How To Keep Weight Off When Starting The Pill?

Hi, I am 25 yr old, 5'5'' and weigh 10st 10lbs (150lbs).

I am trying to get rid of 10lbs, which have been fluctuating for months. I stopped taking my BC pill (microlite 20mg) back in January, and I only started taking it again 6 days ago, which was 7 days after my period.

I have felt very bloated and fat lol and generally miserable since taking them, which is only 6 days. I was usually 10st 7/8lbs and now I am nearly 11st! It can't be fat weight because I am not eating any more than I have done over the months.

I am trying to cut down at the moment and getting more water and walking in my routine. I don't drink, smoke or have salt, neither do I eat red meat, my only downfall is chocolate but I've not been eating as much as I have done.

I don't know what other BC to take, I thought of the injection but I am not sure if that works straight away?

Anyway, I am wondering if this few pounds is water, fluid or fat weight due to the microlite BC pill I am taking?

Any suggestions?


  • AbstractAsterism
    AbstractAsterism Posts: 153 Member
    I can't speak for a lot of other BCs. I just got my Mirena out, it was giving me nothing but grief. I'm on a low hormone pill now, as in just started today, and it gave me success in the past. I even lost a good deal of weight while on it before I got pregnant.

    I haven't had the injection, but I know two people now who have gotten it and got pregnant (and not finding out until their 3rd-4th month), and several who had bad weight issues.

    It may be fat, it may be your body adjusting to the changes or it may be water. Keep drinking water and walking, and keep track of any changes over a course of maybe a month, that should help you figure it out.

    Good luck!
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
  • Hi, thanks for replying! Yeah, I was worried about the injection because their is no way of knowing with any bleed like with the BC pill.

    I will see how I go until the end of the week, will cut down and just eat my normal healthy meals and less snacks, walking a bit more also and getting much more water in me.

    Hopefully the fluid will subside by the end of the week, if not I will go to my doctor to ask her what else I can use.

    Thank You.
  • for me, it really depends on what pill i'm on. some pills have given me terrible cravings and bloating (but the bloating was usually only for a week or so), and others have actually decreased my appetite. the one i'm on now, Lo LoEstrin Fe has made my appetite almost nonexistent (which sucks because now i'm just trying to maintain!). i really encourage you to talk to your doctor and try a different form of BC because there's no reason you should suffer through that.

    otherwise, just keep monitoring your food as usual. if you see weight gain despite eating the same foods as before, then you know it's water weight or something weird and i wouldn't stress too much unless it increases past 5 pounds or so.
  • i take levora and have been on it for about a year. i asked my doctor if i would gain weight and he said that when you take bc pills you do not gain weight except for the week of your period when your body retains water but then after that your body returns to the weight before (unless you gain weight due to overeating/ lack of excersise) and since i have been on it i have actually lost 30 pounds which i do not attribute to the pill but my change of lifestyle. I think if you go into it thinking that you will gain weight when you are on the pill you will because you make excuses as to why you have put on the extra weight. jmo.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Talk to your doctor about other options. There are other pills that have different levels of different hormones in them that you can try. Aviane worked well for me, but I'm too scatter brained to remember a pill every day. I now use NuvaRing and am fine, but there are also IUDs, Implanon, and, as you said, injections.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    No matter what else you use there, is always a risk of a permanent water weight. However with progesterone only pills this isn't AS likely.

    I went to the doctor about the pill and weight and was told this. He also told me weight gain on microygynon, WAS in fact due to a side effect: Increase in appetite!! I was mortified when I realised I had put on weight through over eating, just just the pill itself. haha!

    You may permanently hold an extra few lbs of a water, but in long run as you continue to lose weight will it really matter?

    I've been on the pill for 8 years. I got lazy with it for 2 months and never took it properly. ( No sex at the time for 4 months so kept forgetting to take it ) then I decided to be become active again at some point, I started taking it perfectly and noticed the instant water weight which has stayed with me for a month now. But I can feel a difference as I continue to lose fat instead. The water wont be as noticeable in another month when I'm another few lbs down.

  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    I was on Yasmin which has a diuretic side effect. Most women experience weight loss on it and I did too. The bad part is that I’ve gained roughly 10 lbs just from quitting it in the last 6 months (I refuse to be on hormones). I’ve gotten it down to +7, but it’s extremely difficult to shed so close to my ideal weight. But honestly, I’d speak to your doctor about this. I can understand the frustration of your weight. I also got the lovely side effects of full blown acne, hair loss, brittle nails to boot. :sad:

    ETA: Taking BC wasn't worth it to me and I wish I never had.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I used the injection for 10 years...never had an issue when I tried to lose weight. Loved not having my was great.

    Switched to Mirena at 35 loved it, had no problem with weight gain except over eating and no exercise and when I put my mind to it I lost weight and again no cycle (loved it again..keep in mind I was anemic and that's why I chose these types)

    I am on my 2nd Mirena and have lost over 30lbs since January, 13 inches in 2months and dropped from a size 15 to an 8...cycling now but I have high iron so that's a good thing too right.

    I think it's just a matter of finding the one that you like the best.
  • Thanks for all your replies! Yeah, I am going to keeping taking my BC pill until the endof this week and I will monitor my food intake maybe even reduce it a little, less chocolate and more walking; if I still see an increase in weight I will go to my doctor to talk about another BC method and what I can do to reduce the bloat, etc.

    Thanks a mill everyone it's great to hear other people understand this problem lol!