100 day challenge #18 Monday January 1st – Tuesday April 9th 2024



  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,224 Member
    Lilylady3k wrote: »
    Just sharing ... If anyone has other lab results that I should consider tracking annually, feel free to chime in.

    @deepwoodslady - I know that you too monitor your lab results. This is a pic out of my personal spreadsheet where I note the results of each of these results annually in order to keep track instead of the need to go back to the results of the day report. The columns in this tracker are the dates of tests. I find it easier to transfer the info over and have a bigger picture.

    Thanks for bringing up eGFR ... added it to my tracker.


    @Lilylady3k Wow! What a fantastic chart! Thanks so much for sharing. I will be using it from now on! It will be wonderful to share with various doctors too during visits! I just can't thank you enough.
  • noynoyavery
    noynoyavery Posts: 342 Member
    Start 83kg
    Challenge sw 82kg
    Week 1 80.8kg
    Week 2 80.3kg
    Week 3 79.4kg
    Week 4 78.9kg
    Week 5 78.1kg

    Day 36-02/05--78.0kg I'm tetter totting again. I have a feeling my weight loss is more stepped than linear, a drop then plateau, then another drop. That's fine all in the right direction.
    Started a 30 day beginner resistance band challenge today .1/30 unsure if to complete it again with stronger bands or mice up to the intermediate with the same strength. Guess I'll see. It was nice to move though. They pack away easily so good to take when away from home.

    Day 37-02/06--77.8kg woke up feeling good, hopefully the weight loss is improving my sleep quality? Exercise challenge 2/30

    Day 38-02/07--77.6kg, no idea what's happening but I like it.

    Day 39-02/08--78.0kg ate late long shift days

    Day 40-02/09--77.8kg

    Day 41-02/10--

    Day 42-02/11--

    Week 6 Goal: 77.5kg
    Week 6 actual weight
  • tinathescreamer
    tinathescreamer Posts: 411 Member
    65 years old. 5' 8". Started back in March 2023 at 85.5 kg, down from my all time highest of 100 kg (220 lb) Since participating in the last two 100 Day Challenges I'm down to 70 kg (154 lb). My aim this time is to drop another 5 kg and reach my ultimate goal weight of 65 kg (143 lb) - and keep it off for the next two years at least - hopefully forever!

    Day 01-01/01-- 70 kg. Waist 30.5 ". Hips 40 "

    Day 02-01/02-- 70.2 kg. This is like investing for retirement in the stock market. The advisor told me 30 years ago "Think long term. Don't chase high returns for quick gains - aim for slow and steady returns. Don't worry about daily fluctuations - as long as you stick with it the overall trend will be upward." Happy now I took his advice.
    Found a jar of Kalamata olives in the pantry. Delicious! but I'm trying to limit myself to 4 daily. And yes! - I already got rid of the cheese and crackers I'd normally have with them.

    Day 03-01/03-- 69.9 kg.

    Day 04-01/04-- 69.6 kg. who would've thunk there could be marshmallows in the pantry and I am only eating two per day?! Sloooowly breaking the impulse to Eat All The Goodies Quick while they're around because Lord knows when there'll be any more - food insecurity issues from childhood.

    Day 05-01/05-- 69.5 kg. Yay! Hit my 1st week goal already - just have to maintain for another two days rather than going off the rails and over celebrating with treats to reward myself for losing the weight.....

    Day 06-01/06-- 69.8 kg. I started knitting a lace scarf last month. It is very fine yarn on tiny needles, and I can only work on it in daylight. For the last 4 weeks I have been knitting 8 rows a day, and now my scarf is 22 inches long! I was feeling very proud of my progress and thinking it was a good lesson in perseverance with the weight loss plan as well. Well! so today I went to pick it up and somehow - pulled out the needle! Oh, ye knitters of the world, weep with me.....

    Day 07-01/07-- 69 kg!!! Ummm.... this maybe TMI, but has anyone ever weighed themselves, then needed to go, then felt a strong desire to weigh themselves again - to see how much they dumped? ....not to boast - but, 0.5 kg? like, over a pound? Wow.

