100 day challenge #18 Monday January 1st – Tuesday April 9th 2024



  • tinathescreamer
    tinathescreamer Posts: 411 Member
    65 years old. 5' 8". Started back in March 2023 at 85.5 kg, down from my all time highest of 100 kg (220 lb) Since participating in the last two 100 Day Challenges I'm down to 70 kg (154 lb). My aim this time is to drop another 5 kg and reach my ultimate goal weight of 65 kg (143 lb) - and keep it off for the next two years at least - hopefully forever!

    Day 01-01/01-- 70 kg. Waist 30.5 ". Hips 40 "

    Day 02-01/02-- 70.2 kg. This is like investing for retirement in the stock market. The advisor told me 30 years ago "Think long term. Don't chase high returns for quick gains - aim for slow and steady returns. Don't worry about daily fluctuations - as long as you stick with it the overall trend will be upward." Happy now I took his advice.
    Found a jar of Kalamata olives in the pantry. Delicious! but I'm trying to limit myself to 4 daily. And yes! - I already got rid of the cheese and crackers I'd normally have with them.

    Day 03-01/03-- 69.9 kg.

    Day 04-01/04-- 69.6 kg. who would've thunk there could be marshmallows in the pantry and I am only eating two per day?! Sloooowly breaking the impulse to Eat All The Goodies Quick while they're around because Lord knows when there'll be any more - food insecurity issues from childhood.

    Day 05-01/05-- 69.5 kg. Yay! Hit my 1st week goal already - just have to maintain for another two days rather than going off the rails and over celebrating with treats to reward myself for losing the weight.....

    Day 06-01/06-- 69.8 kg. I started knitting a lace scarf last month. It is very fine yarn on tiny needles, and I can only work on it in daylight. For the last 4 weeks I have been knitting 8 rows a day, and now my scarf is 22 inches long! I was feeling very proud of my progress and thinking it was a good lesson in perseverance with the weight loss plan as well. Well! so today I went to pick it up and somehow - pulled out the needle! Oh, ye knitters of the world, weep with me.....

    Day 07-01/07-- 69 kg!!! Ummm.... this maybe TMI, but has anyone ever weighed themselves, then needed to go, then felt a strong desire to weigh themselves again - to see how much they dumped? ....not to boast - but, 0.5 kg? like, over a pound? Wow.

    Week 1 Goal: 69.5 kg.
    Week 1 actual weight: 69 kg.

    Day 08-01/08--69.8 kg.... ???

    Day 09-01/09-- 69.2 kg. Grandma used to say "What you gain on the swings you lose on the roundabouts." I'm guessing this was originally an allusion to the old style carnival where you paid to go on the rides, but maybe the barker was also running some kind of "chance to get your money back" gambling dodge as well? Anyway, it seems appropiate to eating for weight loss - cut out a slice of bread here and lose some, drink a can of soft drink "just this once" and gain it back.

    Day 10-01/10-- DNW

    Day 11-01/11-- 68.9 kg. I'm always hearing "eat protein for breakfast" and "breakfast like a king", but I just can't do that. A big plate of bacon and eggs always leaves me feeling uncomfortably full, weighed down and heavy. I just don't want to go for my usual morning walk, whereas a bowl of oatmeal, or a couple slices of wholewheat toast, with a piece of fruit, fills me until lunchtime, while still feeling light and active. I'm thinking there are many cultures where no, or just a light breakfast is the norm - it's really only the last 200 years in the Western world that 3 meals a day has become the norm. Even in the 60s, when I was a kid, snacking was not the usual thing - there weren't all the granola bars and cheesy chippy things we have today. I'm wondering how much of being told what we "should" eat, is actually real science based, and how much is funded by food manufacturers who want us to buy their products - how many orders for pizza delivery have been placed after seeing an ad? and deciding then "I'm too tired to cook".

    Day 12-01/12-- 68.8 kg.

    Day 13-01/13-- 69.2 kg. We are having a heat wave and it's exhausting to walk outside. Also I'm on medication which makes my skin more photo sensitive, so no to being lots in the sun. Fortunately, my appetite has decreased with the heat and I don't feel like cooking, so lots of raw fruit and veggies are on the menu.

    Day 14-01/14-- 69 kg. Some cookies and chips came ..... into my possession. "Them that asks no question, isn't told a lie. Watch the wall, my darling, while the chocolate cake goes by." So I just ate the treats (about 800 calories) and nothing else.

    Week 2 Goal: 69 kg.
    Week 2 actual weight: 69 kg. So no net loss or gain this week, but still on target.

    Day 15-01/15-- 68.8 kg. I want to knit a sweater for myself and I'm in a dither over what size to make. I know I'm 2 dress sizes smaller than I was, but I need my actual measurements. And then I need to work out how big the completed sweater will be and how much ease I want - I don't want "sweater girl" negative ease, but I don't want baggy oversize either, since I still have a little more weight to lose.

    Day 16-01/16 69.8 kg. I found a big jar of mayo at the back of the fridge......I would have taken it to the food pantry, but it was already open....spent the evening gorging on mayo and cucumber sandwiches. No, I regret nothing.--

    Day 17-01/17-- 70 kg .....Well, the rest of the mayo is gone - I hate to waste food, but, yes, it went down the sink - and the fiber in all the wholewheat bread has worked, so here's to a drop on the scale tomorrow.

    Day 18-01/18-- 69 kg. Hopefully back on track.

    Day 19-01/19-- 70 kg. Is it the scale or is it me not being super careful over tracking? I am perflummoxedcombobulated! Maybe my body is telling me it's happy at current weight and doesn't want to go lower?

    Day 20-01/20-- 70 kg.

    Day 21-01/21-- 69 kg. Weather has been super hot and I think I may have eaten something that's gone a bit off - been feeling unwell for the last 24 hours.

    Week 3 Goal: 68.5 kg.
    Week 3 actual weight: 69 kg. As Scarlett O'Hara said, "Tomorrow is another day."

    Day 22-01/22-- 68.5 kg.

    Day 23-01/23-- 68.7 kg.

    Day 24-01/24-- 68.4 kg. I was given a fruit cake today - a whole 500 grams (over a pound). I try very hard not to buy sweets and baked goods or keep them in the house, but free food is fair game..... I ate it all in 2 hours ..... I'm thinking with Lent approaching I need to give it up completely - at least for long enough for my taste to change.

    Day 25-01/25-- 68 kg.

    Day 26-01/26-- 67.9 kg.

    Day 27-01/27-- DNW

    Day 28-01/28-- 68 kg. Made it!

    Week 4 Goal: 68.5 kg.
    Week 4 actual weight: 68 kg. 4 weeks, 2 kg down.

    Day 29-01/29-- 69 kg. Note to self - do not celebrate weight loss with toasted cheese.

    Day 30-01/30-- 70 kg. Another note to self - just because fruit mince tarts are reduced price after Christmas, doesn't mean there are less calories. You're not "saving" money, either - you're spending it!

    Day 31-01/31-- 69.8 kg.

    Day 32-02/01-- 69 kg. Easy come, easy go.

    Day 33-02/02-- 68.8 kg.

    Day 34-02/03-- 69.8 kg. What witchcraft hath possessed my scale? Oh right - I'm the one polishing off the goodies before Lent.

    Day 35-02/04-- 69 kg.

    Week 5 Goal: 68 kg.
    Week 5 actual weight: 69 kg. Only 1 kg lost in 5 weeks? Need to keep my eye on the ball.

    Day 36-02/05-- 68.8 kg. 64 days to lose 3.8 kg - around 60 grams per day.

    Day 37-02/06-- 68.5 kg. I am the only person who controls what goes into my mouth.

    Day 38-02/07-- 68.1 kg. Stay focused. Stay strong.

    Day 39-02/08-- 68.7 kg. I luuurve avocadoes and they are said to be very good for you, but oh my Lord, the calories!

    Day 40-02/09-- 70 kg. Yikes!

    Day 41-02/10-- 69 kg.

    Day 42-02/11-- 70 kg. Even footling around with cheat meals. Lent starts on Wed, and I am absolutely resolute on giving up sugar. (Yes, I know the primary aim is not to lose weight, but the self discipline will hopefully have a positive side effect.)

    Week 6 Goal: 68 kg.
    Week 6 actual weight: 70 kg. Epic fail. 6 weeks gone - and I'm back to starting weight.

    Day 43-02/12-- 69 kg.

    Day 44-02/13-- DNW. Pancakes galore! With bananas and chocolate sauce! Will repent tomorrow.

    Day 45-02/14-- 69 kg. Today is both Ash Wednesday and St Valentine's Day.
    Roses are red, violets are blue:
    Lent is beginning - no chocolate for you.

    Day 46-02/15-- 68 kg

    Day 47-02/16-- 67.9 kg. Per MFP this day deficit, I will weigh 65.4 in 5 weeks. Hope and pray!

    Day 48-02/17-- 68.1 kg. So close!

    Day 49-02/18-- 67.9 kg. Darn chocolate buttons,

    Week 7 Goal: 68 kg.
    Week 7 actual weight: 67.9. Try to find myself some non-food reward for coming in under goal.

    Day 50-02/19-- 67.5 kg. Halfway thru the Challenge and Halfway to Goal!

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far: 2.5 kg (5.5 lb) or 50 grams per day.

    Day 51-02/20-- 68.1 kg.

    Day 52-02/21-- 67.9 kg.

    Day 53-02/22-- 67.8 kg.

    Day 54-02/23-- 68 kg.

    Day 55-02/24-- 69 kg. Back on a bread binge.

    Day 56-02/25-- 68 kg. Le sigh.

    Week 8 Goal: 67 kg.
    Week 8 actual weight: 68 kg. Well, at least it's not more than I weighed 7 days ago.

    Day 57-02/26-- 67.5 kg. Have lost 18 (39.6 lb) kg in just over 10 months. Also down 32.5 kg (71.5 lb) since my highest weight - just after first lockdown, so nearly 4 years ago.

    Day 58-02/27-- 67.6 kg.

    Day 59-02/28-- DNW

    Day 60-02/29-- 67.3 kg. ......Ithinkicanithinkicanithinkican.....

    Day 61-03/01-- 67.2 kg. Last time I weighed this much/little was well over 20 years ago. Think I was living in another city in 2001? 2002? I was still doing karate then. Maybe I should look into Aikido, which is a softer martial art, or Tai Chi? I know one of the nearby church halls has a falls prevention exercise program for seniors which includes some Tai Chi.

    Day 62-03/02-- 67 kg. Waist 30 inches. Hips 39 inches. I'd like to lose a little more round the waist, mostly because I'm concerned about visceral fat - but I'm too old to regain the hourglass figure I had at 22!

    Day 63-03/03-- 67 kg.

    Week 9 Goal: 67 kg.
    Week 9 actual weight: 67 kg. Only 2 kg to lose over the next 5 weeks!

    Day 64-03/04-- DNW

    Day 65-03/05-- 67.5 kg.

    Day 66-03/06-- 67.2 kg. Somewhat surprised at the loss as there was no restraint yesterday. Dear Universe, please stop sending cheese my way. If it's in the fridge it begs to be eaten - oh, that's right. I'm the one what bought it and placed it in the fridge.....

