal formula, even though some of the marketers on the internet will try to convince you that such a thing exists, and only they have it (for $$$). Common sense mostly works, I think.

    Best wishes!
  • Hello melzybelzy! I would suggest you follow what AnnPT77 recommended. 80% of your weight loss will come from your diet and 10% strength training. If you have sweet tooth, cut back on them. Try to get in at least 10,000 step a day. Remember, it’s a process and it will take time, but you have to stay focused and disciplined. Have fun and celebrate any small or big victories! Good luck!