Is this a good idea?

I'm booked for a half marathon October 13th but I've also seen a couple of 10Ks I would like to do potentially a couple of weeks either side. One is definitely November 17th, the other isn't released yet but it will be in October.

I haven't run far since my 10K at the end of October and haven't run at all for weeks now due to time/injury (non running related) and the weather.

I want to do the 10Ks because its fun, I don't need a PB but one is local which I did last year and I loved seeing people u knew cheering me on and the other is at Alton Towers and I think it would be great to do a run there. There are 5K options for both but I feel like go far or go home.



  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,689 Member
    You have plenty of time to build up your fitness between now and the races. I wouldn't do a hard run race a week before a half, but 2 weeks before shouldn't be a problem as long as you have a good base. Get your weekly mileage up to 35 or more and you'll be good to go.
  • frhaberl
    frhaberl Posts: 145 Member
    I agree with the poster above if you’re following a traditional training regimen. Most have you taper the week before your marathon. That said, there are people who do back to back marathons. Maybe hold off on registering for the October 10K until you get a bit more training under your belt. I have a friend who pushed the training too hard and ended up missing her half marathon because of a stress fracture.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Agree with the responders above. Given that you're not a first time runner, building fitness should be no issue with consistent training. As far as the 10k's, a race two weeks before could simply substitute for your weekly long run (perhaps run at Half Marathon race pace, not 10k race pace) and you'd have plenty of time to shed fatigue before the half. Regarding the 10k that occurs one month after the half, I'd wonder if you'd be as motivated to race that soon after the HM? Again, its not unusual for runners to race again one month post event, but whether its a good idea depends on your overall fitness and risk of injury. If you've got a lot of miles on your legs and know your body, you might be confident in doing this. On the other hand, pushing while not recovered from the Half could lead to an injury.

    Good luck with whatever you decide!