    Day 67-03/07-- 68.1 kg. Need to lose 100 g per day for the rest of the Challenge to meet my goal.

    Day 68-03/08-- 67.9 kg.

    Day 69-03/09-- 68 kg. How come I'm putting on weight in Lent? Well.... tonight was the Spencer-Smith (chaplain on Shackleton's Antarctic Expedition 1914-17. Buried in the ice) Memorial Mass and Lecture, with unveiling of the new stained glass window. Followed by Big Supper - more than a few of us forgot we are supposed to be fasting....

    Day 70-03/10-- 67 kg. It is what it is......nevertheless, she persisted.

    Week 10 Goal: 66.5 kg.
    Week 10 actual weight: 67 kg.

    Day 71-03/11-- 66.9 kg. Forecast for the next few days is not great, don't know how much outdoor exercise I'll get. May have to do some dancing to You Tube videos or something to burn up the calories - keeping below limit will be a challenge otherwise.

    Day 72-03/12-- 67 kg.

    Day 73-03/13-- 66.7 kg. Back at the lowest weight I've been since back on 11/18 last year, before realising my scale was inaccurate. So really I have lost 23.8 kg (over 52 lb) in just under a year. Go me!

    Day 74-03/14-- 66.5 kg. Hang on for Just.A.Little.Longer.

    Day 75-03/15-- 66.2 kg. So Close to my Final Goal! Just 1.2 kg (2.64 lbs) and 25 days to go!

    Day 76-03/16-- 66.1 kg.

    Day 77-03/17-- 66.5 kg.

    Week 11 Goal: 66.5 kg.
    Week 11 actual weight: 66.5 kg. Yay!

    Day 78-03/18-- 66.1 kg. Used an online body fat calculator that used my measurements to tell me I am 31% fat. I realise this is only an approximation and I should get it measured more accurately, but I am not happy with that amount of visceral fat still around my organs - it's deemed "normal" at my age, but what is considered "normal" isn't always healthy, at least in one's 60s. As a senior, a certain amount of allowance for degeneration sneaks in. I would like to get to 25% body fat, so I'm looking to build up some muscle, and I think I will lower my ultimate goal to 60 kg. Another 100 Day Challenge coming up!!??

    Day 79-03/19-- 66 kg.

    Day 80-03/20-- 65.9 kg.

    Day 81-03/21-- 66.1 kg.

    Day 82-03/22-- 66.2 kg.

    Day 83-03/23-- 66.4 kg.

    Day 84-03/24-- 66 kg. I will confess - a fair few no noes have crept into my Lenten fasting. I blame the supermarkets for beginning to stock Easter eggs at the end of January. (Seriously, they were on the shelf before St Valentine's Day.)

    Week 12 Goal: 66 kg.
    Week 12 actual weight: 66 kg. Just 16 days to shed those final 1000 grams (35.2 ounces). Does it make it easier or sound more impressive if I quote a larger number?

    Day 85-03/25-- 66.1 kg. My wrist is playing up which prevents me from doing much knitting which usually helps me cut back on hand to mouth snacking - cos who wants greasy fingermarks on their fabric? plus I have to get to the end of the row before I wander into the kitchen to see what's in the fridge..... I went out three separate times for a walk today to keep me out of harm's way..... and wound up having tea and a bacon sandwich at a cafe! Next time Do,Not.Take.Debit.Card.

    Day 86-03/26--

    Day 87-03/27--

    Day 88-03/28--

    Day 89-03/29--

    Day 90-03/30--

    Day 91-03/31--

    Week 13 Goal: 65.5 kg.
    Week 13 actual weight:

    Day 92-04/01--

    Day 93-04/02--

    Day 94-04/03--

    Day 95-04/04--

    Day 96-04/05--

    Day 97-04/06--

    Day 98-04/07--

    Week 14 Goal:
    Week 14 actual weight:

    Day 99-04/08--

    Day 100-04/09…..(Final Weigh- In)-
  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 756 Member
    100 day challenge #118 (my first)
    SW: 146.2
    GW: 130-132

    Wk 1 EW: 142.6
    Wk 2 EW: 141.4
    Wk 3 EW: 140.2
    Wk 4 EW: 139.2
    Wk 5 EW: 138.6
    Wk 6 EW: 136.8
    Wk 7 EW: 136.2
    Wk 8 EW: 135.0
    Wk 9 EW: 134.2
    Wk 10 EW: 133.4
    Wk 11 EW: 132.8
    Wk 12 EW: 130.2
    previous weeks:
    Week 1 Goal: 145.2
    Day 01-01/01–146.2

    Day 02-01/02-- 145.5

    Day 03-01/03-- 144.2

    Day 04-01/04-- 144.2

    Day 05-01/05-- 143.2

    Day 06-01/06-- 143.4

    Day 07-01/07-- 142.6
    Week 1 Goal: 145.2
    Week 1 actual weight: 142.6
    Loss: 3.6 lbs

    Week 2 Goal: under 142
    Day 08-01/08--142.6 (back to my pre-holiday weight. Let the games begin!)

    Day 09-01/09–142.2

    Day 10-01/10-- 141.4

    Day 11-01/11-- 141.4

    Day 12-01/12-- 141.4

    Day 13-01/13-- 142.2

    Day 14-01/14-- 141.4
    Week 2 Goal: under 142
    Week 2 actual Weight: 141.4
    Loss: 1.2 lbs

    Week 3 Goal: maintain through mini-vacation
    Day 15-01/15– 141.4

    Day 16-01/16-- 140.8

    Day 17-01/17-- 140.8

    Day 18-01/18-- 140.8

    Day 19-01/19-- 140.8- away, travel scale, maintained day 1

    Day 20-01/20-- 140.6

    Day 21-01/21-- 140.2- away, loss again!
    Week 3 Goal: 140.8
    Week 3 actual weight: 140.2
    Loss: 1.2 lbs

    Week 4 Goal: 139.8
    Day 22-01/22--141- last vacation day, bump is no surprise!

    Day 23-01/23–140.8

    Day 24-01/24-- 140.8

    Day 25-01/25--140.8... bored with this number.

    Day 26-01/26--140.0

    Day 27-01/27-- 140.6 (friday night out)

    Day 28-01/28-- 139.2
    Week 4 Goal: 139.8
    Week 4 actual weight: 139.2
    Loss: 1.8lbs
    Week 5 Goal: under 139
    Day 29-01/29--139.2

    Day 30-01/30--139.2

    Day 31-01/31-- 139.2 (full month done! woohoo!)

    Day 32-02/01-- 138.6

    Day 33-02/02-- 139.2

    Day 34-02/03-- 138.6

    Day 35-02/04-- 138.6

    Week 5 Goal: under 139
    Week 5 actual weight: 138.6
    Loss: .6 lb

    Week 6 goal: under 137
    Day 36-02/05-- 137.2

    Day 37-02/06-- 137.2

    Day 38-02/07-- 136.8

    Day 39-02/08-- 136.8

    Day 40-02/09-- 136.8

    Day 41-02/10-- 136.8

    Day 42-02/11-- 136.8
    Week 6 goal: under 137
    Week 6 actual weight: 136.8
    Loss: 0.4 lb

    Week 7:
    Day 43-02/12--136.8

    Day 44-02/13-- 136.8

    Day 45-02/14-- 136.2

    Day 46-02/15-- 136.2

    Day 47-02/16-- 137.0

    Day 48-02/17-- 136.2

    Day 49-02/18-- 136.2
    Week 7 Goal: around/under 136
    Week 7 actual weight: 136.2
    Loss: 0.6 lb

    Week 8:
    Day 50-02/19-- 135.0

    Halfway Progress Report: 11.2 Pounds Lost so Far

    Day 51-02/20–135.0

    Day 52-02/21–136.2

    Day 53-02/22–136.2

    Day 54-02/23-- 135.0

    Day 55-02/24-- 137.0

    Day 56-02/25-- 135.0
    Week 8 Goal: around/under 135
    Week 8 actual weight: 135.0
    Loss: 1.2 lbs

    Week 9 goal: under 135:
    Day 57-02/26-- 134.2

    Day 58-02/27–135.0

    Day 59-02/28–134.2

    Day 60-02/29-- 134.2

    Day 61-03/01-- 135.0

    Day 62-03/02-- 134.2

    Day 63-03/03-- 134.2

    Week 9 Goal: under 135
    Week 9 actual weight: 134.2
    Loss: 0.8

    Week 10 goal: under 134:
    Day 64-03/04–135
    Day 65-03/05– 133.4

    Day 66-03/06– 133.4

    Day 67-03/07–133.4

    Day 68-03/08–132.8

    Day 69-03/09-- 133.4

    Day 70-03/10-- 133.4
    Week 10 Goal: under 134
    Week 10 actual weight: 133.4
    Loss: 0.8

    Week 11 goal: under 133
    Day 71-03/11-- 132.8

    Day 72-03/12-- 133.4

    Day 73-03/13-- 132.8

    Day 74-03/14— 131.6

    Day 75-03/15-- 131.6

    Day 76-03/16-- 131.6

    Day 77-03/17-- 132.8

    Week 11 Goal: under 133
    Week 11 actual weight: 132.8
    Loss: .08

    Week 12 goal: under 132
    Day 78-03/18-- 131.6

    Day 79-03/19-- 131.0

    Day 80-03/20-- 130.2

    Day 81-03/21-- 130.2

    Day 82-03/22-- 130.2

    Day 83-03/23-- 131.0

    Day 84-03/24-- 130.2
    Week 12 goal: under 132
    Week 12 actual: 130.2
    Loss 1.4 lbs

    Week 13 goal: under 131
    Day 85-03/25-- 131.4

    Day 86-03/26--

    Day 87-03/27--

    Day 88-03/28--

    Day 89-03/29--

    Day 90-03/30--

    Day 91-03/31--

    Week 13 Goal:
    Week 13 actual weight:

  • jennysweet58
    jennysweet58 Posts: 223 Member
    @reshii_devi - Congrats on entering Onderland! What a great feeling!! :)
  • noynoyavery
    noynoyavery Posts: 342 Member
    edited March 25
    Start 83kg
    Challenge sw 82kg
    Week 1 80.8kg
    Week 2 80.3kg
    Week 3 79.4kg
    Week 4 78.9kg
    Week 5 78.1kg
    Week 6 78.0kg
    Week 7 78.4kg
    Week 8 77.6kg
    Week 9 77.7kg
    Week 10 76.7kg
    Week 11 77.1kg
    Week 12 76.5kg

    Day 85-03/25--76.2kg keep on going down please!

    Day 86-03/26--

    Day 87-03/27--

    Day 88-03/28--

    Day 89-03/29--

    Day 90-03/30--

    Day 91-03/31--

    Week 13 Goal: 76 kg I will get there!
    Week 13 actual weight:
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,647 Member
    I am Dawn
    5'2" (used to be 5'3"), 63 years old

    Brand new year! Of course going to try to take off some greasy pounds.

