Today is it!

So in mid-August I got pretty sick and fell off the exercise wagon. it's been stupid that I didn't get myself straightened out earlier than this but although miraculously I haven't gained a ton of weight I do notice that the definition I was starting to see is pretty much gone. Now I have to get myself back onto the wagon and off the couch, oh and out of the fast-food rut we've been in in our house recently. today for me is a new beginning...I am going to tackle cleaning my house and try to take my kids and dog (maybe dogs) for a walk after school if I still have the energy. Today I am fixing breakfast, lunch and dinner at home. I am getting back to drinking my water like I should. Today is the day I take responsibility for what goes in my body again and I say it's up to me to decide what to eat and not let my family say let's go to McDonalds!