Trying to conceive - weight loss pending

Hi all,

A bit about me -
I'm 26 years old, 5'3 and have PCOS and hypothyroidism. I'm currently around 182lbs.

In 2017 I lost almost 55lbs (181lbs-127lbs) with MFP, I moved to Rome for a year, got into a serious, happy relationship in 2019 and was 191lbs last July.
We've been TTC for almost 4 years, and will be starting IVF at some point this year after a year of failed medical cycles.

To be considered for IVF, we both need to be at a 'healthy' BMI. This is the most motivation I have ever had, so I need to get my *kitten* in gear!
Is there anyone else in a similar situation? Wanting to lose weight to improve chances of conceiving?

Everyone talks about addiction in regards to alcohol and smoking and gambling, but food addiction is a THING and it bloody sucks. Why do we enjoy food so much when it just supposed to be for energy?!

Here's to 2024! B)


  • longfeifengwu
    longfeifengwu Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I’m in a similar boat - needing to lose weight before I can start IVF, also with PCOS and hypothyroidism. It’s such a horrible pressure, isn’t it?
    Does your clinic want a BMI of 30? Mine is 35. Hoping I can lose 1-2 lbs a week and get there by April 🤞🏼.
    I’ll be keeping everything crossed for your fertility journey.
  • HaleCry
    HaleCry Posts: 386 Member
    Hello! I’m in a similar boat - needing to lose weight before I can start IVF, also with PCOS and hypothyroidism. It’s such a horrible pressure, isn’t it?
    Does your clinic want a BMI of 30? Mine is 35. Hoping I can lose 1-2 lbs a week and get there by April 🤞🏼.
    I’ll be keeping everything crossed for your fertility journey.

    Yes, they want BMI less than 30. It’s SO much pressure, but also good motivation. My next appointment should be in April where I’ll be referred to IVF. Fingers crossed for us, we’ve got this!
    How much do you need to lose?

  • NibblezAye
    NibblezAye Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there! Me too!
    I’m 30, been with my partner for 14 years (5years married) 5 years TTC. I’ve got ; PCOS, fibroids, underactive thyroid and pre diabetic. Approved to start IVF under the NHS as soon as I hit the recommended BMI. My clinic wants a BMI of under 27, was 30.5, currently 28.8! Sending love xx