    Week 1 Goal: 143.2 (beginning of last 100)
    Week 1 actual weight: 145.6 - Start weight of the week 145.6

    Week 2 Goal: Didn't put one this week
    Week 2 actual weight: 145.0 - started the week at 145.8

    Week 3 Goal: 143.4
    Week 3 actual weight: 144.8

    Week 4 Goal: 143.8
    Week 4 actual weight: 144.6 - Used Saturday's weight

    Week 5 Goal: 143.8 - Just putting this number in until I hit it
    Week 5 actual weight: 144.8 - started the week at 145.6

    Week 6 Goal: 143.8 - Just putting this number in until I hit it
    Week 6 actual weight: 144.4 - Started the week at 144.0

    Day 50-02/19 - 143.4 - Wow, somehow dropped a pound!! That has made my day! I have been working at this for so many years, and have almost felt like giving up because it seems like I just don't lose any weight no matter how "good" I am. This loss will motivate me to keep on keeping on : - )

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far: 2.2

    Week 8 Goal: 141.8 - Putting this number in until I hit it
    Week 8 actual weight: 145.8 - started the week at 143.0

    Week 9 Goal: 141.8 - Putting this number in until I hit it. Seems a bit unrealistic at this point
    Week 9 actual weight: 145.0 - Started the week (and the 100) at 145.6

    Week 10 Goal: 141.8 - Putting this number in until I hit it.
    Week 10 actual weight: 145.0 - Started the week at 144.4

    Week 11 Goal: 141.8 - Putting this number in until I hit it.
    Week 11 actual weight: 146.8 - Started the week at 144.4

    Week 12 Goal: anything less than my start weight of the 100 would be welcome.
    Week 12 actual weight: 146.8 - started the week at 147.2

    Day 85-03/25 - 146.4 - Slight drop, better than the continuous gain. Keeping on.

    Day 86-03/26 -

    Day 87-03/27 -

    Day 88-03/28 -

    Day 89-03/29 -

    Day 90-03/30 -

    Day 91-03/31 -

    Week 13 Goal: 143.2
    Week 13 actual weight:

    Start weight of this 100: 145.6
    Measurements: Waist - 33", Hips 37"
  • amw00
    amw00 Posts: 57 Member
    WEEK 13
    A new week. Again
    Day 85-03/25—192.0

    Day 86-03/26--

    Day 87-03/27--

    Day 88-03/28--

    Day 89-03/29--

    Day 90-03/30--

    Day 91-03/31--

    Week 13 Goal: 191.0
    Week 13 actual weight:
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,224 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ January 1st thru April 9th, 2024


    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    My Name is Donna, Age 63. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA
    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge: : 183.8
    Goal This Round: 171.8
    Challenge Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Previous Rounds Tally & Thoughts:
    This shows the ending weights of each round:
    Round #1 --- 199,8
    Round #2 --- 186.8
    Round #3 --- 195.6
    Round #4 --- 211.0
    Round #5 --- 211.3
    Round #6 --- 205.4
    Round #7 --- 207.6
    Round #8 --- 195.2
    Round #9 --- 185.2
    Round #10—195.2
    Round #11---200.8
    Round #12---200.4
    Round #13---196.2
    Round #14---191.2
    Round #15---194.0
    Round #16---188.0
    Round #17---183.8


    While other challenges may show bigger losses (or gains), it really depends on what date you are looking at with me because I do go up & down quite a lot, especially with my frequent required day trips. However, from Jan 1st through Dec 31st, I lost 16.0 pounds in the full year of 2023. That is what I have lost and KEPT OFF. While I am very proud of that, I know that the road ahead is long and will be a difficult one since I still have so far to go and so many health related obstacles in my way. Each 100 day round I am extremely grateful for any progress I can make, no matter how big or small. I am also grateful for all the support from all of you that I get on a daily basis. Working on my health has become my #1 priority. My main goals are to maintain my remission by staying cancer free and to keep my diabetes in control. Losing weight is key to both goals.

    Previous Weeks:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 01-01/01-181.6-(Trend weight 180.3)

    Day 02-01/02-181.4-(Trend weight 180.4)

    Day 03-01/03-181.4-(Trend weight 180.5)

    Day 04-01/04-182.0-(Trend weight 180.7)

    Day 05-01/05-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 06-01/06-183.0-(Trend weight 181.2)

    Day 07-01/07-183.0-(Trend weight 181.3)

    WEEK 1 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.8 lbs Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.8 lbs Lost
    Week 1 Ending Weight: 183.0

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 08-01/08-179.8-(Trend weight 181.2)

    Day 09-01/09-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 10-01/10-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 11-01/11-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 12-01/12-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 13-01/13-182.0-(Trend weight 181.0)

    Day 14-01/14-183.0-(Trend weight 181.2)

    WEEK 2 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.0 lbs Lost or Gained (results may be skewed by new scale)
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.8 lbs LOST
    Week 2 Ending Weight: 183.0

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 15-01/15-183.4-(Trend weight 181.3)

    Day 16-01/16-183.4-(Trend weight 181.5)

    Day 17-01/17-182.6-(Trend weight 181.8)

    Day 18-01/18-183.4-(Trend weight 182.1)

    Day 19-01/19-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 20-01/20-183.6-(Trend weight 182.3)

    Day 21-01/21-184.4-(Trend weight 182.5)

    WEEK 3 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.4 lbs Gained
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.6 lbs Gained
    Week 3 Ending Weight: 184.4

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 22-01/22-184.2-(Trend weight 182.7)

    Day 23-01/23-185.2-(Trend weight 183.0)

    Day 24-01/24-184.6-(Trend weight 183.3)

    Day 25-01/25-185.2-(Trend weight 183.7)

    Day 26-01/26-182.4-(Trend weight 183.6)

    Day 27-01/27-183.4-(Trend weight 183.5)

    Day 28-01/28-181.6-(Trend weight 183.3)

    WEEK 4 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.8 lbs. Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.2 lbs. Lost
    Week 4 Ending Weight: 181.6

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 29-01/29-181.6-(Trend weight 183.2)

    Day 30-01/30-181.2-(Trend weight 183.0)

    Day 31-01/31-181.6-(Trend weight 182.9)

    Day 32-02/01-183.4-(Trend weight 183.0)

    Day 33-02/02-181.8-(Trend weight 182.8)

    Day 34-02/03-182.6-(Trend weight 182.8)

    Day 35-02/04-184.6-(Trend weight 183.2)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.8 lbs GAINED
    Week 5 ending Weight: 184.6

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 36-02/05-184.6-(Trend weight 183.2)

    Day 37-02/06-183.0-(Trend weight 183.2)

    Day 38-02/07-181.0-(Trend weight 183.2)

    Day 39-02/08-178.2-(Trend weight 182.7)

    Day 40-02/09-178.4-(Trend weight 182.3)

    Day 41-02/10-179.0-(Trend weight 181.9)

    Day 42-02/11-179.2-(Trend weight 181.7)

    WEEK 6 LOSS OR GAIN: 5.4 lbs LOST
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 4.6 lbs LOST
    Week 6 Ending Weight: 179.2

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 43-02/12-179.6-(Trend weight 181.4)

    Day 44-02/13-182.0-(Trend weight 181.5)

    Day 45-02/14-179.6-(Trend weight 181.3)

    Day 46-02/15-178.4-(Trend weight 181)

    Day 47-02/16-178.2-(Trend weight 180.7)

    Day 48-02/17-179.6-(Trend weight 180.6)

    Day 49-02/18-179.2-(Trend weight 180.5)

    WEEK 7 LOSS OR GAIN: 0 lbs Lost or Gained but my trend weight has really come down so there’s hope for some improvement soon.
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 4.6 lbs Lost
    Week 7 Ending Weight: 179.2

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 50-02/19-179.4-(Trend weight 180.5)

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far: 4.4 lbs Lost

    Day 51-02/20-179.4-(Trend weight 180.6)

    Day 52-02/21-181.2-(Trend weight 180.7)

    Day 53-02/22-180.8-(Trend weight 180.7)

    Day 54-02/23-178.0-(Trend weight 180.4)

    Day 55-02/24-178.4-(Trend weight 180.2)

    Day 56-02/25-178.2-(Trend weight 180.1)

    WEEK 8 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.0 lb Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 5.6 lbs Lost
    Week 8 Ending Weight: 178.2

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 57-02/26-180.2-(Trend weight 180.2)

    Day 58-02/27-179.4-(Trend weight 180.2)

    Day 59-02/28-176.6-(Trend weight 179.8)

    Day 60-02/29-177.0-(Trend weight 179.5)

    Day 61-03/01-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 62-03/02-178.0-(Trend weight 179.3)

    Day 63-03/03-178.2-(Trend weight 179.2)

    WEEK 9 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.0 Lost or Gained
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 5.6 lbs Lost
    Week 9 Ending Weight: 178.2

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 64-03/04-177.8-(Trend weight 179.0)

    Day 65-03/05-177.4-(Trend weight 178.9)

    Day 66-03/06-177.8-(Trend weight 178.8)

    Day 67-03/07-177.4-(Trend weight 178.7)

    Day 68-03/08-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 69-03/09-178.8-(Trend weight 178.8)

    Day 70-03/10-178.8-(Trend weight 178.9)

    WEEK 10 LOSS OR GAIN:0.6 lb Gain
    Accumulated Loss or Gain:5.0 Lost
    Week 10 Ending Weight:178.8

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 71-03/11-179.6-(Trend weight 179.2)

    Day 72-03/12-180.6-(Trend weight 179.5)

    Day 73-03/13-180.4-(Trend weight 179.7)

    Day 74-03/14-181.0-(Trend weight 179.9)

    Day 75-03/15-181.2-(Trend weight 180.3)

    Day 76-03/16-181.2-(Trend weight 180.4)

    Day 77-03/17-181.2-(Trend weight 180.4)

    WEEK 11 LOSS OR GAIN:2.4 lbs. Gained
    Accumulated Loss or Gain:2.6 lbs Lost
    Week 11 Ending Weight:181.2

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 78-03/18-180.4-(Trend weight 180.4)

    Day 79-03/19-179.4-(Trend weight 180.3)

    Day 80-03/20-177.0-(Trend weight 180.0)

    Day 81-03/21-180.6-(Trend weight 180.0)

    Day 82-03/22-180.6-(Trend weight 180.1)

    Day 83-03/23-182.2-(Trend weight 180.3)

    Day 84-03/24-182.6-(Trend weight 180.5) I enjoyed the birthday party yesterday, perhaps a little too much. I’m honestly surprised my numbers are not even higher today. Plan-wise, March has been a bad month for me. I would love to turn it back around a bit before the month ends but I have several upcoming out-of-town trips coming up and that is never good. I’ll do what I can, when I can, where I can but my eyes are more on April.

    WEEK 12 LOSS OR GAIN:1.4 lbs. Gained
    Accumulated Loss or Gain:1.2 lbs Lost
    Week 12 Ending Weight:182.6

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 85-03/25-DNW-(Trend weight DNW) Early and all day/evening travel today. I’ll catch up on reading the posts tomorrow.