    Week 1 Goal: 69.5 kg.
    Week 1 actual weight: 69 kg.

    Day 08-01/08--69.8 kg.... ???

    Day 09-01/09-- 69.2 kg. Grandma used to say "What you gain on the swings you lose on the roundabouts." I'm guessing this was originally an allusion to the old style carnival where you paid to go on the rides, but maybe the barker was also running some kind of "chance to get your money back" gambling dodge as well? Anyway, it seems appropiate to eating for weight loss - cut out a slice of bread here and lose some, drink a can of soft drink "just this once" and gain it back.

    Day 10-01/10-- DNW

    Day 11-01/11-- 68.9 kg. I'm always hearing "eat protein for breakfast" and "breakfast like a king", but I just can't do that. A big plate of bacon and eggs always leaves me feeling uncomfortably full, weighed down and heavy. I just don't want to go for my usual morning walk, whereas a bowl of oatmeal, or a couple slices of wholewheat toast, with a piece of fruit, fills me until lunchtime, while still feeling light and active. I'm thinking there are many cultures where no, or just a light breakfast is the norm - it's really only the last 200 years in the Western world that 3 meals a day has become the norm. Even in the 60s, when I was a kid, snacking was not the usual thing - there weren't all the granola bars and cheesy chippy things we have today. I'm wondering how much of being told what we "should" eat, is actually real science based, and how much is funded by food manufacturers who want us to buy their products - how many orders for pizza delivery have been placed after seeing an ad? and deciding then "I'm too tired to cook".

    Day 12-01/12-- 68.8 kg.

    Day 13-01/13-- 69.2 kg. We are having a heat wave and it's exhausting to walk outside. Also I'm on medication which makes my skin more photo sensitive, so no to being lots in the sun. Fortunately, my appetite has decreased with the heat and I don't feel like cooking, so lots of raw fruit and veggies are on the menu.

    Day 14-01/14-- 69 kg. Some cookies and chips came ..... into my possession. "Them that asks no question, isn't told a lie. Watch the wall, my darling, while the chocolate cake goes by." So I just ate the treats (about 800 calories) and nothing else.

    Week 2 Goal: 69 kg.
    Week 2 actual weight: 69 kg. So no net loss or gain this week, but still on target.

    Day 15-01/15-- 68.8 kg. I want to knit a sweater for myself and I'm in a dither over what size to make. I know I'm 2 dress sizes smaller than I was, but I need my actual measurements. And then I need to work out how big the completed sweater will be and how much ease I want - I don't want "sweater girl" negative ease, but I don't want baggy oversize either, since I still have a little more weight to lose.

    Day 16-01/16 69.8 kg. I found a big jar of mayo at the back of the fridge......I would have taken it to the food pantry, but it was already open....spent the evening gorging on mayo and cucumber sandwiches. No, I regret nothing.--

    Day 17-01/17-- 70 kg .....Well, the rest of the mayo is gone - I hate to waste food, but, yes, it went down the sink - and the fiber in all the wholewheat bread has worked, so here's to a drop on the scale tomorrow.

    Day 18-01/18-- 69 kg. Hopefully back on track.

    Day 19-01/19-- 70 kg. Is it the scale or is it me not being super careful over tracking? I am perflummoxedcombobulated! Maybe my body is telling me it's happy at current weight and doesn't want to go lower?

    Day 20-01/20-- 70 kg.

    Day 21-01/21-- 69 kg. Weather has been super hot and I think I may have eaten something that's gone a bit off - been feeling unwell for the last 24 hours.

    Week 3 Goal: 68.5 kg.
    Week 3 actual weight: 69 kg. As Scarlett O'Hara said, "Tomorrow is another day."

    Day 22-01/22-- 68.5 kg.

    Day 23-01/23-- 68.7 kg.

