Hi, I'm Suzanne

Hey everyone, my name is Suzanne but most of my friends and family call me Sue. I just wanted to say hello to everyone and be a friend to those who need some accountability, as I need it. My goal is to lose my last 75lbs or so as I'm starting at 225, hoping to get all the way down to 145. I like to take walks and watch my portions mostly. Try and eat healthy, but for someone who likes to snack, that can be tough. If your someone who wants to be a friend, just send me a message/request! Hope you all have a good night and Merry Christmas!


  • loulee997
    loulee997 Posts: 273 Member
    edited December 2023
    Hi Sue,

    Have a great Christmas! Do you have an Aldi's grocery store? They have a dark chocolate and a vanilla dessert hummus. It's made of chickpeas. Only 60 calories for two tablespoons. With pretzels, it's a great sweet snack. Chickpeas have fiber and help with weight loss. Honestly, the chocolate tastes a bit like frosting. I put it with salty pretzels.

    I have better luck with weight loss doing short goals.

    For example, you might set your first goal to get to 215 or 200. It gives you short goals to celebrate. It makes a long journey feel shorter. When you get to 200, you would set the next goal to 180 pounds...and so on.

    I'd also just make small changes at first. Little changes can sometimes make a huge difference. No need to change the world.


    Happy to meet you!

    Lou (LouLee, T, Loucy)... and yes, I'm a girl.