    Day 86-03/26-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 87-03/27-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 88-03/28-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 89-03/29-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 90-03/30-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 91-03/31-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    WEEK 13 LOSS OR GAIN:xxxxx
    Accumulated Loss or Gain:xxxxx
    Week 11 Ending Weight:xxxxx

    Future weeks to come

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 92-04/01-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 93-04/02-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 94-04/03-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 95-04/04-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 96-04/05-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 97-04/06-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 98-04/07-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    WEEK 14 LOSS OR GAIN:xxxxx
    Accumulated Loss or Gain:xxxxx
    Week 11 Ending Weight:xxxxx

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 99-04/08-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 100-04/09…..(Final Weigh- In)-xxxxx-(trend weight xxxxx)
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,435 Member
    Thank you, @dawnbgethealthy !
    I'm in!
    74 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 148.0
    UGW: 145.0
    Day 01 - 01/01 - 147.7 at 9:20 a.m. ...6.79 miles in 146 mins ...my trainer is out w/covid!!!
    Day 02 - 01/02 - 148.3 at 6:30 a.m. ...zero
    Day 03 - 01/03 - 147.5 at 8:45 a.m. ...zero
    Day 04 - 01/04 - 147.5 at 8:30 a.m. ...5.04 miles in 104 mins
    Day 05 - 01/05 - 148.7 at 8:00 a.m. ...zero
    Day 06 - 01/06 - 149.0 at 5:30 a.m. ..family over for Salad Saturday!
    Day 07 - 01/07 - 147.2 at 8:30 a.m. ...5.35 miles in 111 mins
    Week 1 loss/gain - -.5
    Day 08 - 01/08 - 149.4 at 6:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero...my trainer is still out w/covid!!!
    Day 09 - 01/09 - 148.7 at 6:00 a.m. ...1 yr old Grandson Duty then 1.80 miles in 49 mins w/7 yr old Grandson to the park and back!!
    Day 10 - 01/10 - 149.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero
    Day 11 - 01/11 - 149.0 at 6:00 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero...too cold to walk out there
    Day 12 - 01/12 - 149.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then cleaned the house before our housekeeper got here!!
    Day 13 - 01/13 - 148.0 at 7:00 a.m. ...zero...too cold and windy!!!
    Day 14 - 01/14 - 148.7 at 7:00 a.m. ...5.41 miles in 108 mins...it started out real foggy then turned into a beautiful afternoon!!
    Week 2 loss/gain - -.7
    Day 15 - 01/15 - 149.0 at 8:00 a.m. ...60 mins workout w/trainer then we had both Grandsons for the afternoon...their pup had a vet appt
    Day 16 - 01/16 - 148.3 at 9:00 a.m. ...zero
    Day 17 - 01/17 - 149.4 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/my trainer
    Day 18 - 01/18 - 149.3 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.27 miles in 108 mins to the post office and back
    Day 19 - 01/19 - 146.6 at 8:30 a.m. ...whole family is sick...no walking for me
    Day 20 - 01/20 - 146.9 at 8:00 a.m. ...ugh!
    Day 21 - 01/21 - 145.0 at 7:50 a.m. ...still down for the count
    Week 3 loss/gain - -3.3
    Day 22 - 01/22 - 145.8 at 8:15 a.m. ...ugh!
    Day 23 - 01/23 - 146.3 at 7:45 a.m. ... :'(:s
    Day 24 - 01/24 - 146.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing...ugh!
    Day 25 - 01/25 - 146.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing...ugh!
    Day 26 - 01/26 - 145.9 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing...ugh!
    Day 27 - 01/27 - 146.5 at 8:15 a.m. ...zero...made soup
    Day 28 - 01/28 - 148.2 at 8:30 a.m. ...5.40 miles in 106 mins then read my book
    Week 4 loss/gain - +3.6
    Day 29 - 01/29 - 149.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing
    Day 30 - 01/30 - 148.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 4.11 miles in 84 mins...covid rebound
    Day 31 - 01/31 - 149.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing
    Day 32 - 02/01 - 149.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty...covid rebound
    Day 33 - 02/02 - 149.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty...covid rebound
    Day 34 - 02/03 - 148.4 at 8:45 a.m. ...5.85 miles in 119 mins
    Day 35 - 02/04 - 149.5 at 8:30 a.m. ...California storm!! Crazy wind and rain!!
    Week 5 loss/gain - +.5
    Day 36 - 02/05 - 151.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 5.60 miles in 115 mins in cold wind and rain!!
    Day 37 - 02/06 - 149.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing...still testing positive!!
    Day 38 - 02/07 - 147.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing...still testing positive!!
    Day 39 - 02/08 - 149.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing...still testing positive!!
    Day 40 - 02/09 - 149.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing...tested NEGATIVE THIS MORNING!!
    Day 41 - 02/10 - 148.7 at 8:00 a.m. ...6.23 miles in 127 mins
    Day 42 - 02/11 - 148.3 at 8:20 a.m. ...5.29 miles in 110 mins
    Week 6 loss/gain - -.7
    Day 43 - 02/12 - 149.6 at 7:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/my trainer
    Day 44 - 02/13 - 148.8 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then cleaned house
    Day 45 - 02/14 - 149.4 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 46 - 02/15 - 149.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then made soup and read my book!
    Day 47 - 02/16 - 149.4 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 48 - 02/17 - 149.0 at 8:00 a.m. ...Got to buy a new bed today...a split king...so cool!
    Day 49 - 02/18 - 149.2 at 9:00 a.m. ...did 6.18 miles in 121 mins to the post office and back
    Week 7 loss/gain - -.4
    Day 50 - 02/19 - 148.1 at 8:10 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer then worked on taxes
    Day 51 - 02/20 - 148.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then finished taxes
    Day 52 - 02/21 - 149.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 53 - 02/22 - 149.7 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then reading!!
    Day 54 - 02/23 - 149.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 55 - 02/24 - 148.7 at 8:20 a.m. ...5.43 miles in 109 mins
    Day 56 - 02/25 - 148.2 at 8:15 a.m. ...5.05 miles in 102 mins
    Week 8 loss/gain - +.1
    Day 57 - 02/26 - 147.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 58 - 02/27 - 148.3 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then cleaned house
    Day 59 - 02/28 - 150.4 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 60 - 02/29 - 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then the DMV to renew my license and take the test!!
    Day 61 - 03/01 - 149.9 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer then new bed delivered!!!
    Day 62 - 03/02 - 149.5 at 6:30 a.m. ...Haircuts w/DDD then both Grandsons for 3+ hours!!
    Day 63 - 03/03 - 149.5 at 8:00 a.m. ...5.25 miles in 105 mins in the drizzle rain and cold wind!
    Week 9 loss/gain - +2.3 ugh!
    Day 64 - 03/04 - 149.8 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson's are sick...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 65 - 03/05 - 148.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandsons shared there cold w/Grandma!! ugh!
    Day 66 - 03/06 - 149.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandsons shared there cold w/Grandma!! ugh!
    Day 67 - 03/07 - 149.7 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandsons shared there cold w/Grandma!! ugh!
    Day 68 - 03/08 - 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 mins w/trainer...still runny and coughing
    Day 69 - 03/09 - 149.0 at 6:00 a.m. ...nothing...tired of being sick!!
    Day 70 - 03/10 - 149.9 at 8:00 a.m. ...5.88 miles in 120 mins to the post office and back
    Week 10 loss/gain - +.1
    Day 71 - 03/11 - 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 72 - 03/12 - 149.8 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then cleaned house ...turned 74 today
    Day 73 - 03/13 - 149.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 74 - 03/14 - 149.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing
    Day 74 - 03/15 - 149.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 76 - 03/16 - 149.5 at 8:30 a.m. ...celebrated b'day with family...yumm!
    Day 77 - 03/17 - 149.0 at 8:10 a.m. ...5.41 miles in 108 mins to the post office and back.
    Week 11 loss/gain - -1.0
    Day 78 - 03/18 - 150.7 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 79 - 03/19 - 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then reading
    Day 80 - 03/20 - 151.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 5.26 miles in 106 mins
    Day 81 - 03/21 - 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing
    Day 82 - 03/22 - 148.3 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing...trainer's family sick
    Day 83 - 03/23 - 149.7 at 8:30 a.m. ...Tax stuff
    Day 84 - 03/24 - 150.4 at 7:45 a.m. ...5.28 miles in 111 mins to the post office and back
    Week 12 loss/gain - -.3
    Day 85 - 03/25 -
    Day 86 - 03/26 -
    Day 87 - 03/27 -
    Day 88 - 03/28 -
    Day 89 - 03/29 -
    Day 90 - 03/30 -
    Day 91 - 03/31 -
    Week 13 loss/gain -
  • ptitejeanne
    ptitejeanne Posts: 1,723 Member
    Hi! I’m Jeanne!
    I’m 48. Live in eastern Canada 🇨🇦
    This is my 3rd 100 day challenge.
    It’s working for me, so here I go again.
    Any amount going down is a win for me.

    Day 01-01/01-- 157.8
    Day 02-01/02-- 156.6
    Day 03-01/03-- 157.6
    Day 04-01/04-- 158.6
    Day 05-01/05-- 157.2
    Day 06-01/06-- 157.4
    Day 07-01/07-- 159.6
    Week 1 Goal Wt: 155.0
    Week 1 actual : 159.6
    Total ➕1️⃣.8️⃣

    Day 08-01/08-- 159.6
    Day 09-01/09-- 157.6
    Day 10-01/10-- 157.6
    Day 11-01/11-- 158.2
    Day 12-01/12-- 159.0
    Day 13-01/13-- 157.8
    Day 14-01/14--157.0
    Week 2 Goal wt: 155.0
    Week 2 actual wt: 158.8
    Total ➕1️⃣.0️⃣

    Day 15-01/15-- 158.8
    Day 16-01/16-- 157.4
    Day 17-01/17-- 157.2
    Day 18-01/18-- 158.2
    Day 19-01/19-- 158.8
    Day 20-01/20-- 159.8
    Day 21-01/21-- 159.8
    Week 3 Goal wt: 155.0
    Week 3 actual wt: 161.2
    Total ➕3️⃣.4️⃣

    Day 22-01/22-- 161.2
    Day 23-01/23-- 159.8
    Day 24-01/24-- 159.8
    Day 25-01/25-- 159.4
    Day 26-01/26-- 159.0
    Day 27-01/27-- 160.4
    Day 28-01/28-- 161.8
    Week 4 Goal wt: 155.0
    Week 4 actual wt: 157.8
    Total 🟰 same

    Day 29-01/29-- 157.8
    Day 30-01/30-- 157.8
    Day 31-01/31-- 157.4
    Day 32-02/01-- 157.4
    Day 33-02/02-- 158.2
    Day 34-02/03-- 158.2
    Day 35-02/04-- 159.0
    Week 5 Goal wt: 155.0
    Week 5 actual wt: 159.0
    Total ➕1️⃣.2️⃣

    Day 36-02/05-- 159.0
    Day 37-02/06-- 158.6
    Day 38-02/07-- 158.0
    Day 39-02/08-- 158.6
    Day 40-02/09-- 158.2
    Day 41-02/10-- 157.6
    Day 42-02/11-- 155.4
    Week 6 Goal wt: 155.0
    Week 6 actual wt: 156.8
    Total ➖1️⃣.0️⃣