    Day 24-01/24-- 68.4 kg. I was given a fruit cake today - a whole 500 grams (over a pound). I try very hard not to buy sweets and baked goods or keep them in the house, but free food is fair game..... I ate it all in 2 hours ..... I'm thinking with Lent approaching I need to give it up completely - at least for long enough for my taste to change.

    Day 25-01/25-- 68 kg.

    Day 26-01/26-- 67.9 kg.

    Day 27-01/27-- DNW

    Day 28-01/28-- 68 kg. Made it!

    Week 4 Goal: 68.5 kg.
    Week 4 actual weight: 68 kg. 4 weeks, 2 kg down.

    Day 29-01/29-- 69 kg. Note to self - do not celebrate weight loss with toasted cheese.

    Day 30-01/30-- 70 kg. Another note to self - just because fruit mince tarts are reduced price after Christmas, doesn't mean there are less calories. You're not "saving" money, either - you're spending it!

    Day 31-01/31-- 69.8 kg.

    Day 32-02/01-- 69 kg. Easy come, easy go.

    Day 33-02/02-- 68.8 kg.

    Day 34-02/03-- 69.8 kg. What witchcraft hath possessed my scale? Oh right - I'm the one polishing off the goodies before Lent.

    Day 35-02/04-- 69 kg.

    Week 5 Goal: 68 kg.
    Week 5 actual weight: 69 kg. Only 1 kg lost in 5 weeks? Need to keep my eye on the ball.

    Day 36-02/05-- 68.8 kg. 64 days to lose 3.8 kg - around 60 grams per day.

    Day 37-02/06-- 68.5 kg. I am the only person who controls what goes into my mouth.

    Day 38-02/07-- 68.1 kg. Stay focused. Stay strong.

    Day 39-02/08-- 68.7 kg. I luuurve avocadoes and they are said to be very good for you, but oh my Lord, the calories!

    Day 40-02/09-- 70 kg. Yikes!

    Day 41-02/10-- 69 kg.

    Day 42-02/11--

    Week 6 Goal: 68 kg.
    Week 6 actual weight:

    Day 43-02/12--

    Day 44-02/13--

    Day 45-02/14--

    Day 46-02/15--

    Day 47-02/16--

    Day 48-02/17--

    Day 49-02/18--

    Week 7 Goal:
    Week 7 actual weight:

    Day 50-02/19--

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far:

    Day 51-02/20--

    Day 52-02/21--

    Day 53-02/22--

    Day 54-02/23--

    Day 55-02/24--

    Day 56-02/25--

    Week 8 Goal:
    Week 8 actual weight:

    Day 57-02/26--

    Day 58-02/27--

    Day 59-02/28--

    Day 60-02/29--

    Day 61-03/01--

    Day 62-03/02--

    Day 63-03/03--

    Week 9 Goal:
    Week 9 actual weight:

    Day 64-03/04--

    Day 65-03/05--

    Day 66-03/06--

    Day 67-03/07--

    Day 68-03/08--

    Day 69-03/09--

    Day 70-03/10--

    Week 10 Goal:
    Week 10 actual weight:

    Day 71-03/11--

    Day 72-03/12--

    Day 73-03/13--

    Day 74-03/14--

    Day 75-03/15--

    Day 76-03/16--

    Day 77-03/17--

    Week 11 Goal:
    Week 11 actual weight:

    Day 78-03/18--

    Day 79-03/19--

    Day 80-03/20--

    Day 81-03/21--

    Day 82-03/22--

    Day 83-03/23--

    Day 84-03/24--

    Week 12 Goal:
    Week 12 actual weight:

    Day 85-03/25--

    Day 86-03/26--

    Day 87-03/27--

    Day 88-03/28--

    Day 89-03/29--

    Day 90-03/30--

    Day 91-03/31--

    Week 13 Goal:
    Week 13 actual weight:

    Day 92-04/01--

    Day 93-04/02--

    Day 94-04/03--

    Day 95-04/04--

    Day 96-04/05--

    Day 97-04/06--

    Day 98-04/07--

    Week 14 Goal:
    Week 14 actual weight:

    Day 99-04/08--

    Day 100-04/09…..(Final Weigh- In)-
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,647 Member
    edited February 10
    I am Dawn
    5'2" (used to be 5'3"), 63 years old

    Brand new year! Of course going to try to take off some greasy pounds.

