women over 40 - your at-home gear and workouts



  • ginamisa
    ginamisa Posts: 20 Member
    I'm 59 and have been recovering for over a year from gi surgery removing my pancreas, spleen and they had to touch my entire gi system to ensure no twisting, and then sprang a leak 4 days later which entailed reopening me to find it repair it...anyhow thank God am cancer free but am now type 1 diabetic...left the hospital at 186lbs and am now 113..lost weight without even trying...am trying to gain weight....anyhow finally after a year found my appetite again and not in so much pain whenever I eat...need to regain muscle tone as got sooo weak and loose hanging skin.and am now considered malnourished..but can't handle the weakness...arms, legs, butt muscles all gone. Am believing 2024 is going to be my turnaround yr.

    We have the fitness bike, treadmill...as well a kettle bell, dumbells, bunch of yoga mats different thicknesses. As well, before surgery used my VR headset boxing, Supernatural, fitness apps everyday...but been so weak.

    Waiting for the Whole Body Vibration aparatus that is supposed to help rebuild strength, balance and and muscles and bones...we shall see if it works...I need to get kickstarted as couldnt even get up one bleacher at a basketball game due to no muscles in my legs, butt, arms...stomach...couldn't even pull myself forward I was stuck...my granddaughter had to push me thru my stepover as couldn't even step backĺdown as would've lost my balance.

    It's been a tough road still figuring the eating and insulin and pancreatic enzymes medication out...bit think am much better in that arena and now focus in on the getting strength aspect. Lol so got a starfit scale that supposedly breaks down how much fat bot visceral and subcutaneous...muscle, water, protein, skeleton, skeleton muscle levels in your body...as goal is to build muscle and stop losing it. 😀...hopefully in gaining muscle will increase my weight...Dr wants me to weigh no less than 125lbs...she said ideally between 125 to 135lbs. That feels so far away but will be working to gain weight when most of my life been trying to loose weight. Crazy stuff. I miss days when I had no problem over eating lol.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    edited January 11
    ginamisa wrote: »
    I'm 59 and have been recovering for over a year from gi surgery removing my pancreas, spleen and they had to touch my entire gi system to ensure no twisting, and then sprang a leak 4 days later which entailed reopening me to find it repair it...anyhow thank God am cancer free but am now type 1 diabetic...left the hospital at 186lbs and am now 113..lost weight without even trying...am trying to gain weight....anyhow finally after a year found my appetite again and not in so much pain whenever I eat...need to regain muscle tone as got sooo weak and loose hanging skin.and am now considered malnourished..but can't handle the weakness...arms, legs, butt muscles all gone. Am believing 2024 is going to be my turnaround yr.

    We have the fitness bike, treadmill...as well a kettle bell, dumbells, bunch of yoga mats different thicknesses. As well, before surgery used my VR headset boxing, Supernatural, fitness apps everyday...but been so weak.

    Waiting for the Whole Body Vibration aparatus that is supposed to help rebuild strength, balance and and muscles and bones...we shall see if it works...I need to get kickstarted as couldnt even get up one bleacher at a basketball game due to no muscles in my legs, butt, arms...stomach...couldn't even pull myself forward I was stuck...my granddaughter had to push me thru my stepover as couldn't even step backĺdown as would've lost my balance.

    It's been a tough road still figuring the eating and insulin and pancreatic enzymes medication out...bit think am much better in that arena and now focus in on the getting strength aspect. Lol so got a starfit scale that supposedly breaks down how much fat bot visceral and subcutaneous...muscle, water, protein, skeleton, skeleton muscle levels in your body...as goal is to build muscle and stop losing it. 😀...hopefully in gaining muscle will increase my weight...Dr wants me to weigh no less than 125lbs...she said ideally between 125 to 135lbs. That feels so far away but will be working to gain weight when most of my life been trying to loose weight. Crazy stuff. I miss days when I had no problem over eating lol.

    Wow, Gina. You’ve really been through it. Many hugs. You’ve been here long enough I assume you’ve found the “gaining” board?

    Are your healthcare team going to provide you with a physical therapist or someone to give you pro help to rebuild muscle?

    Someone here has a vibration board and just loves it. I’m not certain but I think it’s @BrightEyedAgain
    Brighty, didn’t you get one for your mom, too?

    Could you put those granddaughters to use to help build a stronger, better grandma? I bet they’d be thrilled to be asked. I would have. When I was in loss mode, I had several neighbors who took turns walking me like a dog. The company really helped. I miss that. Those pleasant walks ended with the pandemic.

    Here’s to an awesome, healthy and much improved 2023 for you!!!! 😘