    Day 43-02/12-- 156.8
    Day 44-02/13-- 157.6
    Day 45-02/14-- 157.8
    Day 46-02/15-- 156.6
    Day 47-02/16-- 156.4
    Day 48-02/17-- 156.4
    Day 49-02/18-- 157.0
    Week 7 Goal wt: 155.0
    Week 7 actual wt: 159.6
    Total ➕1️⃣.8️⃣

    Day 50-02/19-- 159.6
    Day 51-02/20-- 156.4
    Day 52-02/21-- 155.8
    Day 53-02/22-- 155.6
    Day 54-02/23-- 153.8 🥳 🚗
    Week 8 Goal wt: 155.0
    Week 8 actual wt: 153.8
    Total ➖4️⃣.0️⃣ 🥳
    Day 55-02/24-- ✈️
    Day 56-02/25-- 🛳️

    Day 57-02/26-- 🛳️
    Day 58-02/27-- 🛳️
    Day 59-02/28-- 🛳️
    Day 60-02/29-- 🛳️
    Day 61-03/01-- 🛳️
    Day 62-03/02-- 🛳️
    Day 63-03/03-- 🛳️
    Week 9 Goal wt: 🛳️
    Week 9 actual wt: 🛳️
    Total 🛳️

    Day 64-03/04-- 🚗
    Day 65-03/05-- 160.4
    Day 66-03/06-- 160.0
    Day 67-03/07-- 157.8
    Day 68-03/08-- 157.8
    Day 69-03/09-- 158.0
    Day 70-03/10-- 158.2

    Week 10 Goal wt: 155.0
    Week 10 actual wt: 156.4
    Total ➖1️⃣.4️⃣

    Day 71-03/11-- 156.4
    Day 72-03/12-- 156.4
    Day 73-03/13-- 155.6
    Day 74-03/14-- 154.2
    Day 75-03/15-- 154.4
    Day 76-03/16-- 153.2
    Day 77-03/17-- 153.6
    Week 11 Goal wt: 155.0
    Week 11 actual wt: 154.2
    Total ➖3️⃣.6️⃣ 🥳

    Day 78-03/18-- 154.2
    Day 79-03/19-- 152.4
    Day 80-03/20-- 151.4
    Day 81-03/21-- 152.6
    Day 82-03/22-- 152.6
    Day 83-03/23-- 153.8
    Day 84-03/24-- 154.8
    Week 12 Goal wt: 150.0
    Week 12 actual wt: 153.2
    Total ➖4️⃣.6️⃣ 🥳

    Day 85-03/25-- 153.2 ⬅️⬅️
    Day 2️⃣8️⃣5️⃣
    Day 86-03/26--
    Day 87-03/27--
    Day 88-03/28--
    Day 89-03/29--
    Day 90-03/30--
    Day 91-03/31--
    Week 13 Goal wt:
    Week 13 actual wt:


    - -
  • noynoyavery
    noynoyavery Posts: 342 Member
    @ptitejeanne those last two weeks losses are amazing 😍
  • noynoyavery
    noynoyavery Posts: 342 Member
    Start 83kg
    Challenge sw 82kg
    Week 1 80.8kg
    Week 2 80.3kg
    Week 3 79.4kg
    Week 4 78.9kg
    Week 5 78.1kg
    Week 6 78.0kg
    Week 7 78.4kg
    Week 8 77.6kg
    Week 9 77.7kg
    Week 10 76.7kg
    Week 11 77.1kg
    Week 12 76.5kg

    Day 85-03/25--76.2kg keep on going down please!

    Day 86-03/26--76.1kg yes..

    Day 87-03/27--

    Day 88-03/28--

    Day 89-03/29--

    Day 90-03/30--

    Day 91-03/31--

    Week 13 Goal: 76 kg I will get there!
    Week 13 actual weight:
  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 756 Member
    100 day challenge #118 (my first)
    SW: 146.2
    GW: 130-132

    Wk 1 EW: 142.6
    Wk 2 EW: 141.4
    Wk 3 EW: 140.2
    Wk 4 EW: 139.2
    Wk 5 EW: 138.6
    Wk 6 EW: 136.8
    Wk 7 EW: 136.2
    Wk 8 EW: 135.0
    Wk 9 EW: 134.2
    Wk 10 EW: 133.4
    Wk 11 EW: 132.8
    Wk 12 EW: 130.2
    previous weeks:
    Week 1 Goal: 145.2
    Day 01-01/01–146.2

    Day 02-01/02-- 145.5

    Day 03-01/03-- 144.2

    Day 04-01/04-- 144.2

    Day 05-01/05-- 143.2

    Day 06-01/06-- 143.4

    Day 07-01/07-- 142.6
    Week 1 Goal: 145.2
    Week 1 actual weight: 142.6
    Loss: 3.6 lbs

    Week 2 Goal: under 142
    Day 08-01/08--142.6 (back to my pre-holiday weight. Let the games begin!)

    Day 09-01/09–142.2

    Day 10-01/10-- 141.4

    Day 11-01/11-- 141.4

    Day 12-01/12-- 141.4

    Day 13-01/13-- 142.2

    Day 14-01/14-- 141.4
    Week 2 Goal: under 142
    Week 2 actual Weight: 141.4
    Loss: 1.2 lbs

    Week 3 Goal: maintain through mini-vacation
    Day 15-01/15– 141.4

    Day 16-01/16-- 140.8

    Day 17-01/17-- 140.8

    Day 18-01/18-- 140.8

    Day 19-01/19-- 140.8- away, travel scale, maintained day 1

    Day 20-01/20-- 140.6

    Day 21-01/21-- 140.2- away, loss again!
    Week 3 Goal: 140.8
    Week 3 actual weight: 140.2
    Loss: 1.2 lbs

    Week 4 Goal: 139.8
    Day 22-01/22--141- last vacation day, bump is no surprise!

    Day 23-01/23–140.8

    Day 24-01/24-- 140.8

    Day 25-01/25--140.8... bored with this number.

    Day 26-01/26--140.0

    Day 27-01/27-- 140.6 (friday night out)

    Day 28-01/28-- 139.2
    Week 4 Goal: 139.8
    Week 4 actual weight: 139.2
    Loss: 1.8lbs
    Week 5 Goal: under 139
    Day 29-01/29--139.2

    Day 30-01/30--139.2

    Day 31-01/31-- 139.2 (full month done! woohoo!)

    Day 32-02/01-- 138.6

    Day 33-02/02-- 139.2

    Day 34-02/03-- 138.6

    Day 35-02/04-- 138.6

    Week 5 Goal: under 139
    Week 5 actual weight: 138.6
    Loss: .6 lb

    Week 6 goal: under 137
    Day 36-02/05-- 137.2

    Day 37-02/06-- 137.2

    Day 38-02/07-- 136.8

    Day 39-02/08-- 136.8

    Day 40-02/09-- 136.8

    Day 41-02/10-- 136.8

    Day 42-02/11-- 136.8
    Week 6 goal: under 137
    Week 6 actual weight: 136.8
    Loss: 0.4 lb

    Week 7:
    Day 43-02/12--136.8

    Day 44-02/13-- 136.8

    Day 45-02/14-- 136.2

    Day 46-02/15-- 136.2

    Day 47-02/16-- 137.0

    Day 48-02/17-- 136.2

    Day 49-02/18-- 136.2
    Week 7 Goal: around/under 136
    Week 7 actual weight: 136.2
    Loss: 0.6 lb

    Week 8:
    Day 50-02/19-- 135.0

    Halfway Progress Report: 11.2 Pounds Lost so Far

    Day 51-02/20–135.0

    Day 52-02/21–136.2

    Day 53-02/22–136.2

    Day 54-02/23-- 135.0

    Day 55-02/24-- 137.0

    Day 56-02/25-- 135.0
    Week 8 Goal: around/under 135
    Week 8 actual weight: 135.0
    Loss: 1.2 lbs

    Week 9 goal: under 135:
    Day 57-02/26-- 134.2

    Day 58-02/27–135.0

    Day 59-02/28–134.2

    Day 60-02/29-- 134.2

    Day 61-03/01-- 135.0

    Day 62-03/02-- 134.2

    Day 63-03/03-- 134.2

    Week 9 Goal: under 135
    Week 9 actual weight: 134.2
    Loss: 0.8

    Week 10 goal: under 134:
    Day 64-03/04–135
    Day 65-03/05– 133.4

    Day 66-03/06– 133.4

    Day 67-03/07–133.4

    Day 68-03/08–132.8

    Day 69-03/09-- 133.4

    Day 70-03/10-- 133.4
    Week 10 Goal: under 134
    Week 10 actual weight: 133.4
    Loss: 0.8

    Week 11 goal: under 133
    Day 71-03/11-- 132.8

    Day 72-03/12-- 133.4

    Day 73-03/13-- 132.8

    Day 74-03/14— 131.6

    Day 75-03/15-- 131.6

    Day 76-03/16-- 131.6

    Day 77-03/17-- 132.8

    Week 11 Goal: under 133
    Week 11 actual weight: 132.8
    Loss: .08

    Week 12 goal: under 132
    Day 78-03/18-- 131.6

    Day 79-03/19-- 131.0

    Day 80-03/20-- 130.2

    Day 81-03/21-- 130.2

    Day 82-03/22-- 130.2

    Day 83-03/23-- 131.0

    Day 84-03/24-- 130.2
    Week 12 goal: under 132
    Week 12 actual: 130.2
    Loss 1.4 lbs

    Week 13 goal: under 131
    Day 85-03/25-- 131.4

    Day 86-03/26-- 131.0

    Day 87-03/27--

    Day 88-03/28--

    Day 89-03/29--

    Day 90-03/30--

    Day 91-03/31--

    Week 13 Goal: <131
    Week 13 actual weight:
  • Lynn__W
    Lynn__W Posts: 922 Member
    Week 13:

    Day 83-03/23: 172.6

    Day 84-03/24: 173.4

    Day 85-03/25: 174.4

    Day 86-03/26: 173.8

    Day 87-03/27:

    Day 88-03/28:

    Day 89-03/29:

    Week 13 Goal: 172.?
    Week 13 actual weight:
    Challenge accumulated Wt change
  • Ladytuesday
    Ladytuesday Posts: 114 Member
    Week 11 Goal: 175 lbs
    Week 11 actual weight: 176.5 lbs (lost 0.9 lbs)

    Day 78-03/18—176.3 lbs
    Day 79-03/19—175.9 lbs
    Day 80-03/20—175.0 lbs
    Day 81-03/21—175.0 lbs
    Day 82-03/22--175.0 lbs
    Day 83-03/23--175.0 lbs
    Day 84-03/24—175.0 lbs

    Week 12 Goal: 174 lbs
    Week 12 actual weight: 175.0 lbs (lost 1.3 lbs)

    Day 85-03/25—175.0 lbs
    Day 86-03/26—174.3 lbs
    Day 87-03/27--
    Day 88-03/28--
    Day 89-03/29--
    Day 90-03/30--
    Day 91-03/31--

    Week 13 Goal: 172.5 lbs
    Week 13 actual weight:
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,647 Member
    I am Dawn
    5'2" (used to be 5'3"), 63 years old

    Brand new year! Of course going to try to take off some greasy pounds.