    Week 1 Goal: 143.2 (beginning of last 100)
    Week 1 actual weight: 145.6 - Start weight of the week 145.6

    Week 2 Goal: Didn't put one this week
    Week 2 actual weight: 145.0 - started the week at 145.8

    Week 3 Goal: 143.4
    Week 3 actual weight: 144.8

    Week 4 Goal: 143.8
    Week 4 actual weight: 144.6 - Used Saturday's weight

    Week 5 Goal: 143.8 - Just putting this number in until I hit it
    Week 5 actual weight: 144.8 - started the week at 145.6

    Day 36 -02/05 - 144.0 - TMI before weighing which doesn't usually happen so I am not sure about this number, but I will take it!

    Day 37 -02/06 - 144.0 - Can I get 0.6 pounds off this week to hit my target? I am trying.

    Day 38 -02/07 - 144.8 - Sigh, one step forward 2 steps back.

    Day 39 -02/08 - 144.4 - Finally the littlest of our arenas opened up. It is powered by the arena next door to it, which has been out of service since the fall. So the first public skating at the little one finally happened! So great. It falls on the day that I only have one job, and any appointments that I had booked for that day have now been changed so that I can attend. It goes until March 13th every Wednesday just after I finish work : - )

    Day 40 -02/09 - 144.8 - Ran out of time to read and post, so posting this the 10th

    Day 41 -02/10 - 145.4 - Ran out of time to eat between jobs and ended up eating 2 helpings of my stirfry instead of 1, I was soooo hungry. Oops

    Day 42 -02/11 -

    Week 6 Goal: 143.8 - Just putting this number in until I hit it
    Week 6 actual weight:

    My ticker is based on my start of this 100, not on my total weight loss to date.
    I realize that until I lose a few pounds the ticker is having the beginning numbers overlap lol
    Still trying to make it bigger.


    Start weight of this 100: 145.6
    Measurements: Waist - 33", Hips 37"
  • Lynn__W
    Lynn__W Posts: 922 Member
    edited February 10
    I’m closing in on 77, and going to hang on to my athletic goals for 2024; 80km KVR bike ride, the Grouse Grind, then as a reward I'll paddle my kayak on the turquoise waters just east of Jasper, Alberta. These goals may be “pie in the sky” but you never know unless you try. If I can’t do the 80km, then 40 is better than 10.

    Week 1 actual weight: 174.4
    Challenge accumulated Wt change: no change

    Week 2 actual weight: 175.2
    Challenge accumulated Wt change: +1.2

    Week 3 actual weight: 175.2
    Challenge accumulated Wt change: +0.8 since Jan 1st

    Week 4 actual weight: 174.6
    Challenge accumulated Wt change: -0.2 since Jan 1st

    Week 5 actual weight: 172.4
    Challenge accumulated Wt change: -2 😊

    Week 6 actual weight: 173.8
    Challenge accumulated Wt change: -0.6 :|

    Week 7: Goal: <172 ** please note I have edited my weeks to run from Friday to Friday

    Day 41-02/10: 174.8 Road trip yesterday. Sad to admit but I'm noticing lower energy reserves; sitting reading is more appealing that spending an hour walking. House is getting 'that' cluttered look and dust bunnies are multiplying. BUT my JOB for today and the next 6 is to lessen the clutter and lose 3 lbs.

    Day 42-02/11:

    Day 43-02/12:

    Day 44-02/13:

    Day 45-02/14:

    Day 46-02/15:

    Day 47-02/16:

    Week 7 Goal: <172
    Week 7 actual weight:
    Challenge accumulated Wt change: