The Journey Begins...

Tonyv01 Posts: 56 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Howdy Everyone,

I was referred to this site by a friend,:smile: and got all setup today. Looking forward to joining you all on this journey.


  • matomama
    matomama Posts: 9
    Welcome! I am new too! It has been great so far at just helping me keep track of everything. And everyone is so great and supportive! Good luck on your weight loss journey. Feel free to add me as a friend. :)
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Welcome to MFP, Tony!
  • nmlystrup
    nmlystrup Posts: 2
    Good Luck!! My sister introduced me to this site and I love it. I have been working hard to get healthy. Enjoy!
  • chilli
    chilli Posts: 211 Member
    Congrats on making the first step and joining. You will get a lot of help and support here and probably make new friends too.
    Heres to you achieving your goals!
  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    Hello and welcome to a great site
  • Welcome aboard! You are sure to love this site!
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