    Week 1 Goal: 143.2 (beginning of last 100)
    Week 1 actual weight: 145.6 - Start weight of the week 145.6

    Week 2 Goal: Didn't put one this week
    Week 2 actual weight: 145.0 - started the week at 145.8

    Week 3 Goal: 143.4
    Week 3 actual weight: 144.8

    Week 4 Goal: 143.8
    Week 4 actual weight: 144.6 - Used Saturday's weight

    Week 5 Goal: 143.8 - Just putting this number in until I hit it
    Week 5 actual weight: 144.8 - started the week at 145.6

    Week 6 Goal: 143.8 - Just putting this number in until I hit it
    Week 6 actual weight: 144.4 - Started the week at 144.0

    Day 50-02/19 - 143.4 - Wow, somehow dropped a pound!! That has made my day! I have been working at this for so many years, and have almost felt like giving up because it seems like I just don't lose any weight no matter how "good" I am. This loss will motivate me to keep on keeping on : - )

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far: 2.2

    Week 8 Goal: 141.8 - Putting this number in until I hit it
    Week 8 actual weight: 145.8 - started the week at 143.0

    Week 9 Goal: 141.8 - Putting this number in until I hit it. Seems a bit unrealistic at this point
    Week 9 actual weight: 145.0 - Started the week (and the 100) at 145.6

    Week 10 Goal: 141.8 - Putting this number in until I hit it.
    Week 10 actual weight: 145.0 - Started the week at 144.4

    Week 11 Goal: 141.8 - Putting this number in until I hit it.
    Week 11 actual weight: 146.8 - Started the week at 144.4

    Week 12 Goal: anything less than my start weight of the 100 would be welcome.
    Week 12 actual weight: 146.8 - started the week at 147.2

    Day 85-03/25 - 146.4 - Slight drop, better than the continuous gain. Keeping on.

    Day 86-03/26 - 145.6 - Hmm, did nothing differently at all. Glad to see a drop of course.

    Day 87-03/27 -

    Day 88-03/28 -

    Day 89-03/29 -

    Day 90-03/30 -

    Day 91-03/31 -

    Week 13 Goal: 143.2
    Week 13 actual weight:

    Start weight of this 100: 145.6
    Measurements: Waist - 33", Hips 37"
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,224 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ January 1st thru April 9th, 2024


    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    My Name is Donna, Age 63. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA
    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge: : 183.8
    Goal This Round: 171.8
    Challenge Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Previous Rounds Tally & Thoughts:
    This shows the ending weights of each round:
    Round #1 --- 199,8
    Round #2 --- 186.8
    Round #3 --- 195.6
    Round #4 --- 211.0
    Round #5 --- 211.3
    Round #6 --- 205.4
    Round #7 --- 207.6
    Round #8 --- 195.2
    Round #9 --- 185.2
    Round #10—195.2
    Round #11---200.8
    Round #12---200.4
    Round #13---196.2
    Round #14---191.2
    Round #15---194.0
    Round #16---188.0
    Round #17---183.8


    While other challenges may show bigger losses (or gains), it really depends on what date you are looking at with me because I do go up & down quite a lot, especially with my frequent required day trips. However, from Jan 1st through Dec 31st, I lost 16.0 pounds in the full year of 2023. That is what I have lost and KEPT OFF. While I am very proud of that, I know that the road ahead is long and will be a difficult one since I still have so far to go and so many health related obstacles in my way. Each 100 day round I am extremely grateful for any progress I can make, no matter how big or small. I am also grateful for all the support from all of you that I get on a daily basis. Working on my health has become my #1 priority. My main goals are to maintain my remission by staying cancer free and to keep my diabetes in control. Losing weight is key to both goals.

    Previous Weeks:

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 01-01/01-181.6-(Trend weight 180.3)

    Day 02-01/02-181.4-(Trend weight 180.4)

    Day 03-01/03-181.4-(Trend weight 180.5)

    Day 04-01/04-182.0-(Trend weight 180.7)

    Day 05-01/05-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 06-01/06-183.0-(Trend weight 181.2)

    Day 07-01/07-183.0-(Trend weight 181.3)

    WEEK 1 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.8 lbs Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.8 lbs Lost
    Week 1 Ending Weight: 183.0

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 08-01/08-179.8-(Trend weight 181.2)

    Day 09-01/09-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 10-01/10-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 11-01/11-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 12-01/12-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 13-01/13-182.0-(Trend weight 181.0)

    Day 14-01/14-183.0-(Trend weight 181.2)

    WEEK 2 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.0 lbs Lost or Gained (results may be skewed by new scale)
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.8 lbs LOST
    Week 2 Ending Weight: 183.0

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 15-01/15-183.4-(Trend weight 181.3)

    Day 16-01/16-183.4-(Trend weight 181.5)

    Day 17-01/17-182.6-(Trend weight 181.8)

    Day 18-01/18-183.4-(Trend weight 182.1)

    Day 19-01/19-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 20-01/20-183.6-(Trend weight 182.3)

    Day 21-01/21-184.4-(Trend weight 182.5)

    WEEK 3 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.4 lbs Gained
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.6 lbs Gained
    Week 3 Ending Weight: 184.4

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 22-01/22-184.2-(Trend weight 182.7)

    Day 23-01/23-185.2-(Trend weight 183.0)

    Day 24-01/24-184.6-(Trend weight 183.3)

    Day 25-01/25-185.2-(Trend weight 183.7)

    Day 26-01/26-182.4-(Trend weight 183.6)

    Day 27-01/27-183.4-(Trend weight 183.5)

    Day 28-01/28-181.6-(Trend weight 183.3)

    WEEK 4 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.8 lbs. Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.2 lbs. Lost
    Week 4 Ending Weight: 181.6

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 29-01/29-181.6-(Trend weight 183.2)

    Day 30-01/30-181.2-(Trend weight 183.0)

    Day 31-01/31-181.6-(Trend weight 182.9)

    Day 32-02/01-183.4-(Trend weight 183.0)

    Day 33-02/02-181.8-(Trend weight 182.8)

    Day 34-02/03-182.6-(Trend weight 182.8)

    Day 35-02/04-184.6-(Trend weight 183.2)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.8 lbs GAINED
    Week 5 ending Weight: 184.6

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 36-02/05-184.6-(Trend weight 183.2)

    Day 37-02/06-183.0-(Trend weight 183.2)

    Day 38-02/07-181.0-(Trend weight 183.2)

    Day 39-02/08-178.2-(Trend weight 182.7)

    Day 40-02/09-178.4-(Trend weight 182.3)

    Day 41-02/10-179.0-(Trend weight 181.9)

    Day 42-02/11-179.2-(Trend weight 181.7)

    WEEK 6 LOSS OR GAIN: 5.4 lbs LOST
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 4.6 lbs LOST
    Week 6 Ending Weight: 179.2

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 43-02/12-179.6-(Trend weight 181.4)

    Day 44-02/13-182.0-(Trend weight 181.5)

    Day 45-02/14-179.6-(Trend weight 181.3)

    Day 46-02/15-178.4-(Trend weight 181)

    Day 47-02/16-178.2-(Trend weight 180.7)

    Day 48-02/17-179.6-(Trend weight 180.6)

    Day 49-02/18-179.2-(Trend weight 180.5)

    WEEK 7 LOSS OR GAIN: 0 lbs Lost or Gained but my trend weight has really come down so there’s hope for some improvement soon.
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 4.6 lbs Lost
    Week 7 Ending Weight: 179.2

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 50-02/19-179.4-(Trend weight 180.5)

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far: 4.4 lbs Lost

    Day 51-02/20-179.4-(Trend weight 180.6)

    Day 52-02/21-181.2-(Trend weight 180.7)

    Day 53-02/22-180.8-(Trend weight 180.7)

    Day 54-02/23-178.0-(Trend weight 180.4)

    Day 55-02/24-178.4-(Trend weight 180.2)

    Day 56-02/25-178.2-(Trend weight 180.1)

    WEEK 8 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.0 lb Lost
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 5.6 lbs Lost
    Week 8 Ending Weight: 178.2

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 57-02/26-180.2-(Trend weight 180.2)

    Day 58-02/27-179.4-(Trend weight 180.2)

    Day 59-02/28-176.6-(Trend weight 179.8)

    Day 60-02/29-177.0-(Trend weight 179.5)

    Day 61-03/01-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 62-03/02-178.0-(Trend weight 179.3)

    Day 63-03/03-178.2-(Trend weight 179.2)

    WEEK 9 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.0 Lost or Gained
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 5.6 lbs Lost
    Week 9 Ending Weight: 178.2

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 64-03/04-177.8-(Trend weight 179.0)

    Day 65-03/05-177.4-(Trend weight 178.9)

    Day 66-03/06-177.8-(Trend weight 178.8)

    Day 67-03/07-177.4-(Trend weight 178.7)

    Day 68-03/08-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 69-03/09-178.8-(Trend weight 178.8)

    Day 70-03/10-178.8-(Trend weight 178.9)

    WEEK 10 LOSS OR GAIN:0.6 lb Gain
    Accumulated Loss or Gain:5.0 Lost
    Week 10 Ending Weight:178.8

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 71-03/11-179.6-(Trend weight 179.2)

    Day 72-03/12-180.6-(Trend weight 179.5)

    Day 73-03/13-180.4-(Trend weight 179.7)

    Day 74-03/14-181.0-(Trend weight 179.9)

    Day 75-03/15-181.2-(Trend weight 180.3)

    Day 76-03/16-181.2-(Trend weight 180.4)

    Day 77-03/17-181.2-(Trend weight 180.4)

    WEEK 11 LOSS OR GAIN:2.4 lbs. Gained
    Accumulated Loss or Gain:2.6 lbs Lost
    Week 11 Ending Weight:181.2

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 78-03/18-180.4-(Trend weight 180.4)

    Day 79-03/19-179.4-(Trend weight 180.3)

    Day 80-03/20-177.0-(Trend weight 180.0)

    Day 81-03/21-180.6-(Trend weight 180.0)

    Day 82-03/22-180.6-(Trend weight 180.1)

    Day 83-03/23-182.2-(Trend weight 180.3)

    Day 84-03/24-182.6-(Trend weight 180.5)

    WEEK 12 LOSS OR GAIN:1.4 lbs. Gained
    Accumulated Loss or Gain:1.2 lbs Lost
    Week 12 Ending Weight:182.6

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 85-03/25-DNW-(Trend weight DNW) Early and all day/evening travel today. I’ll catch up on reading the posts tomorrow.

    Day 86-03/26-183.0-(Trend weight 180.7) I’m either red hot or ice cold in my journey. It gets tiring because it does mean losing the same pounds over and over before there is finally a breakthrough. Then the cycle starts again with the new numbers. It’s exhausting! I’m aiming for an exceptionally good day today.

