Feeling sick while exercising?



  • mgibson52
    When you exercise especially when you are just starting start slow maybe even only five or ten minutes. When you start to feel unwell stop. You will not exercise if you feel sick take it slow and gradual and of course check with your physician. When I started 12 years ago I only did short exercise sessions, now I often do two to two and one half hours.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    I have felt sick while I was exercising. Usually it is when I am pushing myself too hard. You may want to start a little easier. I notice I get a sick feeling if I work out too early in the day too. Something about my digestion process makes me feel so sick if I exercise hard in the morning. If it is not something simple like these things, I would go to a doctor.
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