    Day 87-03/27-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 88-03/28-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 89-03/29-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 90-03/30-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 91-03/31-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    WEEK 13 LOSS OR GAIN:xxxxx
    Accumulated Loss or Gain:xxxxx
    Week 11 Ending Weight:xxxxx

    Future weeks to come

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 92-04/01-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 93-04/02-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 94-04/03-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 95-04/04-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 96-04/05-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 97-04/06-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 98-04/07-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    WEEK 14 LOSS OR GAIN:xxxxx
    Accumulated Loss or Gain:xxxxx
    Week 11 Ending Weight:xxxxx

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    Day 99-04/08-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 100-04/09…..(Final Weigh- In)-xxxxx-(trend weight xxxxx)
  • ptitejeanne
    ptitejeanne Posts: 1,723 Member
    Hi! I’m Jeanne!
    I’m 48. Live in eastern Canada 🇨🇦
    This is my 3rd 100 day challenge.
    It’s working for me, so here I go again.
    Any amount going down is a win for me.

    Day 01-01/01-- 157.8
    Day 02-01/02-- 156.6
    Day 03-01/03-- 157.6
    Day 04-01/04-- 158.6
    Day 05-01/05-- 157.2
    Day 06-01/06-- 157.4
    Day 07-01/07-- 159.6
    Week 1 Goal Wt: 155.0
    Week 1 actual : 159.6
    Total ➕1️⃣.8️⃣

    Day 08-01/08-- 159.6
    Day 09-01/09-- 157.6
    Day 10-01/10-- 157.6
    Day 11-01/11-- 158.2
    Day 12-01/12-- 159.0
    Day 13-01/13-- 157.8
    Day 14-01/14--157.0
    Week 2 Goal wt: 155.0
    Week 2 actual wt: 158.8
    Total ➕1️⃣.0️⃣

    Day 15-01/15-- 158.8
    Day 16-01/16-- 157.4
    Day 17-01/17-- 157.2
    Day 18-01/18-- 158.2
    Day 19-01/19-- 158.8
    Day 20-01/20-- 159.8
    Day 21-01/21-- 159.8
    Week 3 Goal wt: 155.0
    Week 3 actual wt: 161.2
    Total ➕3️⃣.4️⃣

    Day 22-01/22-- 161.2
    Day 23-01/23-- 159.8
    Day 24-01/24-- 159.8
    Day 25-01/25-- 159.4
    Day 26-01/26-- 159.0
    Day 27-01/27-- 160.4
    Day 28-01/28-- 161.8
    Week 4 Goal wt: 155.0
    Week 4 actual wt: 157.8
    Total 🟰 same

    Day 29-01/29-- 157.8
    Day 30-01/30-- 157.8
    Day 31-01/31-- 157.4
    Day 32-02/01-- 157.4
    Day 33-02/02-- 158.2
    Day 34-02/03-- 158.2
    Day 35-02/04-- 159.0
    Week 5 Goal wt: 155.0
    Week 5 actual wt: 159.0
    Total ➕1️⃣.2️⃣

    Day 36-02/05-- 159.0
    Day 37-02/06-- 158.6
    Day 38-02/07-- 158.0
    Day 39-02/08-- 158.6
    Day 40-02/09-- 158.2
    Day 41-02/10-- 157.6
    Day 42-02/11-- 155.4
    Week 6 Goal wt: 155.0
    Week 6 actual wt: 156.8
    Total ➖1️⃣.0️⃣

    Day 43-02/12-- 156.8
    Day 44-02/13-- 157.6
    Day 45-02/14-- 157.8
    Day 46-02/15-- 156.6
    Day 47-02/16-- 156.4
    Day 48-02/17-- 156.4
    Day 49-02/18-- 157.0
    Week 7 Goal wt: 155.0
    Week 7 actual wt: 159.6
    Total ➕1️⃣.8️⃣

    Day 50-02/19-- 159.6
    Day 51-02/20-- 156.4
    Day 52-02/21-- 155.8
    Day 53-02/22-- 155.6
    Day 54-02/23-- 153.8 🥳 🚗
    Week 8 Goal wt: 155.0
    Week 8 actual wt: 153.8
    Total ➖4️⃣.0️⃣ 🥳
    Day 55-02/24-- ✈️
    Day 56-02/25-- 🛳️

    Day 57-02/26-- 🛳️
    Day 58-02/27-- 🛳️
    Day 59-02/28-- 🛳️
    Day 60-02/29-- 🛳️
    Day 61-03/01-- 🛳️
    Day 62-03/02-- 🛳️
    Day 63-03/03-- 🛳️
    Week 9 Goal wt: 🛳️
    Week 9 actual wt: 🛳️
    Total 🛳️

    Day 64-03/04-- 🚗
    Day 65-03/05-- 160.4
    Day 66-03/06-- 160.0
    Day 67-03/07-- 157.8
    Day 68-03/08-- 157.8
    Day 69-03/09-- 158.0
    Day 70-03/10-- 158.2

    Week 10 Goal wt: 155.0
    Week 10 actual wt: 156.4
    Total ➖1️⃣.4️⃣

    Day 71-03/11-- 156.4
    Day 72-03/12-- 156.4
    Day 73-03/13-- 155.6
    Day 74-03/14-- 154.2
    Day 75-03/15-- 154.4
    Day 76-03/16-- 153.2
    Day 77-03/17-- 153.6
    Week 11 Goal wt: 155.0
    Week 11 actual wt: 154.2
    Total ➖3️⃣.6️⃣ 🥳

    Day 78-03/18-- 154.2
    Day 79-03/19-- 152.4
    Day 80-03/20-- 151.4
    Day 81-03/21-- 152.6
    Day 82-03/22-- 152.6
    Day 83-03/23-- 153.8
    Day 84-03/24-- 154.8
    Week 12 Goal wt: 150.0
    Week 12 actual wt: 153.2
    Total ➖4️⃣.6️⃣ 🥳

    Day 85-03/25-- 153.2
    Day 86-03/26-- 155.4 ⬅️⬅️
    Day 2️⃣8️⃣6️⃣
    Day 87-03/27--
    Day 88-03/28--
    Day 89-03/29--
    Day 90-03/30--
    Day 91-03/31--
    Week 13 Goal wt:
    Week 13 actual wt:


    - -
  • tinathescreamer
    tinathescreamer Posts: 411 Member
    65 years old. 5' 8". Started back in March 2023 at 85.5 kg, down from my all time highest of 100 kg (220 lb) Since participating in the last two 100 Day Challenges I'm down to 70 kg (154 lb). My aim this time is to drop another 5 kg and reach my ultimate goal weight of 65 kg (143 lb) - and keep it off for the next two years at least - hopefully forever!

    Day 01-01/01-- 70 kg. Waist 30.5 ". Hips 40 "

    Day 02-01/02-- 70.2 kg. This is like investing for retirement in the stock market. The advisor told me 30 years ago "Think long term. Don't chase high returns for quick gains - aim for slow and steady returns. Don't worry about daily fluctuations - as long as you stick with it the overall trend will be upward." Happy now I took his advice.
    Found a jar of Kalamata olives in the pantry. Delicious! but I'm trying to limit myself to 4 daily. And yes! - I already got rid of the cheese and crackers I'd normally have with them.

    Day 03-01/03-- 69.9 kg.

    Day 04-01/04-- 69.6 kg. who would've thunk there could be marshmallows in the pantry and I am only eating two per day?! Sloooowly breaking the impulse to Eat All The Goodies Quick while they're around because Lord knows when there'll be any more - food insecurity issues from childhood.

    Day 05-01/05-- 69.5 kg. Yay! Hit my 1st week goal already - just have to maintain for another two days rather than going off the rails and over celebrating with treats to reward myself for losing the weight.....

    Day 06-01/06-- 69.8 kg. I started knitting a lace scarf last month. It is very fine yarn on tiny needles, and I can only work on it in daylight. For the last 4 weeks I have been knitting 8 rows a day, and now my scarf is 22 inches long! I was feeling very proud of my progress and thinking it was a good lesson in perseverance with the weight loss plan as well. Well! so today I went to pick it up and somehow - pulled out the needle! Oh, ye knitters of the world, weep with me.....

    Day 07-01/07-- 69 kg!!! Ummm.... this maybe TMI, but has anyone ever weighed themselves, then needed to go, then felt a strong desire to weigh themselves again - to see how much they dumped? ....not to boast - but, 0.5 kg? like, over a pound? Wow.

    Week 1 Goal: 69.5 kg.
    Week 1 actual weight: 69 kg.

    Day 08-01/08--69.8 kg.... ???

    Day 09-01/09-- 69.2 kg. Grandma used to say "What you gain on the swings you lose on the roundabouts." I'm guessing this was originally an allusion to the old style carnival where you paid to go on the rides, but maybe the barker was also running some kind of "chance to get your money back" gambling dodge as well? Anyway, it seems appropiate to eating for weight loss - cut out a slice of bread here and lose some, drink a can of soft drink "just this once" and gain it back.

    Day 10-01/10-- DNW

    Day 11-01/11-- 68.9 kg. I'm always hearing "eat protein for breakfast" and "breakfast like a king", but I just can't do that. A big plate of bacon and eggs always leaves me feeling uncomfortably full, weighed down and heavy. I just don't want to go for my usual morning walk, whereas a bowl of oatmeal, or a couple slices of wholewheat toast, with a piece of fruit, fills me until lunchtime, while still feeling light and active. I'm thinking there are many cultures where no, or just a light breakfast is the norm - it's really only the last 200 years in the Western world that 3 meals a day has become the norm. Even in the 60s, when I was a kid, snacking was not the usual thing - there weren't all the granola bars and cheesy chippy things we have today. I'm wondering how much of being told what we "should" eat, is actually real science based, and how much is funded by food manufacturers who want us to buy their products - how many orders for pizza delivery have been placed after seeing an ad? and deciding then "I'm too tired to cook".

    Day 12-01/12-- 68.8 kg.

    Day 13-01/13-- 69.2 kg. We are having a heat wave and it's exhausting to walk outside. Also I'm on medication which makes my skin more photo sensitive, so no to being lots in the sun. Fortunately, my appetite has decreased with the heat and I don't feel like cooking, so lots of raw fruit and veggies are on the menu.

    Day 14-01/14-- 69 kg. Some cookies and chips came ..... into my possession. "Them that asks no question, isn't told a lie. Watch the wall, my darling, while the chocolate cake goes by." So I just ate the treats (about 800 calories) and nothing else.

    Week 2 Goal: 69 kg.
    Week 2 actual weight: 69 kg. So no net loss or gain this week, but still on target.

    Day 15-01/15-- 68.8 kg. I want to knit a sweater for myself and I'm in a dither over what size to make. I know I'm 2 dress sizes smaller than I was, but I need my actual measurements. And then I need to work out how big the completed sweater will be and how much ease I want - I don't want "sweater girl" negative ease, but I don't want baggy oversize either, since I still have a little more weight to lose.

    Day 16-01/16 69.8 kg. I found a big jar of mayo at the back of the fridge......I would have taken it to the food pantry, but it was already open....spent the evening gorging on mayo and cucumber sandwiches. No, I regret nothing.--

    Day 17-01/17-- 70 kg .....Well, the rest of the mayo is gone - I hate to waste food, but, yes, it went down the sink - and the fiber in all the wholewheat bread has worked, so here's to a drop on the scale tomorrow.

    Day 18-01/18-- 69 kg. Hopefully back on track.

    Day 19-01/19-- 70 kg. Is it the scale or is it me not being super careful over tracking? I am perflummoxedcombobulated! Maybe my body is telling me it's happy at current weight and doesn't want to go lower?

    Day 20-01/20-- 70 kg.

    Day 21-01/21-- 69 kg. Weather has been super hot and I think I may have eaten something that's gone a bit off - been feeling unwell for the last 24 hours.

    Week 3 Goal: 68.5 kg.
    Week 3 actual weight: 69 kg. As Scarlett O'Hara said, "Tomorrow is another day."

    Day 22-01/22-- 68.5 kg.

    Day 23-01/23-- 68.7 kg.

    Day 24-01/24-- 68.4 kg. I was given a fruit cake today - a whole 500 grams (over a pound). I try very hard not to buy sweets and baked goods or keep them in the house, but free food is fair game..... I ate it all in 2 hours ..... I'm thinking with Lent approaching I need to give it up completely - at least for long enough for my taste to change.

    Day 25-01/25-- 68 kg.

    Day 26-01/26-- 67.9 kg.

    Day 27-01/27-- DNW

    Day 28-01/28-- 68 kg. Made it!

    Week 4 Goal: 68.5 kg.
    Week 4 actual weight: 68 kg. 4 weeks, 2 kg down.

    Day 29-01/29-- 69 kg. Note to self - do not celebrate weight loss with toasted cheese.

    Day 30-01/30-- 70 kg. Another note to self - just because fruit mince tarts are reduced price after Christmas, doesn't mean there are less calories. You're not "saving" money, either - you're spending it!

    Day 31-01/31-- 69.8 kg.

    Day 32-02/01-- 69 kg. Easy come, easy go.

    Day 33-02/02-- 68.8 kg.

    Day 34-02/03-- 69.8 kg. What witchcraft hath possessed my scale? Oh right - I'm the one polishing off the goodies before Lent.

    Day 35-02/04-- 69 kg.

    Week 5 Goal: 68 kg.
    Week 5 actual weight: 69 kg. Only 1 kg lost in 5 weeks? Need to keep my eye on the ball.

    Day 36-02/05-- 68.8 kg. 64 days to lose 3.8 kg - around 60 grams per day.

    Day 37-02/06-- 68.5 kg. I am the only person who controls what goes into my mouth.

    Day 38-02/07-- 68.1 kg. Stay focused. Stay strong.

    Day 39-02/08-- 68.7 kg. I luuurve avocadoes and they are said to be very good for you, but oh my Lord, the calories!

    Day 40-02/09-- 70 kg. Yikes!

    Day 41-02/10-- 69 kg.

    Day 42-02/11-- 70 kg. Even footling around with cheat meals. Lent starts on Wed, and I am absolutely resolute on giving up sugar. (Yes, I know the primary aim is not to lose weight, but the self discipline will hopefully have a positive side effect.)

    Week 6 Goal: 68 kg.
    Week 6 actual weight: 70 kg. Epic fail. 6 weeks gone - and I'm back to starting weight.

    Day 43-02/12-- 69 kg.

    Day 44-02/13-- DNW. Pancakes galore! With bananas and chocolate sauce! Will repent tomorrow.

    Day 45-02/14-- 69 kg. Today is both Ash Wednesday and St Valentine's Day.
    Roses are red, violets are blue:
    Lent is beginning - no chocolate for you.

    Day 46-02/15-- 68 kg

    Day 47-02/16-- 67.9 kg. Per MFP this day deficit, I will weigh 65.4 in 5 weeks. Hope and pray!

    Day 48-02/17-- 68.1 kg. So close!

    Day 49-02/18-- 67.9 kg. Darn chocolate buttons,

    Week 7 Goal: 68 kg.
    Week 7 actual weight: 67.9. Try to find myself some non-food reward for coming in under goal.

    Day 50-02/19-- 67.5 kg. Halfway thru the Challenge and Halfway to Goal!

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far: 2.5 kg (5.5 lb) or 50 grams per day.

    Day 51-02/20-- 68.1 kg.

    Day 52-02/21-- 67.9 kg.

    Day 53-02/22-- 67.8 kg.

    Day 54-02/23-- 68 kg.

    Day 55-02/24-- 69 kg. Back on a bread binge.

    Day 56-02/25-- 68 kg. Le sigh.

    Week 8 Goal: 67 kg.
    Week 8 actual weight: 68 kg. Well, at least it's not more than I weighed 7 days ago.

    Day 57-02/26-- 67.5 kg. Have lost 18 (39.6 lb) kg in just over 10 months. Also down 32.5 kg (71.5 lb) since my highest weight - just after first lockdown, so nearly 4 years ago.

    Day 58-02/27-- 67.6 kg.

    Day 59-02/28-- DNW

    Day 60-02/29-- 67.3 kg. ......Ithinkicanithinkicanithinkican.....

    Day 61-03/01-- 67.2 kg. Last time I weighed this much/little was well over 20 years ago. Think I was living in another city in 2001? 2002? I was still doing karate then. Maybe I should look into Aikido, which is a softer martial art, or Tai Chi? I know one of the nearby church halls has a falls prevention exercise program for seniors which includes some Tai Chi.

    Day 62-03/02-- 67 kg. Waist 30 inches. Hips 39 inches. I'd like to lose a little more round the waist, mostly because I'm concerned about visceral fat - but I'm too old to regain the hourglass figure I had at 22!

    Day 63-03/03-- 67 kg.

    Week 9 Goal: 67 kg.
    Week 9 actual weight: 67 kg. Only 2 kg to lose over the next 5 weeks!

    Day 64-03/04-- DNW

    Day 65-03/05-- 67.5 kg.

    Day 66-03/06-- 67.2 kg. Somewhat surprised at the loss as there was no restraint yesterday. Dear Universe, please stop sending cheese my way. If it's in the fridge it begs to be eaten - oh, that's right. I'm the one what bought it and placed it in the fridge.....

    Day 67-03/07-- 68.1 kg. Need to lose 100 g per day for the rest of the Challenge to meet my goal.

    Day 68-03/08-- 67.9 kg.

    Day 69-03/09-- 68 kg. How come I'm putting on weight in Lent? Well.... tonight was the Spencer-Smith (chaplain on Shackleton's Antarctic Expedition 1914-17. Buried in the ice) Memorial Mass and Lecture, with unveiling of the new stained glass window. Followed by Big Supper - more than a few of us forgot we are supposed to be fasting....

    Day 70-03/10-- 67 kg. It is what it is......nevertheless, she persisted.

    Week 10 Goal: 66.5 kg.
    Week 10 actual weight: 67 kg.

    Day 71-03/11-- 66.9 kg. Forecast for the next few days is not great, don't know how much outdoor exercise I'll get. May have to do some dancing to You Tube videos or something to burn up the calories - keeping below limit will be a challenge otherwise.

    Day 72-03/12-- 67 kg.

    Day 73-03/13-- 66.7 kg. Back at the lowest weight I've been since back on 11/18 last year, before realising my scale was inaccurate. So really I have lost 23.8 kg (over 52 lb) in just under a year. Go me!

    Day 74-03/14-- 66.5 kg. Hang on for Just.A.Little.Longer.

    Day 75-03/15-- 66.2 kg. So Close to my Final Goal! Just 1.2 kg (2.64 lbs) and 25 days to go!

    Day 76-03/16-- 66.1 kg.

    Day 77-03/17-- 66.5 kg.

    Week 11 Goal: 66.5 kg.
    Week 11 actual weight: 66.5 kg. Yay!

    Day 78-03/18-- 66.1 kg. Used an online body fat calculator that used my measurements to tell me I am 31% fat. I realise this is only an approximation and I should get it measured more accurately, but I am not happy with that amount of visceral fat still around my organs - it's deemed "normal" at my age, but what is considered "normal" isn't always healthy, at least in one's 60s. As a senior, a certain amount of allowance for degeneration sneaks in. I would like to get to 25% body fat, so I'm looking to build up some muscle, and I think I will lower my ultimate goal to 60 kg. Another 100 Day Challenge coming up!!??

    Day 79-03/19-- 66 kg.

    Day 80-03/20-- 65.9 kg.

    Day 81-03/21-- 66.1 kg.

    Day 82-03/22-- 66.2 kg.

    Day 83-03/23-- 66.4 kg.

    Day 84-03/24-- 66 kg. I will confess - a fair few no noes have crept into my Lenten fasting. I blame the supermarkets for beginning to stock Easter eggs at the end of January. (Seriously, they were on the shelf before St Valentine's Day.)

    Week 12 Goal: 66 kg.
    Week 12 actual weight: 66 kg. Just 16 days to shed those final 1000 grams (35.2 ounces). Does it make it easier or sound more impressive if I quote a larger number?

    Day 85-03/25-- 66.1 kg. My wrist is playing up which prevents me from doing much knitting which usually helps me cut back on hand to mouth snacking - cos who wants greasy fingermarks on their fabric? plus I have to get to the end of the row before I wander into the kitchen to see what's in the fridge..... I went out three separate times for a walk today to keep me out of harm's way..... and wound up having tea and a bacon sandwich at a cafe! Next time Do,Not.Take.Debit.Card.

    Day 86-03/26-- DNW

    Day 87-03/27-- 66.2 kg.

    Day 88-03/28--

    Day 89-03/29--

    Day 90-03/30--

    Day 91-03/31--

    Week 13 Goal: 65.5 kg.
    Week 13 actual weight:

    Day 92-04/01--

    Day 93-04/02--

    Day 94-04/03--

    Day 95-04/04--

    Day 96-04/05--

    Day 97-04/06--

    Day 98-04/07--

    Week 14 Goal:
    Week 14 actual weight:

    Day 99-04/08--

    Day 100-04/09…..(Final Weigh- In)-
  • noynoyavery
    noynoyavery Posts: 342 Member
    edited March 27
    Start 83kg
    Challenge sw 82kg
    Week 1 80.8kg
    Week 2 80.3kg
    Week 3 79.4kg
    Week 4 78.9kg
    Week 5 78.1kg
    Week 6 78.0kg
    Week 7 78.4kg
    Week 8 77.6kg
    Week 9 77.7kg
    Week 10 76.7kg
    Week 11 77.1kg
    Week 12 76.5kg

    Day 85-03/25--76.2kg keep on going down please!

    Day 86-03/26--76.1kg yes..

    Day 87-03/27--75.9kg really glad to be out of the 76 area even if it's just for one day! Tried on goal 1 trousers, they do up, and are almost at fitting like a glove stage, 3-4lbs or a couple more kg, I recon just in time for spring. They are three quarter sailors trousers with the high waist and buttons. Never been so thrilled about a pair of trousers,but it means I'm almost out of UK 16 and back comfortably into my 14s. Woo!

    Day 88-03/28--

    Day 89-03/29--

    Day 90-03/30--

    Day 91-03/31--

    Week 13 Goal: 76 kg I will get there!
    Week 13 actual weight: